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Everything posted by x94blair3

  1. Never mind, got your email..I'll respond to that :smile1:
  2. Does that include me? I just don't have anything in my inbox...maybe you just replied to others? :confused: I'm still interested :smile2:
  3. PM sent yesterday with questions! Nick :whistle:
  4. What's the advantage of these clubs? Are they less offset than normal Mizuno's? I just acquired a tour issue Launcher 400 driver with little to no offset and I love the difference compared to anything I've bought off the rack before. I'm a believer you might say. Nick
  5. Holy crap...that sounds really strong. Not that I'm arguing, it's just...really strong..haha. I'm not really sure. I've been researching the project x since I posted this and the general impression seems to be what you're saying: It levels out ball flight for those that swing fast and hard and in turn hit the ball high (and tend to balloon). The thing is, I don't. I hit the ball a mile but most everyone I know comments that I have a relatively low ball flight. I tend to sweep the ball more than dig into the ground which would probably (?) explains that. It would also explain why I don't get all that much spin on my short irons? Maybe this makes me some sort of weird abberation... As you say, a fitting would probably be best, but it's hard to get one. Everyone seems to want to fit you with stock equipment and shafts. I don't know if they're afraid to recommend "exotic" upgrades because everyone wants the 'sale' price or they're just not properly equipped (in knowledge or technology) to fit better players. It's a frustrating process...ugh.
  6. Thanks for the feedback. I don't know why I wasn't fit with something stronger although my swing (and game) has improved I guess to get me to this consistent speed. I spec'ed my current irons off my previous set which I got 7 years ago when I was a different golfer. I never thought about needing something stronger..."300-stiff" seemed fine. Amazing what you learn when you start researching. Nick
  7. Hi, I hope I'm posting this in the right forum. I wasn't writing a review, buy/sell/trading, and it was related to having my clubs built. Can someone give me an idea of the Flighted Rifle -vs- the project x rifle shafts? I'm a pretty good player (about a 1.0) with a fast tempo swing. My swing speed was measured at 115+ consistently through 20-30 shots with driver and 3w this weekend. My irons were in the neighborhood of 105 (I think..I only hit a couple). My old irons were dynamic gold S300 shafts because I didn't know any better. I'd like to upgrade to a shaft that feels more responsive but don't know much about iron shafts. Or driver shafts I guess..haha Can anyone offer any links/insight/experience? Let me know if I should post this somewhere else. Thanks! Nick
  8. Someone is trying to sell this in a cleveland launcher 400. I was trying to find information on the shaft but it's not listed on Fujikura's website. I see it referenced in a few threads on here but I wondered if someone could provide me some basic specs and idea on what it might play like? I currently play with a aerotech steelfiber85 S shaft in a Launcher 400 and while I hit it solid I'd like a bit more kick. It holds up, but it seems a bit heavy and unresponsive. I have quick tempo and my swing speed has been measured at 115+ with 3w/driver. I would say I have low ball flight and would like to raise it a bit. Would this shaft we worth giving a try? Hopefully I posted this in the right forum..as you can see I'm a newbie. Nick
  9. PM sent. Feel free to drop me an email! Thanks, Nick
  10. PM sent. Hope to hear back from you, or drop me an email. Thanks, Nick
  11. I sent you a PM about the 19degree. Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks, Nick
  12. I'll take one of these in 9.5 if you have them available. PM me if you have one available and it's as you describe! Then I'll need some help from someone to figure out what shaft to marry it with. Nick