Everything posted by superbowl
Golds Factory vs Kramski
Okay, thank you for the more detailled informations, so .. i think i will send you a pm with a picture of what i like most on a golds putter (will make a collage in photoshop - i am really confused with all the options) Regarding my ip-adress ... thats nearly impossible ... i am a private user using t-mobile dsl ... so i will get a different ip every time i an online ... (and mybe another one when i am online via my iphone) - and i can´t imagine kramski has only a dialup internet access. So .. just give me a few minutes ... Superbowl
Golds Factory vs Kramski
Ok, ok, maybe i would have reacted the same way a few month ago, but since i first saw kramski on a huge demo day and hit serveral balls ... i gathered all informations about this company, because the feel during impact was fantastic and .. the alignment aid .. worked very well. A few years ago i had a cameron studio design and .. i really didn´t like it .. currenty i play Yes ! and sometimes an Odyssey, but the kramski really was a much higher level. But .. reading so much positive feedback about Golds .. thats the reason why i am going to choose between Golds and Kramski. So .. i really would appreciate anyone who has hit both of them. (The prices of both putters are so high, that i´d like to avoid experiments or even an unlucky buy ;-)
Golds Factory vs Kramski
Just a short answer to Mjr. Diarrhea ... i think your comparisons are a little arrogant - cos only looking for facts, i can make anther comparison: : Kramski - high tech precisly cnc milled from Germany : Golds - made in Japan So .. may i say Kramski compares to Golds like Porsche to Mazda ? I don´t think so, but you do without any knowledge of Kramski. Superbowl
Golds Factory vs Kramski
Hi, sorry, i just thought i could find some people with a wider knowledge here - and more open to new ideas. Kramski for sure makes the most precisly cnc-milled putters available (and they have a really perfect alignment help in the 325). From the costs they are indeed in another league than golds, there they play in a higher league. The point behind my question was the difference between hand-made vs most-precisly-cnc-milled (and i am pretty sure that the only thing where cameron is superiour to kramski is the marketing) Sorry guys, if you never heared of Kramski - thats a shame. And sorry for the link in the wrong form, but i am sure you all are able to fix it. Superbowl
Golds Factory vs Kramski
Hi, to finish my new bag, i need a new putter. After searching the web, i come to Golds Factory or Kramski. (see http://www.kramski-putter.com) Anyone who played both and can give a comparison ? Best regards Superbowl
Miur CB-1005, 1006, 3002, 3003
Hi, i cant´t tell the exact differences between these models, but i had the same question a few weeks ago. After reading every piece of information available i went for the CB 3002, which arrived yesterday. The heads look really nice and i think i have made the right decision. I will post a complete review after my clubs are assembled, which will be at the end of next week. My clubs will be moi-matched instead of beeing swingweight-matched ... so ... i hardly can wait to hit them on a range. Review will follow.
Miura irons - which one to buy ?
And .. what about the passing points 9001 ? - Superbowl
Miura irons - which one to buy ?
Hi, i´d like to buy a set of miura iron heads to start the winter-"practice". My favorite is one of the folling miura heads, they are all offered by tourspecgolf. - Miura CB-3003 - Miura CB-3002 - Miura CB-1006 or - because i heared some good comments on them - the - Kyoei Golf Vega -V-Cavity. But i am not sure, which model will be the best for me. I have read the descriptions on tourspecgolf, but the deteilled informations come in japanese. The 3003 is referred as for "the lower handicap player", the 3002 (which looks like nearly the same iron top me) doesn´t have the recommendation. The 1006 look for me, like they have the smallest cavity of all these 3 models - are they the hardest to hit ? The Vega is in this list, because i heard good things about Kyoei and the head is very clean, without colored paintings. So .. where are the differences in these irons - which one to buy ? Oh, a few details to my person ... right now i have hcp 14, but ... i will really try to lower it to 9.x in the next season. Most propably i will use project x 6.5 shafts in anyone of these irons. Best regards, Stefan
Miura CB-201's
hi, the same here. I want to buy a set of miura irons (heads only preferred) So ... if still available, drop me a pm. Best wishes Stefan PS: i am from germany ..to .. it is an intl shipping