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Everything posted by PirettiGolf

  1. Hi Guys, My name is Mike Johnson and I am the founder of Piretti Golf. One of our good customers saw this post above and forwarded it on to me and I wanted to clear up a few things. First, The poster above was never a brand manager for me or any other golf company. He was a dealer of ours that started posting putters on his site for less than our MAP pricing so we decided we'd no longer do business with him. We also purchased back all of the putters he had in his inventory to be done with him. He was very upset and instead of handling it like a professional he decided he would try and hurt our brand by posting things on his site to discredit our brand. I am the designer of each putter and every time I design a putter I personally sit down with my machinist and design the putter. We do not order our putters from a catalog. I don't know if such a thing exists. I am not a machinist. I can operate a manual milling machine and have made several handmade putters for certain customers, but it is a lengthy and intense process which results in a very expensive product. I take pride in using the best materials available for our product even if they do cost us more in the long run. The putter Ted Potter used to win with was machined here in Texas and designed by me. The poster above always wanted to get more involved with Piretti, but having seen some of his past business relationships end the way they did was a huge red flag. He pushed and pushed for me to hire him and when he finally saw that I hired somebody else to do what he wanted to do he was very unhappy and felt he had been cheated. That is when he started posting slanderous comments about Piretti on his website. It is very unfortunate that he has handled these things the way he has and I personally feel sorry that he feels he has to do this. This poster(sticks) was a huge Cameron advocate and still sells many Cameron tour putters on his site for upwards of $7500 so to urge you not to buy expensive putters is very comical. I absolutely love what I do and have been very blessed to be able to support my wife and 4 children designing and making putters for a living. I feel great knowing that we make the putters with the best materials and never cut any corners when making our product. If my designs help you putt better than I am doing something right. If you putt just as well with a putter you paid $15 for I congratulate you. I hope those of you that own a Piretti get excited when you get to putt because you have something that was made in the USA and something different. If any of you have questions about our manufacturing process or anything else I'd be happy to answer these questions. Sincerely, Mike Johnson Piretti Golf