Bo Jackson Taylormade Tour story:
Bo Jackson was in town for the SEC Championship this weekend (I live outside of Atlanta) and played the last 2 days at my course. I got to meet him this morning, and he played 18 with three other guys. When they finished they were all raving about how incredibly nice he was.
Apparently he hit some monster drives and one of the other guys in the group asked him what kind of driver he was using. He told him he had it custom made in a tour trailer and offered to let him hit it. Of course the guy he gave it to crushed one down the middle. Bo lets him use the driver for the rest of the round and the guy doesn't miss a drive.
So at the end of the round Bo says to the guy, "You really like this driver, don't you?" Of course the guy says, "Yeah, it's awesome." Bo hands it to him and says, "Here, take it." The guy tells Bo he can't accept. Bo insists and tells him he has 5 more just like it at home.
Bo had to leave to go to the SEC Championship, but we played 9 more. I ask the guy to look at the driver Bo gave him, and sure enough, it's a 510 DF with 'Titanium' on the toe and tour serial numbers Txxxx. It had an Accuflex shaft and a cool Accuflex headcover. I assume he got it from the Accuflex trailer.
Anyways, I thought it was very cool of Bo. Nice to see that there are still some classy professional athletes out there.