Everything posted by khangdan
GD Tour AD vs Higher Ton Carbon Shafts
For those of you that have hit the GD Tour AD DI or BB in the X flexes, just want to know your opinion on the difference in feel and performance between them and the higher ton carbon shafts like Crazy, Quadra, Fujikura, Mitsubishi, and Basileus. Please list the specific shafts you have played and in what flexes in your response.
Would like to move this sooner rather than later so I'm dropping the price to $650 shipped for both head and shaft. Willing to separate head and shaft ($425 for head and $275 for shaft).
A combination of exercise and swinging properly. Starting doing the Beachbody Insanity program, so I lost an 2 and a half inches off my waist (33.5 to 31), gained a lot of flexibility, and built up quite a bit of power in my legs. In addition to that, I used to come over the top pretty hard, but now I'm allowing the club to drop into the slot and really making a better arc with my swing path.
Hey all, Just realized that I paid ~$1200 for the club because I had the Fubuku AX 75 sent to me on the side (opted to pay the $75 for a $250 shaft). Thus, I'm willing to let the club go for $775 including shipping to the US. Crazy Shaft installation was done by TSG before it was sent to me. Thanks!
Crazy FW Evolution Shaft in SR Flex
Hey Fellas, Looking to sell this Crazy FW Evolution Shaft in SR Flex. Ordered it with my Egg Spoon and had it installed by TSG before it was sent to me. It has worked great for me, and just like Tario has said in a couple of posts... this thing is meant to go long and far, all the while having a smooth and lively feel to it. It plays to 43" installed in my Egg Spoon and has a Lavender colored Iomic Sticky on it. I had it professionally pulled by a local clubmaker and am looking to move this thing for $400 shipped in the US. I am willing to ship it internationally, but I will have to look up the shipping prices for each of those requests. Thanks!
Tourstage X-Drive 705, Epon 901, Crazy Shaft!!
Hey Fellas, In an effort to move all these items quicker... I've put them all on ebay. Moderators if you could delete this topic, that'd be much appreciated. Thanks! 1. Tourstage X-Drive 705 Type 455 10.5* Driver HEAD ONLY with Matching Cover. Condition is 9.0/10. 2. Epon AF901 19 degree forged driving iron/hybrid HEAD ONLY. Condition is 8.5/10. 3. Crazy Longest Yard 01 Shaft. Stiff/Regular Flex 43" with no tip trimming. Pulled using Mitchell Puller.
Miura Giken 2006 VS Miura CB 501 VS Epon AF 502
If the OP is still interested in more opinions on this topic... I might have some insight. I've never hit the Miura Giken 2006, but I went from gaming a set of Epon 502's with KBS Tour Stiff for about 6 months and have just picked up a set of Miura 501 with DG Tour Issue S400's. These two sets are worlds apart in the type of player they cater to. The Epon 502's are extremely forgiving and very easy to hit and elevate. I do agree with those that feel that they have a very clicky sound/feeling to them. After the initial clicky feeling... it feels very soft and powerful. I can see anyone with up to a 30+ handicap playing these irons as they are VERY forgiving and are a little bigger in the topline and sole than you may think for a "mid-capper" iron. Distance loss is minimal on mis**ts towards the heel or the toe. The Miura 501's on the other hand are a straight-up player's club. The top-line and sole are just as thin if not thinner than ALOT of muscle-back blades out there. I've never mixed and matched the shafts... but the shafts in my Miura 501's feel quite a bit stiffer and a little bit heavier than the KBS Tours. The irons themselves feel harsh off the toe and off the heel, but feel amazing when hit smack-dab in the center (words can't describe the feeling), and produce an heavenly sound. Basically they play like blades but they're a bit easier to elevate in the long irons. I didn't notice any distance loss in switching over to the Miura 501's even though the lofts are 2* weaker in each iron throughout the entire set due to the more penetrating flight (this may be due to the head, the shaft, or a combination of the two... I'm not sure as I haven't played either iron sets with different shafts). I love both of these sets, but like I said... there's a world of difference in forgiveness. I will add that the Miura's are much more satisfying to hit when struck well. I hope this helps you in your decision.
