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Everything posted by leekuosing

  1. Any center shafted option on the mallet putters?
  2. I 'm 5'7" and my 12 * EMB uses the stock shaft in R flex D0 45.5" 297 grams. Prior to this my TM R7 460 & Burner TP were 44.75" both D0 using TM Rombax 55 gram shafts. My 460 ZR is 45" D0. I thought 45.5 would be difficult to control and hit consistently but lo and behold its the most consistently straight and easy to hit among the lot. No such thing as tight fairway. Only thing with the EMB is that I can't go anywhere but straight; which is actually a plus in my case. This is why I have the 460ZR around. I see you have the AF101 already. Been thinking about getting one of those. If you can live with the sound of the EMB, its a great club to have. Hope this helps. All the best. Herb
  3. I'm going back on the fairway tomorrow and will give it another go. I'll see what it is in my swing that could also cause a duck hook. Maybe i'm coming over the top when I go full blast. What do you think of the Roddio W5BA on the Yamaha? Herb
  4. That's what puzzles me since you and I have about the same swing speed (mine is 87). The specs for the shaft state its for 38m/s or 85mph. My Technity 9.5 with Roddio W5BA doesn't duck hook when I let it rip. It will tend to go to the left but not like the Yamaha w/ 6Y08 that really duck hooks. I'm thinking of reshafting this with a Roddio W5BA or GD Tour AD MD 5. What do you think? I don't have experience with the other shafts on offer. I'm quite happy with my EMB fitted with stock Tour AD, my CV pro with GD Tour AD W-60 and my Roddio W5BA on the 460. Herb
  5. I recently purchased a Yamaha Inpres X 4.6V with Fujikura Rombax 6Y08 shaft D1 R flex 45". I was checking the Fujikura website and couldn't find anything on the 6Y08 series shaft. The Yamaha website doesn't show that this driver is available R flex. I purchased mine in Singapore from their authorized distributor here which could account for the availability of the driver in R flex. Does anyone have any specs for the 6Y08 shaft? Does anyone have any feedback on this driver? My Epon EMB with stock Tour AD R flex, lets me grip it and rip it and somehow the ball goes straight or at its worst a slight draw. The Yamaha requires some concentration and good technique in order to get the ball to go where you want. If i grip it and rip it like my EMB, I get a hook. The harder and faster I swing, the greater the hook. If I consciously ease off a bit and keep my release a bit longer after impact with the Yamaha; the ball goes virtually anywhere i choose. This driver is really workable. The distance on a solid hit is a bit further that my EMB but I haven't spent as much time on this driver as I have with the EMB. I guess it's a matter of confidence. I have no reservations in using my EMB over water, cliffs and any hairy stuff. It just goes straight and safely across anything the golf course architects throw at me. I can't say the same of any other club including my Technity 460. If only Epon could improve the sound of the EMB then that would be something awesome. I hope that I develop as much confidence with this Yamaha as I have with the EMB. This way I can exploit the best characteristics of both these great drivers. http://forum.tourspecgolf.com/style_im...cons/icon32.gif http://forum.tourspecgolf.com/style_im...cons/icon32.gif Herb
  6. I currently use a TM XR titanium and Callaway ERC Hot fairway wood and have no problems getting the ball straight and airborne with stock shafts. I can't somehow get the same result from the G fields.
  7. I'm looking for a shaft for the G field fairway wood. The original designed by graphite design shaft is totally unusable for me. I've replaced it with a pershing shaft and it's marginally better. My swing speed is 87mph and I have a tendency to fade. I'm looking for a shaft that can get the ball airborne fast and minimize the fade.
  8. Does anyone know if Gold's can refinish their irons and wedges. I mean rechrome irons and reblue wedges?
  9. I just purchased a td+19 & 21with a R-Flex RC U-flow Mitusbishi Rayon shaft. I noticed that this club has a tendency to slice. I'm wondering if its the shaft that's causing this. I usually use a TM Rescue Dual TP with Diamana R-flex shaft with no slice. Any thoughts and suggestions?
  10. My Taylor Made R7 460 TP is Japanese Spec. Swing speed is guesstimate. 220 yard is total yardage on average.
  11. I need a shaft recommendation for the 9.5 Epon 460 I use a TM R7 TP 460 10.5 D1 Swing Speed (mph or m/s) 90-100 Driver distance (yds) 220-230 Tempo (Slow, Reg, Fast) Reg Transition (Smooth, Average, Aggressive) Average Wrist lag (Minimal, Average, Lots) Average Usual ball flight (Low, Medium, High) Medium Desired Flight (Low, Medium, High) Medium Desired Weight (60g, 70g, 80g range) 50-60 Bad shot (Right or Left) right Current shaft specs (if available) TM/Fujikura TP Rombax 50gr R flex What are you looking for in a shaft - distance and accuracy I am pretty happy with the performance of my TM R7 460. I can keep the ball on the fairway. I tend to fade a bit when I get tired so any shaft that resists fading will be a plus. I also would like more distance and a low to medium flight.