Everything posted by shiftless
It's all about forgiveness...
What about the JPX E500? They're forgiving and pretty new....
Back with Epon + Roddio and friends!
I gotta say, T, that you are truly amazing! Your club changes...it's like a serial show where I wait in anticipation for next week's episode. Finding the right shaft and pairing it to the right head sounds like a good plan. A driver head demo program...that's what we need!
?s on Mizuno JPX E500 irons
I'm curious. What serial numbers? On all irons? I don't have any... Chris...should I have them?
Roddio Iron Shafts Preview
Well, T, I was going to have the E500's reshafted with the Axiv's, but decided to play a month or two with the stock Mizuno graphite shafts. Glad I waited, because if your review of the Roddio iron shafts is good, I will probably try those instead!
Cart bags
Well...Chris and T have been noticeably silent, soooo....I assume that regarding a great high-end import cart bag....there ain't no such animal. How sad.
Cart bags
Let me preface this by saying that the current crop of tour staff bags are simply gorgeous. But what about J-spec import bags for riders? I'm not looking for a debate regarding the merits of walking a golf course. Personally, I would never lug one of those beauties myself for 18 holes. Simply looking for an import cart (not stand) bag that is functional, beautiful, and protects all the ho equipment I'm starting to accumulate. I know there is a lot of domestic stuff available; Sun Mountain, Datrek, Ogio, Bag Boy, manufacturers, etc. But there's no pizzazz to these offerings. Putting my stuff in one of these bags feels like drinking a 1970 Chateau Margaux out of a paper cup. I was using a Omega bag, but the structural metal dividers make me real nervous...I think that they are responsible for the scratches on my Axiv shafts that are in contact with them. Using an Ogio now but feel that there has to be something better out there. Or maybe riding is rare on Japan courses so there's no need or demand for high-end cart bags....Anyone?
New Titleist Hybrid Bag
But jeez, I keep looking at this bag and it is just gorgeous.......
New Titleist Hybrid Bag
Staff bags, stand bags. Doesn't any Japanese manufacturer make an awesome and functional cart bag?