Review on the PRGR Egg Spoon
I wondered the same thing myself when I put in the purchase order and here's what Tario had to say: "The FW80 is heavier and is more of a control shaft plus distance while the LY Evolution is made for distance. The LY has more kick and feel while the FW80 is just swing and go straight." I played a Diamana Blue 73 Stiff in my previous Fairway Wood so that's the only experience I can draw a comparison from. The FW Evolution definitely feels ALOT smoother and for some people... that may mean "less stable" as I know some prefer heavier and more stout FW shafts... but I just trusted that the shaft would snap back into the proper position at impact when I turned my arms over and that's exactly what it did as I had no trouble at all with pushing or pulling the ball. I personally love the feeling of not having my FW wood shaft feel like a lead pipe... as the FW evolution seems like it has a lot of give... but as I said in my initial review... I think it plays fairly true to flex and it only leads me to wonder if I should've gone up a bit in flex. Hope this helps.
Review on the PRGR Egg Spoon
Just received my PRGR Egg Spoon 15* Fairway Wood with the new CRAZY FW Evolution shaft in 6.7 just this past week. Took it to the range for the first time today to see if it was going to live up to its legendary reputation on this forum. Being that this club cost me roughly $1100 USD... I had high hopes and very high dreams that this club would bring my never-ending search for a great fairway wood to a conclusion. A little bit about me... I've been playing golf for about a year and a half and a golf-club ho for roughly around the same amount of time. I'm roughly 6'0" tall with a swing speed of around 100-105 and have a steeper angle of attack as I like to make a pretty chunky divot. My mis-hits are usually a crazy duck-hook to the left or a nasty slice to the right fairway; they don't happen all that often... but as most of us know... those ugly shots come out a lot more often than we'd like them to. So now onto the review... When I took the club out of the box, it looked just as gorgeous as it does on the website, and I'm personally a fan of CRAZY's graphics as it does a great job helping me square my feet and knees to the ball. At address, Tario's mentioned this before, but it's very easy to align the ball using the scooped out back as the alignment aid and the little red nipple didn't bother me at all. It is also a very, VERY light club. I took a few practice swings with it to make sure that my first memory with this club would be a good one and honestly felt like I lost the feeling of the head at the top of my back swing. Now onto the moment of truth.. Slowly... I pulled a ball from the bucket... set up in my address position... took a deep breath in... let it out slowly and took the club away. I cut my backswing a little bit short to make sure I made contact with the ball and just came down as I normally do... When I made contact, the ball just jumped off the face and climbed up really quickly. It's definitely as forgiving as everyone says it is, as I had no trouble getting the ball into the air off the deck, which is surprising to me as I tend to have trouble getting the ball up that high with a Fairway wood. About a half bucket of balls later... my consistent shot with this club was a soft high draw that went around 230-240 yards out on the fly, and the crazy thing is... I NEVER HIT A DRAW. I'm coming off from using a G15 4-wood, which most of you might know is considered a forgiving fairway wood in and of itself, but the Egg Spoon blows this thing out of the water. Being that the Egg Spoon is a 15* lofted fairway wood... it hits it further and gets it up higher than an equally shallow-faced 17.5* 4-wood. Needless to say, this combo is amazing and I HIGHLY recommend this combination. It's turned my slice-producing swing into a high-baby-draw-machine. My one recommendation is... for this particular shaft... the CRAZY FW Evolution... you might want to order this true to flex... as opposed to going down half a flex or even a full flex lower. I normally play a stiff... and felt that this was a little softer than those stiff's that I've played. All in all, I want to thank Tario and the rest of the TSG gang for continuing to beat this subject to death: The PRGR Egg Spoon is the FW KING. PS: Crazy shafts are amazing, too.
Need Help Looking for New Set of Irons
I've been golfing for a couple of months and made the mistake of picking up the Mizuno MX-300's, as it's way too difficult for me to hit consistently, and it feels awful on mis**ts. Needless to say, I'm an extremely high handicapper (30-35) with a swing speed of around 90-95 MPH and I'm looking for a set of irons that will be both, easier for me to hit and pleasing to the eye. I'm currently taking golf lessons to improve on my mechanics, but it'd be nice to if I had a set of irons that are helping me instead of hurting me when I do go out for a round of golf. I've been taking a look at the new 2010 ONOFF Red Irons and the EPON Forged 701, and needed help deciding which one would be better (I'm also open to any other suggestions outside of these). I'm looking for something that just goes straight (not necessarily long) with good feedback, so I can feel if I'm hitting it well or not. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance.