Calling All Miura Experts
I have 5003/1007 y grind/2007 I would say 2007 is really forgiving and soft. 1007 on the other hand feels a bit more firmer with a bit more epon feel vs 5003's butterly feel. I would rank 1007 forgiveness to be only slightly higher than 5003. Off center strike distance is better but u would still feel ur misses completely. 2007 on the other hand is quite easy vs the other two while still having the miura look (thin topline and lesa offset).
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
It's really a good offer to be honest considering it's 9.9/10 condition, except that tiny chip within the weight port which can be fixed easily with touch up paint. This head will remain one of the longest driver in a while (and has been probably the longest in past years ever since it's introduced). At this price point I'm already having doubt whether if I should just keep it (but I have already way too many drivers on hand)... :(
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Last offer... and this is really my bottom line for the head... USD$450 gifted...
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Asking 500 shipped now.... really a bargain.... Someone please grab it so I can get a Gold's putter from Tario :)
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Robb, why not make me an offer and we will get that head and make it your white mamba :)
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Pics below. As you can see, the condition is really quite new, the only place is a tiny chip within the weight hosel when I tried to change it (not visible). You may even leave finger print at the sole~~~ And on the face it's dusts, not scratches...
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Bought this head from Tario couple month back. Jbeam FX-435 (White),Condition as new (1 round + 1 range session). Includes original white head cover (new, never used). 10.5" true loft with square face. Ordered the head at 196g, but have extra weights (factory) just in case if you want to make it heavier. SOLD
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
Xerobound, wanna do a video review on this babe when you have a chance? Very interested to see what you think of it vs other head you've played. :)
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
Btw, in terms of forgiveness, if the sweet spot for the old 435 is size of a quarter, 435r more like a Canadian dollar size. I think average golfer would enjoy the 435r much more. It still requires quite a solid hit to really make the fx435 outperform vs other more forgiving heads like epon 152. It's like right between 435fx and 152. Runs much better than 152 with similar carry, but at slight less forgiveness. But slightly more forgiving than 435 with similar flight (probably 0.5 degree higher I would say).
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
Ball flight definitely lower with better dispersion. But after getting so used to the tj46, swinging the tj80 8.2 makes it feel quite tiring lol. My 7i is about 90-91...but I feel like I need that extra 5mph to handle the 8.2. I would say 7.7 makes it a perfect combo... I had a friend of mine who swings at 118-120 driver ss, the combo is definitely a killer. Super penetrating ballflight vs tj46. Ball goes out face extremely hot with penetrating flight and super heavy (if u know what Im trying to say, like wind seems not much of a factor...) Anyone interested for a trade? a Just installed with one range session.
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
I think you will like it. I've now gamed both the FX 435 and 435R for a while now, the 435R is actually slightly more forgiving. The ball flight are quite similar though, sound wise too. They both launch mid trajectory for me with very penetrating ball flight. Unfortunately I wasn't able to compare them with the same shaft side by side. I originally shafted the 435R with CB46 8.1 but later pulled it out to put on the FX435 (b/c of the white shaft, white head combo). The 435R is now on TJ80 8.2, which plays a bit stiff for me. So tempted to get another C46 8.1 to go with it... Anyone interested for a trade?
Xerobound Have you tried the Mizuno MP63? How does it play against the Romaro H? The reason I asked is because I want to get a slightly forgiving iron set (vs mp5003). I was very tempted to wait until the Mizuno MP64 to come out and place a custom set through Tario. But now looking at the Romaro, seems like it's the answer. I wanted a relatively small head with thin top line (I guess Mizuno can grind it on custom orders). I love how blade feels and look, but need more forgiveness on the 3-4 irons on launch if not hit solid.
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
Ok, brought it to the course today. The performance is as expected. Huge carry, but rolls is okay. But it probably has to do with my swing as my drive tend to have slight fade. And I believe the head is slightly open at +1 degree. The combo is definitely anti-left. With aggressive release, I was getting straight to slight draws. I normally carry my ball about 265-270, but this combo gave me the longest carry I'd imagine, somewhere around 280. The ball flight is excellent, mid trajectory while very penetrating without ballooning. When I tried drawing the ball slightly (which went straight), I carried about 280 with about 20 yard roll. Which is quite significant. On a particular par 4, It surpassed my previous long drive record by about 10-15 yards (Epon 152 + TJ80 combo). The sound of the head is a bit different than at the range. By no mean it's loud or high pitched nor is it muted. It's just about right. Wouldn't call it the best pitch I've heard but it's pleasant enough. And by the way, the head is actually quite easy to launch. I was able to launch the ball nicely with huge carry. I tee up half ball above club face, and definitely not a high hitter, but was able to launch the ball nicely with ease. :) Now hopefully they would let me buy the demo head~~~~
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
Yes it's conforming :)
Jbeam 435R review - this shxt is crazy...
Free... b/c it's not mine :) I'm trying to buy it off though... lol
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