Everything posted by reapl
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Will get some pics later. I start to feel a little embarassed as this thread is getting so long. Hope everybody gets the positive from this thread. In short: TSG / Tario / Chris: outstanding! GF: lovely putter! :)
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
I agreed with Tario that we give it one more try without sending it back. He sent me some GF sword oil and I tried to polish the face as good as I can. You still see some very smallish spots, but it´s not that bad. If it´s not getting worse I will play it like that, if it will... I will have to send it back. Another big "Thank You" to Tario and Chris, you guys are the best, I will be happy to do business with you again!
My last putter. Gold's Factory
Gret looking putter, I like the more "simple" and not all pimped out GF´s a lot.
Another garage sale part II ALL SOLD!! Thanks guys!!
PM sent on Miura K-Grind
EPON Forged i33 Limited Edition
Did you get the one from Jason? If you ever want to let it go, please send me a message. :)
Are these real? AF-Tours and AF-502
You guys are right, that´s a pretty odd combo 502 + AF-Tour. But the set I bought was 3-PW AF-Tour + 4 and 5 irons from the 502, shafted with Modus 3. I only wanted the AF-Tours, can always do a combo set with my 302´2 with AF-Tour then. I´m becoming more and more of an Epon nerd. The 302´s are the best overall iron ever, never was more confident. They won´t go anywhere. So when I decided to buy a set of blades as well, it was pretty clear that it have to be the AF-Tours. Don´t regret it, they are unbelievable as well. And I´m absolutely suprised of the 502, they are as easy to hit as hybrids and feel very very good for a game improvement iron. Will show them to my dad, maybe he need new irons... ;)
Europe: WTB Scotty Cameron Squareback 2
Should be located in Europe, as shipping to Germany would be cheaper and no custom fees. The putter should have the 20g weights and be in at least VERY good condition, no big dings etc.
Scotty Cameron CT T10 Tour only - PRICE DROP
Thanks mate! Hope it will find a good new home.
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Sorry for getting back to this thread after a long time. We had some family issues going on and I totally wasn´t thinking about thies for a while. First I want to thank Tario and Chris again for offering the best service I have experienced so far. I will be happy to do business with them again. As far as shipping cost go: I´m happy for some of you guys who can ship a club for less than $35 anywhere in the world, but I can´t. If you don´t have a business account it will be more expensive, add insurance for such an expensive club and so on... $200 was a guess, but I still stand behind that, it will be very close. Hell I just bought a set of irons from the UK and it cost 60 Pounds (should be more than $100) to ship them inside Europe. I don´t think I´m out of line with this thread. Forums are not only there to praise the newest golf clubs and tell how great everything is. Before I started this thread, I tried to contact Tario, who wasn't able to answer me for some time. I then Just tried to get some second opinions on here. I was not trying to offend anyone or blame it on TSG. I think I said often enough how great the guys at TSG are, if anything this thread will make them look good. The issues with the putter weren´t caused by them, but they handled it PERFECTLY.
Scotty Cameron CT T10 Tour only - PRICE DROP
Hey guys, It hurts but I have to let go some pretty nice gear. Your chance to grab it! Items are located in Germany, but I will ship worldwide. Please contact me for a shipping quote or more pictures. I know I don´t have a lot of feedback on here but 450+ 100% on eBay (trinity23_de) and can give other references if needed, just let me know. I´m open for sensible offers, trade interests might be a nice Japanese driver (head only is fine as well) or a Byron DH-89. Anything EPON might be considered as well. Admins: I shot the pictures including "JanKo" for Golf WRX, as it is my username over there, is it ok to use them here as well? Scotty Cameron Tour Only CT T10 Newport 1.5 34" CT shaft with shaftband 20g CT weights Custom shop grip, red Very good used condition, no big dings or scratches. Price: 1200.- Euros + shipping (without the headcover) - 1100.- Euros Headcover: 200.- Euros + shipping - 150.- Euros Putter + headcover: 1300.- Euros + shipping - 1200.- Euros Scratch Tour Department combo set - sold -
Are these real? AF-Tours and AF-502
Very cool, thanks a lot! It´s not easy to find some AF-Tours in Europe. :)
Are these real? AF-Tours and AF-502
I´m very interested in this combo set, in fact in the AF-Tours. Can anybody tell me if these are fakes or real? What do you think? Thanks in advance!
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Chris, thank you for the great offer. It won´t be necessary to send me a backup putter, that would cause too much trouble and cost. I´m working on something with Tario that hopefully will help. I will keep you posted. You guys at TSG are great, I will be back as a customer for sure! Thanks again!
