Gd sf shaft = ? Gd Driver shaft?
I would appreciate any info on which driver shaft from gd could be a comparable match in spec and profile with the sf wood shaft from gd. Something that plays and feels like the sf shaft. Liking the sf a lot right now. Thank you.
Any difference in shaft properties for EV-6 and SF-6
By this time you may have already installed either shaft in a 3wd... but if you haven't yet, I hope this helps. I have EV6 and SF6 on same model two separate 3wd heads. EV6 will launch higher. EV6 will be stiffer overall but lighter in total weight than SF6 on a 3wd. In other words, SF6 will be slightly heavier but softer feeling when swung and at impact. Id recommend sf6 if you want a mid high trajectory flight and smooth feeling shaft for a swing tempo that is not over 105mph(driver). Would not recommend EV6 for 3wd. Too stiff for people who prefer low 60's high 50g's weight class shaft on a 3wd. Maybe EV7 for a faster ss player who usually play high 60g's shaft on 3wd. Go with SF6 if you play mid 60g's shaft (installed weight, not raw weight;sf6 is a fairway shaft that is shorter raw than a shaft that is made for a driver) on 3wd and prefer stiff to regular flex shaft. EV6 is a great driver shaft but not a good fairway wood shaft imo. EV7 is a good fairway on the other hand. Also, even though the SF6 is heavier installed, you would be able to feel the head weight better than the EV6 due to how its balanced.
VooDoo to GD Assistance Needed
M series
Graphite Design EV Series Shafts
Actually, the spin rate for md was about 100-200 higher than ev on average. The launch angle was definitely higher, on average, for the EV at about 0.5 to 1.5 degrees. With both on 9.5 degree heads, the md came out to about 14 on average and the EV at 15. Since the heads are different, md on ft5 and ev on 909d2, but with same lofts, I cannot state that the MD is definately higher spinning, because the callaway head for a lot of people seems to spin more even with different shafts installed. Also, I am not an iron byron so my average data on hits should not be looked into or trusted entirely, even when I did hit a lot of shots, thanks jeff, and calculated the average for the good hits on the vector software. However, I can say for sure that in my observations and collected data that the EV does launch higher, like it is designed to do, on the launch monitor and outdoors. I guess the main differences between the shafts are kickpoint location and maybe butt end feel, and they contribute to the Ev's higher launch and tigher dispersion. Can't say much for sure on spin rate and distance.
Graphite Design EV Series Shafts
EV6, compared to Md6, is more stable and actually easy to load even with lower torque. Somehow EV 5 and 6, although being tighter, feels better, smoother, for me than the md6 and pt5. Tighter dispersion and also harder to hit drastic cuts left and right. EV 6 does have less kick than ev5 but the extra stability of the shaft throughout swing is nice. No problems hitting draws and fades with EV5 and 6 but the md6, in my experience, favors the fade. Have tried ev6 and md6 on a launch monitor and both had simliar low spin rates. Both great shafts and no big differences in the total distance throughout but ev is probably tighter in dispersion. Can't wait to try GD SF shafts.
Carbon shaft Recommendations for Epon AF701 please!
She hits her 7 iron 135 to 140 yards and she is 5'6" in height. So I am thinking it is okay to have a 37.75" 5 iron and flatten 1.5 to 2 degrees. She is a bit lanky so I was thinking about going a bit softer than R. After reading the input, thank you, I am leaning more towards 7E06 R soft step with tourad 75R soft step in wedges 50 and 56, or bassara R with tourad 65R #10 in wedges. I wonder how bassara in R play in relation to tour ad 65R. She has GD UT55 in R in her hybrids and she hits them well even though they are quite tight. Wedges maybe J-spec II since it has about the same bounce as af 701 and it can be bended weak, if needed, due to the low bounce. Hmm it is difficult to fit a lady golfer. I guess in the end it all goes down to feel... I guess that is why a lot of mid to low capping female golfers just get JDM clubs with stock shafts for seniors and get used to them. Saying that, another option is onoff mens irons in R. But I think that there is no fun in that and it may be too light. Need some weight to get on plane.
