Everything posted by Robb40
- Jbeam 435 white driver incoming with Kiyoshi White shaft
Jbeam 435 white driver incoming with Kiyoshi White shaft
Mob, Thats so strange. i tried the RFE and really liked the look and feel of the club. Distance wise it was not much of a contest. Now to be fair the shaft was a stock trinity. The 435 gives me the best of both worlds which is carry and roll. I can live with the feel on off center shots. How many drives have I hit with the 435 that were off center yet still produced a 260 yard drive?? I have not hit as many 300 plus yard drives in my golfing career as I have with the 435. If I find something better it will be a wondrous event. I just don't know if there is a better driver out there for me. More Forgiving, better feel?? Absolutely but when it comes to distance I just don't see it.
T.388 rolls on
I would love to have one of these for the days when my course is hard and dry. Right now my Jbeam 435 is the king but who knows if the 388 could roll out more on a dry, hard course????
Jbeam 435 white driver incoming with Kiyoshi White shaft
Mike thanks for all of your help and advice. I know at this point some may be rolling their eyes when I keep posting such positive reviews. But for me this head and maybe this combo is unreal. I have never had a better driver in my bag. My Adams launch lab was close but still 10 to 15 behind the 435 on well struck shots. Side note for me- The white 435 is 10.5 so it will be interesting to see if the .5 degree in loft makes any difference at all. I also get the weight kit as well which should keep this Mad Club Ho busy for a long time. I doubt I will keep them both but you never know. I scored the Kiyoshi White for $175 so I am curious to see how it stacks up against the Labomba.
- Jbeam 435 white driver incoming with Kiyoshi White shaft
Jbeam 435 white driver incoming with Kiyoshi White shaft
I broke down and picked up the white 435 10.5 head that was on the for sale forum. I really wanted to compare it to my current model with a different shaft. At first I intended to pair the new head with my LYo2 labomba. But I picked up a Oban Kiyoshi white shaft that is a mid launch low spin. I look forward to testing the two models on the range to see if there are significant differences in distance or accuracy. My current combo is the Black Jbeam 435 with the LYo2 labomba shaft. It has been such a great combo for me that I really did not want to mess with it even to try the white head with the labomba. I still can't say enough good things about this combo. It is without a doubt the longest driver that I have ever owned. I go to the course now expecting several 300 yard drives. Toe shots feel bad but I am still getting 265 to 270 on a decent toe shot swing. Unreal. For anyone who is a feel first player I would not recommend this head BUT if you are looking for max distance with a good feeling head on center shots then what is better?? In my book NOTHING that I have tried. I will report back on this test after I hit many shots on the range and on the course. I know everyone is excited about the new Ryoma Maxima but for my game I need all the distance I can get. So far no one has reported the Maxima as being longer.
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Man you are making it hard for me to pass this up.
The Honeymoon is Over!!! Reviewing the Jbeam 435
The pure sweet spot is a little small but I have seen big drives towards the toe as well. I hit one today on a short 365 yard par four. It was pure and I knew it was pretty good. I get to the ball that was maybe 35 or 40 yards away. I have not been that far in a few years. This thing is the real deal. I would love to pick up another head to try a few different shafts. I cannot in good conscience mess with this gamer. No way!
The Honeymoon is Over!!! Reviewing the Jbeam 435
Well that was what I needed to hear. I can work the Labomba any way I need to. Big power fades are not easy but doable. Thanks for sharing.
Jbeam 435 weights are loose! Advice on rubber ring install
Will do. Thanks, you have been a great source of info on this club. Much appreciated.
The Honeymoon is Over!!! Reviewing the Jbeam 435
So no need to change to a Quadra? This combo feels great for me so I doubt a change is coming without a lot of info of more distance.
Jbeam 435 weights are loose! Advice on rubber ring install
My weights are now loose. I know someone had the same problem on here but I cannot find the post. Help me out!
