Good morning y'all.
Just joined the forum. Linving in Holland, currently hcp 26. Playing with Ping G10, i5 to sw, the workhorse under the clubs. I recently played with a bloke with Miura clubs. A complete different feeling. He got me really excited. Did some googeling and found this forum. After exploiting the posts and the forumshop, I fell in love with the brand Epon. Found a clubfitter in Holland and talked extensively with him. He has a 'good name' in Holland, reliable and trustworthy. I do not expect to increase my hcp. I hope to lower it to 20, but I realise that I might play just not enough. But with some lessons during the winter and practise, who knows what spring might offer next year.
I am going to buy a set of Epon, thinking hard about the 502 series, maybe the 701. Probably the KBS shaft, but I have to say I do not know very much about shafts. As I understand I can personalize the clubs as I want it, colour, initials, you name it. I don't feel like any maddness, the beauty is simplicity as allways with Japanese quality. It might look simpel, but it isn't. Thinking about initials tough. It is going to be a set I want to keep. And, offcourse, headcovers for each club.
Any suggestions or tips I can get a closer look at the Epon irons?