Everything posted by Stefsan
Yesterday, I went to the Driving Range. Testing my Ping G10. In a few weeks time I will travel abroad and will play a few courses. Little bit reluctant to take the JDM with me, younever now how they handle it on the plane. I can not believe the difference in feel and performance if you compare my Yamaha irons and the casted Ping G10. I truly believe that Ping is a very solid club maker and here in Holland, I deffinately recommend a Ping Club. How ever, compared to the Yamaha's, they don't even come close! The NIppon shaft is so much better than the TT, the feel and address position is better, all and all, the Ping G10 is a just a good club, the Yamaha are top notch!!
Oké. Fairway wood. Should I stick with OnOff? I've noticed a Royal Collection FW on sale....
Oh dear, played this week 27 holes with my OnOff baby. Long story short, I think we are gonna be friends for a long time At first, I had to adjust to the set up. But once I cam to terms, I found the set up position as natural as it should be. Then, it was just a matter of letting it rip. Without question, I have still a lot of room for improvement in my technique. But I tipped the 250 meter mark a few times, massive carry, hooked it twice, no slice what so ever. Played 9 holes yesterday, lot of wind, hit the big guy effortless. Big difference in length with my playing partners. The red devil enables me to reach the par 5 in 2 to the green. I can not believe it. The sound is a high, screaming shabang. Driver head looks small at address. Humongous sweetspot, don't be fooled. Even off center drives go long. The stiff shaft doesn't bother me at all. I used to play my driver with a pretty strong grip, now I play it more neutral. Not al lot of draw on the ball, straight as she goes. Hitting the fairway more often. I can not believe that a solid driver can help to improve your game that much. Should have known it. The Yamaha irons helped to improve my game also. People cannot believe the length in my game, strike my irons very well. Play a 24 hcp, reason for that is the lack of time, and the putting jipes. Played with a teaching pro, according to him I should shave at least 9 strokes off the current hcp if I come to terms with putting. JDM is the best equipment on the market, fully convinced.
I bought, with great help from Tario, a driver. OnOff. Very happy. Hope to play it this Friday in a tournament. The driver looks very different from my old driver, which is a Ping G10 driver. The OnOff looks far more 'custommade', higher i.e. better quality, yet without being posh or screaming overrated. I feel it will perform well, it looks very comforting. I can't waite. Stef
Rocked by a 8.8 Earthquake
To all involved, all the best, my thoughts are with you. Terrible, terrible events.
Newcomer in the forged world
Received the clubs through DHL. Can I just say: MAGNIFICENT!!! I'll try to get some pics. You can not believe the surprised looks I get at my office: 'Huh, Yamaha? Is that a good quality?' 'Don't think that your HCP will go better' 'Why did you buy those clubs, you have allready good clubs' (Ping G10, I'll play with them in the winter) I do not asked for understanding why I am so glad with my new clubs. Very, very greatfull to Tario, who had to put up with al my questions. I am 44 years old, happy as only children can be with new stuff to play. Long may this feeling last.
Newcomer in the forged world
I am thinking of a new group: GA instyead fof AA. Golfaddiction Anonymus. Clubs are in Hong Kong
Newcomer in the forged world
The Phoen rang, it's DHL. "Dear mr Bekker, we've got a special delivery upcoming from Japan." My heart skipped a beat. Oh, didn't I mentioned the fact that my wife (we are not married but do live together for 16 years already) doesn't know anything of my Japanese set? Okééé. Well, I guess I am not the only one hiding some news.... ;-D
Newcomer in the forged world
Had a session with my pro, took some specs. Just finished my order. The Yamaha's are mine!!
Newcomer in the forged world
I thought there was a difference between the Tour version and the one's as mentioned in the pro shop. I'll check it with Gochin to be sure since he tested them in his great review, the shoot out. thanks
Newcomer in the forged world
Oke, not going for the blades, but the Yamaha 2011 Inpres X V Forged 5-PW, check the pro shop.
Newcomer in the forged world
I suspect that it will not be easy, but hey, let's give it a wack... Reading your post it seems that the VG3 are slightly more forgiving than the Yamaha. Is that correct?
Newcomer in the forged world
Nice thought's I've read in the reply's above. As suggested by Supo, I've contacted Gochin. And he informed me pretty well. I also did some reading in the Blog's. I've narrowed my choice down to 2 irons. The Yamaha V-forged and the Titleist VG3. First choice is Yamaha. Tomorrow I'll have a meeting with my pro and we'll discuss my specs. I'll give them to Gochin and will then place an order. Yeha. But I have tot take into account which irons are best suitable to fit for a Dutch guy. Could be that the VG3 are easier to fit than the Yamaha's. What I've concluded, is that the Yamaha irons are more balanced. My hcp is currently 26 and still improving. By the end of this year I am aiming at 22 (and maybe 20...). I want forged irons (Endo) but playable for 20 HCP. And I think the Yama's will do the trick.
Newcomer in the forged world
I've send Gocchin a pb...
Newcomer in the forged world
Thanks. What do you mean with 'get T to sort you out'? stupid question, but who is T? What i've heard is that kyoei can't match epon but you do pay the price for it. In other words, not the same quality. I'll check out the proshop.Within 2 weeks I'll speak to my pro and I'll ask him about my specs, what to look for. As mentioned, I am a newcomer....
