Everything posted by Eca
Best mallet putter??
Is the Ryoma V Spec 9.5 Hosel 0.335 or 0.350 please
Best mallet putter??
Try the Scotty Kombi or fastback
Flex options
On ya Dale. Let us know how you go. My fitter has a certification top 100 fitter worldwide yet he will listen to my suggestions and explain to me either way. so make sure you speak up & ask questions. Its fun way to increase your understanding of the technical side and of your own requirements. That's if you both get along :)
Flex options
Agree 100% with trackman as long as it's done outside and you actually see the ballflight.
Flex options
Good luck Dale.. Jus remember, all 3 wood are possessed & can turn on u at any time hehe.
Flex options
Not sure of weight dale but generally 3w are around 215g. Most driver shafts will have trimming instruction from none to 1/2" generally for a 3W. If u install one shaft on 2 heads one 10g heavier, the tip will play a little softer in the heavier head. Alternatively if one head is bore thru & the shaft bottom is practically on the ground, that will play firmer than if the shaft bottom is 1/2" off the ground playing the same length. The tip more or less affect your ball flight. If what u buy requires tipping, try not tipping it & play it 1/2" longer if you prefer a softer tip. You then got a little room to Trim if your ballooning.
Flex options
Yup, so do I especially off the deck. Something similar profile to an ilima or redboard. Tip trim less from manufacturer reco especially with lighter heads & short bbgm.
Flex options
yea but heavy.. the iron shafted you hit would be fairly heavy? Then try a lighter but firmer shaft before actually buying.
Flex options
Dale i have a friend with a similar profile to you. For ur 3w adventure, Try hitting still In the 80g class FW but in R. If there's a demo r9 3w that has an 85g motore Avail in R. Or try SX but in a lighter class around 70g +|- a few grams ie fw80 6.9. Torque numbers can be tricky to compare between high carbon & standard shafts & diff manufacturers. There's no real standards. Ur 9003 result def shows too stiff. Y not try RD in stiff or cb46 in 6.7SR or 7.2S. The 6.7 is used by a fren gian11 (pm him) who can make it work between 88-97 mph so it's quite versatile. I'm 100-104 using 7.2 but the 6.7 held well & wont have a problem gaming that at all. The RD from my research needs a more Even tempo swing and needing Just a bit Firmer in flex. It's never easy but try filling up one of those forms in crazy fitting & email it to Tario.
Flex options
Umm get a prgr rep :) Bit hard to talk flex with no idea of speed. How about driver carry & 7 iron carry?
Flex options
Driver SS & hcp?
Flex options
There u go, different school of thoughts. Can give us more info, ie what happened with- what shaft/head, how was it installed/ trimmed. Ball flight u got, what you wanted. Are u more aggressive with 3w than driver or vice versa?
Shimada shafts
Nice Pick up! This the SB02s? I'd leave then as is until you get time to get used to them. Sounds like a real good combo from Stew's write up.
Flex options
I generally go same flex class at the most to 1/2 flex softer. My reasoning is that this is the hardest club to use in the bag used supposedly for accurate tee Shot on tight holes or 2nd to a par5 to get home in two. This is the club u want to be swinging easy ie 80%. on average I use 4-5 times a round, hardly enough hits to really warm up to it.
Ryoma Fairway's? Anyone get them yet care to share reviews?
Gr8 pics C, love the one with ball next to it.
Ryoma Fairway's? Anyone get them yet care to share reviews?
Great pics comparison Jeff. I really liked the big but shallow head.
Matrix Ozik CPM translation ??
No Probs, which one you got your eye on?
No, he just found a way to get to C's head with the red thing comment.. then took advantage and took his cash :) Could be just real bad timing for you C, we have had our share of that.. 6 months of it last year as a matter of fact lol. I say just dont do anything yet.. it will sell in a flash whenever you decide to let it go. This could be your ticket into overcoming your stubborness and find 'the effective/efficient' swing with the help of this gadget :) It sounds like your timing was off prior to game and speed was down. Not enough time to really adjust, you just muscled it to get up there and absolutely messed up your tempo in the process. Messed driving and spent the whole day cursing and playing recoveries. My take with this gadget is its there for proper range session where you actually put muscle last in the list and tinker with relaxation and efficient movement so your 80-90% swing is still fast and efficient
I just emailed u thinking ur account got hacked lol. C too soon man.. Never make decisions when ur angry :) sleep on it at least. I would use it more in a range as well but for a fun round with friends it will surely come out :)
goneski. pls close
Omg C, how could you lol! Awesome wedges and gadget. You won't need much luck selling this.
Matrix Ozik CPM translation ??
Dale on their site based on HD6 X 268-272 Sg 257-261 S 251-255 F 245-249 R 240-245
Yikes that's fast considering it's around 80% :) I much rather look at the LPGA's then see how they are achieving good scores haha. It's true about the 80% especially with the irons for pin hunting.
Ryoma Fairway's? Anyone get them yet care to share reviews?
My trusty spoon is the last left of my heavy configuration shafted with ilima80s & the head was repainted in a tourvan & heavier than standard. It's a boring flight max on the rep was 92mph ave 91. It needs a new home, any strong guys wanna take it on? Min 102mph driver with strong arms lol. They are both easy to hit off the deck having similar profile. Being a rainy day I can see the F3/di6 carrying a touch longer but the stronger flight of the egg/ilima suits me on normal Conditions. Having said that the diff is on the shafts. To me, both are great and shafted correctly, they are monsters that are easy to hit. If I was to choose, i want to get the f3 as I surprisingly appreciated the big head/ shallow Profile, sound, more conventional crown, with di6 or 7.
Ryoma Fairway's? Anyone get them yet care to share reviews?
Silly boy was hitting this on a driver height tee & Im like oooiii, u trying to put a sky mark on that? He's done it with a driver b4. Amazingly, he just kept Bombing it. My initial thought was umm big head but the shallow profile put me at ease. Im using the px-03 egg and face height seem similar. The DI6 stiff untipped suit Jonathan and i think it just need a half inch tipping (as per GD charts) for me being about 10mph faster. The REP was showing 95mph & virtually 100% all the time. This head is hot. Being untipped it climbed a little higher for me. i didn't bother teeing this baby. Very easy to hit & I like the big head with shallow profile design. I liked how it sat at address with the circle marking on the face clearly visible next to the ball. It just feels that I couldn't miss it and it truly inspires confidence. I need to save up & the DI shaft is also awesome despite being untipped. I think I'll just steal J's once he replaces it with the trusty fw80.