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  1. drivingrangejunkie posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Hey everybody, I've been thinking alot lately about my irons and my swing and how sometimes it just feels like I'm not getting the most out of them. I'm not very tall, I'm only about 5'7" and when I address the ball I like to stand pretty tall and athletic over it. My irons are standard loft and lie and have steel Dynamic Gold Stiff Sensicore shafts. Because I like to stand up tall over the ball and because of my shorter height, I feel that my irons are a little too long and the lie angle a little too shallow. Furthermore I noticed on video that I can't keep the wrist angle in my swing very long on the downswing. I have no problem hitting ball first however, but I'd still like to get more lag angle in my wrists closer to impact. For these reasons am I right in getting lighter, shorter steel shafts with maybe lower flex rating and the lie angle a bit more vertical? Thanks for reading!
  2. Its alright! No worries, I appreciate the extra effort. Thanks!
  3. I just bought a set of these irons on Ebay. I probably should have gotten some advice or information on them from this forum before buying because I can't find any information on them on the internet. I emailed Gocchin about them and he told me that they are a pretty old set and are not forged. I really want to believe they are forged. Does anyone know anything about these? I would post a picture but I can't even find one on the internet. Thanks.