The Honeymoon is Over!!! Reviewing the Jbeam 435
I just finished a 5 day run of golf. I played 3 different courses and never played better. My driver was true. I shot solid scores that were only hurt by a few poor chip shots and a few putts that got away from me. This combo is a winner. I was able to hit both straight and fade shots when I really needed them. My challenge now is to leave well enough alone. I have heard a few members on this site speaking of different shafts that may yield more distance. I am always searching for more distance for certain. But as it stands right now this combo is killer for me. Many times this week I was 20 to 40 yards ahead of my playing partners and I am not a big hitter. I will certainly listen to feedback concerning other shafts but this head is my gamer.
Yet more T.388 Feedback
Mike is the quadra shaft a better fit for the 435? Why? More distance or better feel?
Jbeam FX-435 Driver Head Only (Sold, Thanks Tourspec)
Wow that is sexy. Going to be hard to resist. My white labomba would look killer with this.
The Honeymoon is Over!!! Reviewing the Jbeam 435
We all know how it is sometimes. You get a new driver and for a few weeks it seems like the best club ever. Sometimes it is a bust right away but most of us do have that honeymoon period. I gamed the Adams launch lab for several months. It was sharp in all black. I really liked the club but after the honeymoon was over I began struggling more and more to turn it over. now it was long but I knew I did not get all of the distance out of it due to the ball flight. I do not have a 280 yard power fade. Mine was more like a 245 yard fade with almost 0 roll. After some soul searching I thought about getting a driver with a neutral face. I have gamed many other JDM drivers and it was a bust all 6 times. Good models with great shafts - Crazy,Quadra,Bangvoo etc. Expensive to. The best was the Crazy 460 but it was a high launch head and after 3 or 4 shaft tries I had to dump it. Before the JDM my best driving days were with a Callaway RHT 8.5 with a stock RIP stiff shaft. But like the LLab it was an open face and there were days that I could not control the ball. After hearing about the Jbeam 435 for several years I thought it was worth a shot. I have in 11 rounds and several long range sessions with this club. For me it is the best driver that I have ever owned. I like the feel, far better than any US club. Does it rival an Epon in terms of feel, heck NO! To me it is forgiving in terms of distance lost. Does it feel like crap on bad mis**ts??? Yes and it should. Most clubs do. My biggest surprise has been the workability of this combo. I have a 7.2 Labomba shaft in it. I have NO interest in trying another shaft. For me this combo seems like a perfect fit. The launch is perfect for me and I am getting more roll than ever. I was amazed that I could achieve a 12 to 13 degree launch and still get a lot of roll out. Never happened before for my swing. My biggest complaint is the price but that is a non issue now, its paid for so who cares? I love the smaller head. Looks awesome at address and no one that I play with has a clue as to the make. My playing partners have noticed a distance and accuracy increase. yesterday I hit 12 out of 14 fairways. A playing partner told me that the driver seems like a perfect fit. I agree and now truly believe that I have a gamer.
WTT or WTS: Crazy CRZ460 10º - price drop 05.09. 650$ net
I had a crazy 460 for a short time. Great sounding club. I tried 3 different shafts and just could not get the launch down enough. I would love to try it again someday with a low launch/spin shaft. Great looking head as well. To me it is better looking than my Jbeam 435 but the 435 is a bomber for me.
Thanks TSG--Jbeam 435 10.5 Quadra Fire Express 65 Stiff--$old shipped FIRMish
Mike please post some feedback. I really would like to pick this one up to do a side by side with my labomba combo.
