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Everything posted by Stefsan

  1. What puzzles me, is that you don't see a lot of people playing Japanese irons (Mizuno the exception, that prooves the rule). I know that pro's are paid to play with the products of the big companies. So, you can take those guys out of the equation. Secondly, Japanes irons might be more expensive than the big brands, which you can buy in any store. But it depends. I remember when I bought my Ping G-10, I paid € 135,- per club. The fitter roughly will charge € 150,- per club, without the archie fargy stuff. And I guess the Epons will bring me so much, or maybe other, joy then the Ping's, altough I am very satisfied with them. Is it a lack of knowledge about the quality of the Japanes irons? I do not know what to expect when I will play thos irons... The feeling.
  2. Good morning y'all. Just joined the forum. Linving in Holland, currently hcp 26. Playing with Ping G10, i5 to sw, the workhorse under the clubs. I recently played with a bloke with Miura clubs. A complete different feeling. He got me really excited. Did some googeling and found this forum. After exploiting the posts and the forumshop, I fell in love with the brand Epon. Found a clubfitter in Holland and talked extensively with him. He has a 'good name' in Holland, reliable and trustworthy. I do not expect to increase my hcp. I hope to lower it to 20, but I realise that I might play just not enough. But with some lessons during the winter and practise, who knows what spring might offer next year. I am going to buy a set of Epon, thinking hard about the 502 series, maybe the 701. Probably the KBS shaft, but I have to say I do not know very much about shafts. As I understand I can personalize the clubs as I want it, colour, initials, you name it. I don't feel like any maddness, the beauty is simplicity as allways with Japanese quality. It might look simpel, but it isn't. Thinking about initials tough. It is going to be a set I want to keep. And, offcourse, headcovers for each club. Any suggestions or tips I can get a closer look at the Epon irons?