Shingo Katayama's Asics Golf Shoes
And 2 pairs for me:)
Lightest shaft available?
Also figured that the Grafalloy ProLaunch is available in 45g, probably not that expensive.
Lightest shaft available?
Do you have the prices on those shafts? Can I tip them a bit to make them stiffer if I´m going to have the playing length at 45 or shorter? How much would they stiffen by tiping?
Lightest shaft available?
Noticed that many of the OEM´s have stock shafts in Japan that are 30-40grams. Are any of these super light shafts available to buy, and which is the lightest? I´m looking for feather weighted shafts to build drivers for seniors. Might work to have a super light shaft, and light grip=lighter club with same swingweight=more clubhead speed for senior golfers.
New Taylormade XR Driver
Anyone know the MOI of the XR premium... or the face height, is it a shallow driver to increase MOI? What does the info on the website say.. is it only one version or are there different models?
Golf Digest DRIVER No.1 Shootout 2007
It would be AWESOME if you could post(or email me) ANY tests you have, I´d love that info. Haven´t seen any veritcal MOI measurements ever done on the drivers. Too bad they didn´t have the L4V Cobra in the test, I´d love to see the numbers on that. I also found it interresting seeing the CG placement in the drivers, the Sumo seems to have a pretty high one, and strangely not that deep with the high MOI.. wonder how that´s possible. Please post or email me any and all tests you have... is it possible to subscribe to those mags? A high vertical(x-axis) MOI is good, but usually with it comes a high neck/hosel MOI, that´s not so good. That´s simply a measurement of how much force it takes to turn/close the driver head. The higher the number, the harder it is to square the driver. That´s why many hit their huge headed drivers to the right, the much higher hosel MOI than their other clubs makes them leave it open. It´s not great for many players and a nightmare for slicers.
Golf Digest DRIVER No.1 Shootout 2007
What are these MOI numbers? Is it horizontal MOI and the higher number is it not the hosel MOI(which means you want a LOW number, hot a high one!). There is no measurement for vertical MOI is there?
EPON New E.M.B. Driver
The Burner is a generation old really. The max CGB TM will have higher, and what about the Cobra L4V and the Sumo2 5900 when it comes out. How is the face size/depth on this driver compared to others? The CG looks high? How much does it weight? Does it use any face technology?
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