Carbon shaft Recommendations for Epon AF701 please!
My sister is thinking about getting the Epon AF 701 irons 4-p but cannot decide on the shaft. She is playing 65g L flex shafts on irons right now and her driver shaft is xcon4 A flex. I have recommended and believe that these 3 models may be a good match for her: Mitsubishi bassara Regular at 64g and 3.4 torque mid bend, GD tour-ad 65 67g R 2.7 mid, and Rombax 6E08 60.5g R2 3.5 low/mid. I was wondering if soft stepping graphite shafts make any difference. If so, tour ad and bassara might work even in R flex. Maybe soft step once. She really needs A flex or R2 and something in the mid 60 grams. I was wondering if anyone can give any insight into how these three models play and feel on cavity backs. Tour ads are preferred but I am concerned they might be a little hard to load due to the low torque, 2.7. However, she does have a fast transition up top so it might work. Bassara may work well and it has the desired profile but it is in R flex. Rombax may be a little light. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
Graphite Design EV Series Shafts
Just as said. I have an EV5 stiff on a 909D2 9.5 and the launch and trajectory is quite high but with a nice flat apex. Lower spin than expected and carries far. It may also be the performance of the head. Light shaft, EV5, with a bit of torque but very tight and uniform during swing shift. Comparable to the Matrix Xcon5 but with slightly more kick on impact. Xcon5 seems to be very smooth during impact and launches on a constant elevating arc but ev5 has a slight kick on impact and launches high from the start. I'm not sure if that seems like a good attribute but I am satisfied with the distance and playability with the head combo.
Shafts for Hybrids- GD UT series still the king?
I posted in another similar thread, but I think UT85 is still at the top. I haven't tried the fuji hybrids but I don't think any new shaft any soon would be able to beat the gd tour ads. It would be interesting to see new hybrid shafts from gd though. Or maybe a 79gram ut75 mid kick would be nice to try. ut65 is good too but a tad bit too light and I think a mid kick swings better in hybrid length clubs than the low kick ut 55 and 65. If I can only find a 3wd shaft that is close to a tour ad ut...
For a hybrid - 904HB vs UT-85 vs altus vs bassara?
Have tried the bassara hybrid, altus hb, xcon8h, ut85 ut65, javln, accra hybrid shafts, but not the 904hb. In terms of feel, ut 85 wins over all and altus hb comes second. UT85 is most consistent and just easy to hit. Trajectory is mid to mid high in my rapture hybrids. I also had the bassara in the rapture but it was subpar to the ut85. Bassara didn't feel smooth nor consistent; felt kind of springy. I would recommend the altus hb too just because it has a nice smooth feel although it is in a heavier category of 90's grams. Kind of tricky to get the right flex with matrix shafts though. With the fourteen hybrids, I wouldn't go with bassara. Why don't you try the altus hb since you have a ut85 already.
Bridgestone Science Eye Portable
The four black pads are "pads" for protecting the device from ground surface. Just attach one or two on the bottom surface. I bought it and the extra magnets last year but didn't get the software. It seems that it is consistant in its readings but when compared to readings from trackman, etc..., the science eye reports ss around 3 to 4 m/s faster. I have a ss of 93 to 100 in shop, with a driver, but when I try the science eye portable at the range it comes out as 100-115 mph. It may have a general error in caliberation but it detects changes in swing speed well so it is pretty good imo. It don't think the swing direction meter is that accurate. What I want to know is, would that magnet attached to the toe have any real influence on the weight bias of the head? I doubt it but maybe if I stick enough magnets onto the head's toe, for example, I can make it a fade bias. I don't know what good that would do, but its just a thought.
Fujikura Rombax Z series
I've demoed 5z08 in R and S on a G5 10.5 head and a TM CGB Max head and they definitely weren't 3.2 torque. The 5z08's I tried were US distribution shafts and I'm sure the US Fujikura site has incorrect specs. Someone should write to them about it. Its only hurting their marketing and sales. I doubt there are two types of the same shaft line.
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