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Everything posted by lildev0426

  1. wow can you take a pic of the soles???!!!!
  2. I do not think my egg shafts said that. you sure the club is authentic? don't take that in a bad way.
  3. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    coincidence you say that as I just picked up a 21 superhybrid a few hours ago, lol. I have the 19 and love it but when the 18 egg comes in it might have to go for sale.
  4. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    btw, can you guys recommend a straight shooting 22 or 23 degree utility? maybe the zoom x?? oh and where have the egg fws gone from the tsg shop site??
  5. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    received the egg. couple things guys: it was not sold as new just to clear that up. it was supposdly built by jj's golf shop. comparing it to my spoon from tsg, I have to say this thing if a fake is absolutely perfectly replicated minus the fw it should have as has been said here. the line up egg, all colors, material ( composite top), hosel, paintfill, paintbreak, are all perfect matches to my legit spoon( head color is a little maroonish metal flakish looking though). I WONDER - are we all sure that maybe the 9 does not have "fw" simply because of the smaller head there is no room for it before the "9"????? if not, oh well lesson learned.
  6. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Jerry the woods 3 and 5 do not have fw as they are not considered fairways but rather spoons I think. perhaps that is what you were seeing.? forgive my ignorance as I am only becoming a fan of jdm in the last few months. never knew of jdm until then.
  7. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    The original listing was on ebay as: http://cgi.ebay.com/PRGR-PX-03-EGG-W-22-9-Wood-Reg-Flex-/130429365358?pt=Golf_Clubs&hash=item1e5e322c6e you may have to sign in first to view. 1.tiff 2.tiff
  8. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    btw anyone have insurance on their golf bags if stolen?
  9. lildev0426 replied to david9888's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    speaking of the 2009 model - iliked my 15 so much I got from tsg a month ago, I just bought the 22 from the bay, and ordered the 18. little concerned on the authenticity of the 22 9 wood as I just bought it used and it does not have "fw" after the prgr03 on the sole that I can see in the pics. all other pics I have seen have the "fw". any input? I can post pics later if needed. I did reshaft the 3 wood just now with a diamana stiff 63 as I felt the stock m43 was very whippy as confirmed by my frequency machine.
  10. thanks for the reply! I threw some nippons inthe 9- pw and will see what I like better. interestingly the ngs cpm''d as high as a reg flex iron which is pretty good for me as i play reg/stiff. one more question. all of the irons have a soft thud type "solid" soundnwhereas the pw has a pingy type sound. hought it migh be the shaft but was not. then I read a blog from 2004 where someone else said the same thng and emailed miura and they said the is normal as somethng to do with keeping the iron head weight in tolerance. ever hear of this?
  11. First post here. great forum. just ordered a prgr egg from tsg but now I have this question unrelated. I have searched and googled all over. anyone have specs / info? I emailed miura (bill) but no reply yet. they originally came on miura mt-001 irons. I also looked at the Japanese ngs website but no info there I can see either. also any input on the mt-001's?