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  1. If the bounce angle of the P/S iron is greater than 7, I would use the P/S as bunker shot iron and choose a 56 wedge with lower bounce angle for fairway shot. So I have to know the real bounce angle of the P/S iron before I choose my new wedge. The problem is Miura do tell me the lie angle of the P/S iron which was 52, but don't tell me the bounce angle. So confused .... Thank you for the message.
  2. Thanks you, Duffer19. I got the info from miuragolf.com that the bounce angles of CB202(2 to pw) from -1 to 8 degree. But it is said that the Japan version would be a little different. Since I want to add a wedge to my bag, I should know if I choose a 56/4 wedge or a 56/12 wedge. Thanks again for the message.
  3. Anybody here can tell me the bounce angle of miura cb-1006 iron ? I have google for a while but couldn't find any info of that. thanks for the help!