Jbeam 10* with Labomba white 7.2 1st day Review
Another 27 holes in with this combo. First the Cons - At this point I can say that this is not the longest ON COURSE driver that I have gamed. Sorry to say that this honor goes to a Taylormade RBZ with a Motore tour spec speeder shaft. Terrible sound and a worse feeling club than any that I have ever hit. Just awful. But it was still wet yesterday in places so I still want to keep going until it gets dry. The rollout of this club cannot be discounted. I can see the added rollout on the range but the range is thicker and a little dryer than our course with a close cut fairway. I hit a few draw bombs that I thought would be way down the pipe and it was still in the 265 to 270 range with some mud on the ball when i arrived. I can tell that I am still not turning the club over with a free swing like I am doing on the range. Too much junk in my head about a snap hook. This is where the distance is for me so I hope I can get to that point soon. It was frustrating on a few straight drives to still be behind a few of my playing buddies 5 yards with their stock RBZ drivers. They both hit big draws so again I think that I have not done the club justice yet. I like this club in terms of feel and sound. I want it to work. I did hit one big fade that go me into trouble. That was a first and clearly not the fault of the combo. I got really lazy trying to be cute and hit a big cut that lead me to a double bogey. Pros - Killer looking club with a good sound and feel. In my heart I still feel like it is a bomber if I can get my swing going on the course. So far I have not hit one drive anywhere near the distance that I am seeing on the range. At this point it is a 20 to 25 yard difference. Very frustrating. My fault but I hope I can work this out soon.
Jbeam 10* with Labomba white 7.2 1st day Review
I finally got in 27 holes with the Jbeam yesterday. It was not my best day. I was late and had no time to warm up so the first 7 holes were not good. Nothing terrible just hitting the club on the bottom groove. It still went straight but the distance was just so so. On the second nine i still struggled but managed to keep the ball in play. I knew that this was not a good day to judge the Jbeam's distance. On the last nine i did hit a few in the center and it was nice. Maybe 10 yards further than my Launch lab. it rained a lot Thursday so I knew the rollout was minimal. I hit one on a short Par 4 that I thought was killed and it was only 265. It had some mud on it so I will not place any real judgement on the club after yesterday. It was the most solid tee shot of the day. BUT I did not have one shot go WAY right on me. That was a nice change especially considering that my swing was way off. I was able to place the ball back to the middle of my stance and hit several fades. I like that I can work this driver when needed. What was missing yesterday was solid contact with the big draw that I have been getting on the range. I have another 27 holes to go today and the course should be better than yesterday. I still believe that I may have my gamer. The big anti right is a big plus for me. No snap hooks yesterday either.
Thanks TSG
Man i wish i could part with the cash to do a side by side with my labomba combo. the quadra is a smooooth shaft. surprised to see this go. I almost wish i had a 10.5 because these heads are low launch for sure.
Jbeam 10* with Labomba white 7.2 1st day Review
I put the Jbeam up against the new Ping Anser with an Ahina 70 stiff. No contest. The ping was solid but no longer than any other driver. It was short by 10 yards or more of carry. With the rollout it was not a real fight. On the launch monitor I was getting 2950 back spin with the Ping. This was the first time that I hit it out doors. I don't have the SS for an x flex shaft with a stiff playing tip. No way. I am not sure your set up will give the 435 a fair shake but there is no 1 driver for everyone. I think the 435 looks smaller and very compact at address. Different strokes. The Ping Anser looked huge after swinging the Crazy. Don't misunderstand me, my 4 year experience with JDM drivers until now has been a Major bust. I honestly thought you guys were nuts for spending that kind of money on a club that was no better than most US products in terms of distance. Now quality and feel has never been an issue with me. I always felt that JDM was far above in these areas.
Jbeam 10* with Labomba white 7.2 1st day Review
Hey man I am a short hitter. Let me know if you gain any distance. I hit this flush several times yesterday and wound up at the far end of our number 2 hole behind the range. About 280 or so. Not bad with range rocks that are fairly beat up. The real test will be this weekend. I know my course very well so I will be able to tell if it is truly longer.
Jbeam 10* with Labomba white 7.2 1st day Review
Another solid session today. Still really liking this combo. This is officially the longest club that I have owned. The roll out seems great. I hope to play this weekend so I will see how it does with good balls and real conditions.
Jbeam 10* with Labomba white 7.2 1st day Review
Okay yes if you hit the heel area it is Bad! My launch lab is the same way. But center shots and moving towards the toe shots were good in my opinion. I don't want a marshmallow soft driver. I don't want a brick (taylormade RBZ) either. The 435 is just fine by me. The new Ping g25 feels like a brick compared to the Jbeam.