Newcomer in the forged world
This is a confused man typing words. I had some e-mail conversation with the fitter in which he explained me tehe fitting proces. It sounded trustfully, building one iron to test and play (after measuring etc of course) and from then one building the set. Talked to the phone, that was roughly on month ago. Since then, complete silence. No reaction to my e-mails, or left messages on his cell. Strange! That's no way of doing buisiness. Sadly, there seems to be no alternative fitter in Holland where I can buy a set of Epon from. There is one official certified Miura dealer, but a Miura iron will probably cost me about € 250,-. Let alone I am completely onaware which Miura's I should buy, playing from a hcp 26 looking to an hcp of around 20 which could be done after wintertraining. Might sounds strange, but I am very disappointed. I set my sights on a beautiful set of irons, which seems to go up in smoke. On top of that, I am not clear what to do, Maybe it's better to buy a second hand of clubs. Furthermore, I have no exact insight to my specs. That makes me hestitate aboute buying irons from internet. Of couse I visited the proshop, and watched the Epon, and also noticed that I can not order a new set of Epon from Holland. Wisely, because if what I do understand, it is an exact proces to match the clubs to the specs. All in all, very disappointing, a set of Epon is completely out of reach, the only two options a the Miura as mentioned above or a set of Vega. But I am not sure vega can match Epon let alone Miuara. Questions, questions, picking my brain, rocking me back and forth.
Newcomer in the forged world
The story goes on. To make things clear. I live in The Netherlands. My road to a set of Epons, a once in a lifetime buy. I ha e-mail contact with a club fitter. I've asked around. My pro (in a narcistic way: my swingcoach ), knew the guy. I've talked to some other golfers, and they were very satisfied about the products. The proces. First we do a fittingsession, fitter wants to measure all the relevant data. The grip, the shaft. He speaks that he is not a 'material pusher', but of course I understand that eventually he wants to sell the material. When he knows the specs, he will make an iron, which I can use to practise. To feel. To judge. To experience the swingweight. If they need some more weight (or less), he will adjust. Finally the irons are build. I set my sight on the AF-502, should be better than AF-501. Not sure about 702, I will ask. Next step, a date fore the session, somewhere in February (he is a busy man). Prices, might interes you all. They range from € 150, - to € 250,- per iron (shaft, grip etc.). So they will probably cost me 5 - pw + SW around € 1.400,-. Roughly $ 1,800,-. Diary update will follow after fitting session
Why buy a club made in Japan?
Thanks. On a personal note, one thing I still have to do in life, is a trip to Japan. Love and respect the culture and I hate it that I do not know enough of it. My sport, when I was a child (til 17 years) was judo. Had to quit it because my eyes were not good enough. Couldn't see it with the contact lens. Now, it is just golf and kickboxing. Have a great year to come.
Why buy a club made in Japan?
I am 44 year old, living in Holland, started playing golf 3,5 years ago. I have a Ping G10 set. Les say, semi fitted. I mean, it was fitted in a pro shop, with the help of the famous Ping fitting system. I frequently take golf lessons, with a Stack and Tilt pro. I do not want to discuss that method. Please think of it what you want of S&T, it works for me. I do have to say, that if you watch the pro's you'll notice that S&T was, is and will be there all the time, hehehe. What's good for the Tiger, should be good for me. Sorry, that is not what I want to ask. Teh G10 is a great set, which I can play with for a long time to come. Just had a lesson, and pro said (with a smile) that the clubs a to easy for me. More joy with better clubs. I talked in the past to a club fitter with a good name. With good fitted clubs, regular lessons and practise combined with walking courses on a regularly basis, hcp (currently 26) should drop quite easily. Pro says it should drop to 18 without extra effort. Keep your technique. I have always stated, based upon the 80-20 rule, taht clubs of the rack are good for about 80% of the golfers. They do not play a lot, don't take lessons etc.. Still they think that they can shoot low scores, but anyway. I set my sight on a set of Epon. I think the 502 model. I think they will fit me very will. EVen if i drop to a hcp 10 (which is probably a step to far, because, I have to say, I can't play every week). Clean irons, beautiful design, craftmenship. I hope they will help me to enjoy the game even more then I am doing right now. But can, will, you, members of this forum, explain t me why Japanese clubs are so much better than the big brands. Or should I say, clubs build in Japan are better than the rest. Is it the quality of the iron over the cast? Is it a hype? What is the mystique. I only have hit once with a Miura, and it felt different then any other iron I've hit before. I have a set of global knives, great set of knives fot the kitchen. Seems like they never loose their sharpness. Is it the same with those Japanes clubs? Never loose their performance, quality? What is it?
Why is epon not promoted more in the US
indeed, still a little bit distracted by the picture
Why is epon not promoted more in the US
Clear! Thanks.
Why is epon not promoted more in the US
That's interesting. Can you explain it furthermore? Can I compare it with the car industry? An engine is made by Volkswagen, and then specified further by Audi to their own specificationsHow does it work? The craft a club, with grooves or what? And then Bridgestone will label it? I haven't got a clue how it works, sorry for the stupid question.
Epon AF-Tour vs Miura 1957 Baby Blades vs ?
And a merry xmas to you.
Epon AF-Tour vs Miura 1957 Baby Blades vs ?
Oké, thanks Vertigo. I am on the brink of purchasing an Epon set (I want the 502). Session with the club fitter end of January. Keep the KBS shaft in mind, see how it goes. Little bit of topic, but any suggestions for a grip to go with that?
Epon AF-Tour vs Miura 1957 Baby Blades vs ?
Why do you recommend the KBS? Is it because the KBS shaft is heavier? From what I've learned, the Nippon shaft gives a somewhat softer feel, which you might prefer. Might sound stupid, but is it wise to use the KBS for the long irons and the Nippon for the wedge, or is it better to stich with one type of shaft?