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
First of all, thanks to the guys at TSG, they are great to deal with and very helpful. Interesting that I´m now the bad guy in this situation. Can´t you understand that I don´t want to be without my putter for a month in the MIDDLE of the golf season? I used this putter all year and am so confident with it that I would have to adjust to another putter, which isn´t really what I would like to do when there are matches to play for my team. I asked GF if they could just send me a little bit of the original paint, so I can redo the paintfill on my own. No big deal for them, they would save money and I can keep the putter. They didn´t agree to this, so I though "what the heck" I can do the paintfill on my own. I know that I can not handle the rust on my own and will have to send it back to get it fixed. The golf season is almost over, so this is a much better time to do it. I never said I wouldn´t send it back this time. The only thing that bothers me is the "IF", I can send the putter back, they will inspect it and IF the fault is on their side, they will ocver shipping and get the putter fixed. I know I didn´t do anything to the putter that could harm it. I treated it better than any putter before and none of them ever rusted. The point is, Golds has to find something they have done wrong. Since I´m obviously the first one with this problem and they are convinced by their quality, I´m fearing I could be out the shipping cost and have nothing done to the putter. I know you all love Golds Factory and I´m the new guy on here that nobody knows. Please try to be be fair and understand my situation. I´m not doing this out of fun, there is a problem I´m trying to solve. People are different and think different, some of you might have sent the putter away and let Golds pay about $200 of shipping just to redo the paintfill. I think it wasn´t worth it (just for the paintfill), not for GF and not for me. My decision to not send it back saved GF quite a lot of money and prevented me from being without my putter. If you now want to blame this on me, please do so. Thanks to the Tario and Chris again, I´m sure we can work something out.
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Time has passed and I sadly have to give an update. The paintfill faded even more and looked like crap at one point. I got in contact with Tario and Golds. Many thanks here to Tario, he really tried his best. Unfortunately the only solution Golds offered was to send the putter back to Japan for an inspection (... it´s only paintfill, come on guys...) and redo the paintfill if the fault was on their side. It is the middle of the golf season over here and I can´t be without my putter for several weeks, let alone the couple of hundred bucks of shipping. Sending me some of the original paint and let me do the work on my own would have been the easiest solution, but they didn´t want to agree to this. So overall, nothing has been done and I redid the paintfill with my own colors. This is what it looked like afterwards: A couple of months and rounds passed by and I was finding some little spots on the face, thinking it was just dirt I tried to tipe them away. They didn´t really want to disappear and the number was increasing over time. I tried evrything to get them off, but had no chance to get it 100% clean again and after 1 round of golf they are back. This REALLY upsets me. I thought I bought a premium putter made of SUS304, that isn´t supposed to rust. That was one of the reasons I put out that kind of money. I treat all my clubs really well and my putters like babies. They are wiped after use, cleaned, oiled from time to time. Some of my friends already think I´m nuts. I have never had that happen to a stainless putter before, no OTR Camerons, Pings, whatever... I wanted a premium putter nobody else has, wanted that customization and was willing to pay a pretty coin for it. I thought this would end my search for the perfect putter, at least for the nearest future. But with all this hassle I´m having with this putter, I´m not sure anymore. I´m sure Golds will offer to send it to Japan again, have it inspected and correct the issues if the fault is on their side. I don´t know if others will understand, but my feelings about this putter have changed. I loved it when it arrived, looked great, felt great ... paintfill fades, ok just redo it myself ... looks great again ... then it´s rusting ... not happy anymore. What will come next? Do I really want to send it to Japan now and be without it for a couple of weeks? I think this time I will have no other choice. Just don´t know what I did wrong and why there are so many problems about it that I never had with (much cheaper!) OTR putters. Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent somehow.
Yururi 2012 Seida KM-0312 Forged Iron 5-PW Monaco Protos Stiff-Nowon Grips
BEAUTIFUL heads! Can you compare the playability / forgiveness to the Epon AF-302?
Sold. Thank you TSG
I´ll take both if still available.
Sold. Thank you TSG
PM sent
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Thank you for all your replies. I´m in contact with Tario and Chris ... will let you know how this turns out.
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
I worte another email to Tario and got an answer. He will forward Gold's the pictures. I hope something can be done. Just don´t know if sending the putter to Japan (from Germany) and back will be a real option. Shipping cost will be really expensive.
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Yes, the color is translucent red and I have never applied anything on the putter head other than pure water. I have never had this happen to a golf club before as well. The transclucent paintfill on my Cameron putters (retail and tour) still looks perfect after a couple of years.
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Hi all, I´m pretty new to this forum and am really sorry that one of my first posts is a little rant. I did more reading than writing in the past but just had to get this off my mind: Last November I bought a Gold´s Factory Tiger Woods Tribute Putter from TSG. Had some custom options added and was really happy with the service by Tario and TSG. Unfortunately I didn´t hear back from Tario himself after contacting him a while ago. So I thought why not get a second opinion on here or get in contact with somebody knowing more than me. I´m absolutely happy with the quality of the putter itself, great craftsmanship and the club just feels outstanding! What I have to complain about is the quality of the paintfill, never have seen somethin like this before, even on the cheapest putters I had. The paintfill is losing it´s color and is almost getting clear and no looks longer red. I own the putter for 4 months now and as it has been winter most of the time it has only been to the course for 5 times maximum, otherwise only carpet putting. For better illustration, here are some pictures from the putter when it arrived and a current one. when NEW: Current: Am I being to picky here? Would you guys say it is alright like this? I know it won´t affect the playability, but the looks count as well. Buying a premium putter at a premium price, I would not expect this to happen. I´m thankful for every opinion. Cheers Jan
Af302 copper straight from the shop
Most beautiful irons ever! I wish my 302's had that finish, but the satin version is also pretty nice. Having Modus 3 in mine as well, best feeling combo I have hit!
For Sale - Chikara Design Wedges - GW and SW
If still for sale, please send some pictures to: [email protected] Also, please let me know how much shipping to Germany would be. Thanks!