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  1. Hey guys! I'm still alive, in Iowa, but still alive. Mike, great to hear you're doing well! I need to do some reading catch up on this post but it looks like everyone is well. BTW, I haven't bought a new set of irons in over a year. My Joe K'd J33 combos are just that good. The driver is a different story but they never behave.
  2. I was in Vegas last weekend. Totally overrated :tsg_smiley_yes: It's gonna be 90 in Dallas on Sunday hopefully I can sneak in a round. I just hit platinum on AA so the miles are coming boys. BTW, if you hit executive platinum one of the perks is a guaranteed seat on sold out flights as long as you give them 24 hours advance notice. Remember that next time you get bumped.
  3. Congrats on winning the wedge!!! Hope all you guys are doing well. I'm hanging in Iowa during the week these days and going to Dallas on the weekend. It's been pretty taxing but it's a great work experience. It looks like it might be turning into golf season so I'll have to bring the sticks up. I guess I can have a Dallas bag and a Des Moines bag. Good thing I have 9 million sets of irons just sitting around. Talk to you guys soon.
  4. Awesome contest. Count me in please.. :)
  5. Could be Putter Monster. Pretty sure they have Gauge USA, not positive about Gauge Japan though. It's off of Ft. Apache and 215, near Summerlin. It'd be a decent cab ride from the strip. They do have a pretty good Cameron Collection if that's your cup of tea.
  6. The G2 is seriously legit. It's a bomber! I've been drooling over the G5 for a few weeks but have somehow resisted the urge to pull the trigger. The Cally is holding a firm place in the bag suprisingly. I've started hitting the gym again so that ought to add another 50 yards at least to the driver. I'll be at 350 in no time :wink: Mike, hope you're doing well. Do you guys have AOL IM? The chat hasn't been so efficient lately.
  7. Dang, I'm jealous! I can't even score a hole in one on a par 3. My biggest claim to fame is holing out for eagle once. On a side note, I think the irons are set but the putter could become a revolving door. I've never putted so poorly in my life, I'm actually considering going belly. Anything would improve what I've got going now.
  8. Hello Ladies! Great to see you're doing ok Mike. Hope everyone else is doing well. Andy, x-14ps cheap PM me if you want them. My latest is a nice set of J-33 combos with tour concepts, HOT. We'll see if they last longer than two weeks :spit: The putter is under the gun though, not putting so hot. The greens just don't break in Texas. I keep looking for the Stratosphere to judge break.
  9. It's stormed pretty hard here this afternoon as well. The rain was nice to get though. Got a round scheduled for Saturday at Rio Secco, this will be my first time to play out there so I'm pretty excited. Check out the new bag pics on wrx, you can even see the rare occurence of rain in the desert.
  10. I snuck in 18 this morning while the weather was borderline nasty. It stormed like nobody'd business around three this morning and was pretty nasty until 10ish. Got to the course at 10:45 and got in a solid 18 in 2:30. Gotta love the private clubs. Anyways, it was the first round with the X-Tours. Shot a really smooth 80 which ain't bad for TPC. I've never been able to figure out the greens there. They are waaay in my kitchen. Shot a 38 on the front and absolutely folded like a lawn chair on 16-18, I went double-double-bogey. You can't say I'm not a closer :blackeye: Pulled drive on 16 right into the brush, one in the water on 17 and a smooth 3 putt on 18. The new sticks performed admirably, the only complaint I had with them was the sole was a bit big when going at the ball out of the wet rough. Luckily, we don't have to deal with wet rough too frequently out here. The J-33R was another solid addition to the bag. I really loved the way the head felt. I'm still not going to be singing the praises of the NV-65. I'm just not a fan of the shaft. I might have to find a nice NV-75 somewhere or get my hands on another Accra T70. The last addition was the two ball white steel. I have to give it a so-so grade. I also got a DFX two ball that I think may win the battle of the two balls.
  11. 115 is hot regardless of the humidity, dry heat my ass :spit: It is storming tonight though. Baby showers galore this weekend for the little lady so I'm going be kicking it on the couch big time. It's sad when you don't even want to go out and try to score anymore.
  12. I can't wait to catch the infomercial. We have a budding star on our hands :cool: I'm totally bummed that I'm not going to be able to hit my new sticks yet. Major depression is starting to set in. Maybe if it cools off one afternoon this weekend I'll be able to sneak out.
  13. I haven't been out of bed all week. I've been pretty under the weather and couldn't even think about getting out in this great 115* heat we're having. I'm feeling a little bit better this afternoon so hopefully there's light at the end of the tunnel. I got some sweet stuff in the mail this week so I'm dying to get out and give everything a test drive. Maybe I'll be able to get out next weekend but it ain't looking good so far. I have been dominating the tables at Full Tilt though. I'd be up @ 200 bucks this week playing in 5 and 10 sit and go's if Kristin hadn't raided my computer all liquored up on Friday night. While I was on my deathbed she was busy attempting to be the next Amarillo Slim. She failed. I've gotten some back but let's just say the account is now password protected :whistle:
  14. I've actually considered trying out a DOC, just not the 17. I was thinking more along the lines of the 12.5. I'm going to try out a J33 until more of the FT-3's are around. I'm suprised nobody lost a finger on the fourth. I know I probably should have. We put on a 45 minute fireworks show over the stock pond. We went to the fireworks stand and had our own personal shopper. They filled up three grocery carts with mortars and crazy packaged stuff. Then used propane torches to light the fuses and it took 45 minutes to go thru everything with three of us lighting continuously. I'm sure it was quite a sight in the Ohio cornfields. It's nice to just stay home for a few weeks, I doubt I'm walking out of my house this weekend
  15. The scenery is rather amazing isn't it :cool: I always love going to the airport because that's where the highest concentration of them is it seems. Ohio sucks! I don't see how anybody could live there. I played a round at Shawnee Country Club which was pretty nice. I had to use a set of thrown together clubs. 704's w/S-300's, Vokey Wedges and Titleist 905T and 904 3 wood. Not bad for a thrown together set. It wasn't too bad of a set up other than the putter, an Anser2. I just can not putt with conventional putters any more. The greens were really nice and the course was in good shape. The greenskeeper must have gotten dumped the night before because the pin placements were rough. I kept hitting hole high right and having a longer 2nd putt than first because the ball would miss the hole and roll down the hill to the front of the green. It's was ugly, thought I was in a US Open for a little while. The X-Tours should be here any day now. Just trying to decide what putter I want and what driver to go with. I'm torn between a 454 or a FT-3 in the driver slot and then a white steel or a dfx two ball.