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  1. Well since i haven't got a chance to play the Egg Spoon on a field so my answer may not be as good as people who have played with it. But by looking at the spec and your information above in my opinion i would say 17 will be a bit easier to hit but if u can pull out a good shot from both degree then 15 should give u a better distance, and by looking at your swing speed around 88-92mph then M40 would be a perfect match for u.
  2. I just went to Golf Complex here in Bangkok a couple hours ago and the result that i find out is surprising me. The price of PRGR Egg Spoon PX-03D is 620$ while Epon AF 202 HT is 485$ which is a quite diferrent amount of number especially compare with the price selling in both Japan and TSG proshop. I think it's probably depends on the importers and sell agents. Aparently PRGR Egg Spoon that sell in Thailand has only one flex which is M40 that kinda bit to weak from me even know i'm going to repair the original shaft with my Crazy 80 but it's still kinda waste money to buy something that i can't even hit. So right now i'm having a hard time making decision since i wanna go for the New Egg Spoon but look from my point of view the condition here in Thailand the price and worthwhileness is tend towards the AF202 more than the Egg Spoon in every way. So what do you guys think? Should i pick the AF 202 HT instead or should i still stick with the New Egg Spoon?
  3. One more curios thing, Does the New Egg Spoon create such a big different in performance compare with the Old Egg Spoon? or just a better sound?
  4. I'm playing on my iphone4 and this is only pic that fit the limit size, actually this is a BD card from my sister
  5. Difinitely this quote is cleary answer my question hahaha
  6. So There's an unanimous answer ^.^ Btw, would the new Egg Spoon be fit in with my Crazy 80 FW shaft ? As i seen most of the Egg Spoon px-03D user normally play with original shaft so i wonder if the head can go along with my Crazy 80 FW or not
  7. I'm looking to buy a new 15 degree FW to put in my Crazy 80 FW shaft. And now i'm having a hardtime making decision between Epon AF202 and New PRGR Egg Spoon. So i kinda wonder if anyone could give me some more information or comparison to help me pick my new FW between these 2.