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Everything posted by DoubleAA

  1. Zip7111 How do like your LFE? I went to reshaft mine and during testing the head in a new shaft I caved in the head and was really upset. I really missed this club, now I own a TMade 580. Love the distance I get form the 580 but I had a total control club in the LFE! Still upset. Got any PIC's of the Combo set? Sounds like a good setup to me, I like anything TList!
  2. DoubleAA replied to chainsaw's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    I am looking for a PT 13 or 15, can you spot a shot of that for me? 8)
  3. You are very correct and that is the normal spec's. I have dropped my club head from 9.5 to a 7.5, ClbHdSpeed is at 140+ BllSpeed is at 200+ I have an average carry of 320+. I get better results from the 11 - 13 degree angle. I find if I re-arrange my set up and produce a higher launch angle I get excessive back spin, to low and I skim my ball accross or 20 feet off the ground. I generate optimum and far less back spin with a lower face angle adn staying within 11-13. My swing coach is perplexed as well, he says the distance I get is PURE ball speed, he has told me that I have an uncanny ability to get very low RPM's.
  4. DoubleAA replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I don't have a problem with the divots, I have a problem with keeping them consistent, I attempt the same as DV has said. Sergio plays the same way, he visualizes literaly trying to drive the ball into the ground and creating a divot on the front side of the ball position. Using Divot Mat as a reference.
  5. DoubleAA replied to shmutz's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Shmutz I recommend the Graphite Design YS-7 Stiff, or the Penley ETA Stiff. Both of these shafts I individualy found release well and provide a great launch angle between 11 and 13 degrees, both get the ball airborn quick and both also were designed specifically for larger 400CC + heads. You may find something totaly different, there are tons of choices you could find that work, the Aldila NV is a very popular shaft. I am sure it is a little rough considering your swing speed, the shafting specs for individual swings are demanding and require a lot of thought. It took me 2 months to get the correct combination for my 983K and 580. In both shafts I went with TSX (X-Stiff) for the GD and XX-Stiff for the Penley. I have shortend them to 44.5 inches and found increased and solid ball contact + accuracy and no loss of distance or tempo compared to a 45" - 46" inch shafts. Best of luck to you!
  6. DoubleAA replied to SHADY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Shade: Take half step back, let your wrists flex and relax and swing level at 90* degrees, do this ten times as if you were swinging a basball bat(level) . Let the club come all the way around and let it almost hit you and return it to the other side L to R, keep arms extended, left arm completly straight. Just as Mark does above. This will help with swing plane and feeling the weight of the club for comfort as it whips through the moment of impact. Perform this slowly and leave your hand & wrist relaxed until you bring it through the impact zone, your hands will tighten naturally. Swing 10 times> Hit 1 Ball, Swing 9 times> hit 1 ball. repeat until you get to 1 swing > hit 1 ball. This will help swing, plane, grip, and muscle memory. Try this, I use it all the time during practice. Don't over do it, hit 10 balls. Hit your driver after you go through all your Irons and Woods.
  7. Livin large at 11* to 13*.
  8. What..... a $1000.00 Re-re-re-retard. That my friend is just wrong, for a 1g I expect that club to improve my life let alone my golf game. The day I demo'ed the club there were about 4 at that time in store and they were let's just say, unseen by customers eyes. My friend Greg was able to keep one, another 1 was left at the store for show purposes and the last 2 were sent back to Titleist .
  9. Mainline golf in Malvern, PA had a few and they hit really NICE! 8) For a driving iron it has a large hitting area. Typical Titleist quality, well built and very accurate. Worth whatever they ask for it, of course free to the Tour Player. The owner @ Mainline has many PGA connections, I bought a TMade 580 there used by Rich Beem. He wanted something less stiff and pretty much just gave it away. I bought it for $150.
  10. I wish I was a RED Swimsuit! :cry: Oh how I wish! ;puppy
  11. ;rofl I know where Pete is coming from and I do like the time alone now and then, but just the same I was not into golf only 3 years ago until I went out with some friends. I had a natural feel for the game and just really was taken aback when I stepped out onto the course with a clear mindset. Just to be out and smell the fresh grass early in the morning with a cool breeze while staring down a long Par 4. I became a GOLFER!! The only thing better then whoopin up a golf ball is EE(S) EE(E) EE(X). 8)
  12. I guess D-1 is pretty practice intensive. She still plays every now and then but as far as having any competitive drive for practice or competition it's gone. She can still not play for six months and go out and shoot 80 from the blue tees. C 8) 8) l thing is, you guys have something in common. Hope she finds that drive again, I wish my wife would show a tad of interest!!
  13. Burned out after 4 years??? She does not want to be outplayed by her man is all that is. I am a Bears man myself, I like Texas but as far as the teams, sorry bra but all i can say is castrate'em
  14. I have no support, she knows I am decent for only playing 3 years but I get no love, I have a full sponsor from a golf store down here for LD events and she thinks it will cost me too much money to participate. "You are wasting your time and our money" Pure BRUTALITY. Shoot, If the Eagles go all the way, Philly would be leveled by stupid a$$ phans.
  15. What does your Wife/Girlfriend think of Golf :?: Do you have support to play or to stay away :?: My wife hates the game. Waste of Time :roll: Waste of Money :x Waste of Land. :evil: Loves Football, ;let_it_all_out Go Eagles ;cussing Can I get some love!
  16. Been to Vegas 6 years straight for Baseball, never played the slots or tables I was 18 then. :roll: Never had the chance to play golf, too young know any better and was to busy chasing chickies. 8) Have not been back since, bring up a Vegas Vacation every year with my wife and she will have no part of it. :cry: She sees that all I want to do is play some stix. :D :D :D
  17. dropped my driver from 46 to 44.5 a few days ago and lost nada Gained 40% more accuracy. :D :D :D 8) No problems with swing speed, has not dropped but actually increased 4 - 5 mph. I am overly happy.
  18. Welcome JS, nice set, TM's look sharp. 8) Use the 580 myself and looking at hooking up with the TM RAC Combo's or MB's. :D Played TList and Mizuno's before and received better results with TMade. Better speed-rated setup than all others.
  19. I am not sure what is going on but I know I am adding them right. People have to see the pic's I submitted, it is a sin if they go unseen. John B's expression say's it all.
  20. Don't move, A fly A$$ just landed on that chair http://www.musclemag.com/gallery/showphoto...&sort=1&cat=531
  21. When does the picnic begin?? ;bat http://www.musclemag.com/gallery/showphoto...&cat=531&page=2 Not working for me! The girl is, the Image is not.
  22. DoubleAA replied to HipCheck's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Yep. Don't know how the Canadians do it, b/c my swing is super rusty after 3 months off. I can only imaging 4+ months out of commission... I hate RUST!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  23. DoubleAA replied to HipCheck's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Relax your wrist some, if you can let your wrist release you will get your Freddie type swing a lot more head speed. (power) From Address, go frame by frame to the 14th frame. Just out of your wind up, it looked as though you have started to "CAST" and stayed almost as 1 piece and stiff coming down through the ball slowing your momentum. Relax your arms and let the club fall, do not worry about timing, the club will release by force at the optimum impact point. Reverse pivot was throwing you off from there. Just a guess, did the ball hook slight left?
  24. Mostly from Baseball I use the interlock grip for more feel and release. I tried overlap but I just could not get comfortable with after several rounds.