Everything posted by Chanaa
Utility shafts
Following gocchin's self analysis on moving to heavier shafts as swing changes, though i would throw it out there. I currently use KBS utility shaft on a 18deg old adams head. Just purchased 2 TRCs heads : 17deg & 20deg. My 17/18 deg is a 5w distance club for me and the 20 deg, i expect it to be a strong 3/4 iron replacement. I have no issues with the current KBS steel shaft, it launches high, pretty straight, with a small distance loss i can live with. Question is how does a non steel ute shaft play ie. like the new crazy utility compared to steels ? Accuracy vs distance ? Thks peeps
Royal Collection TRC Utility for 2011
I play an adams tour prototype Idea pro gold 18 deg on a kbs utility steel shaft. This has been in my bag for the last 4 yrs now and the most used club next to my putter..... 5w, 3i, rough putt, sand - its my go to club. Its worn out now and looking for a replacement. Have tried titleist, tm, even the adams idea v3 but nothing comes close so far. Looking for a new all action utility( and excuse )......has anyone played these adams in comparison to the onoffs & trc utility ?
Scotch.. or Single Malt In General
Chanaa replied to Above_Beyond's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearSingle malts only. Yoichi 20 yrs is the best. Spicy. Yamazaki 18 is next, more complex. I think both have won some sort of awards over the years. The yoichis are hard to get unless you arey in japan, so a mate of mine orders them on line for me. Mccallans are great, but over priced for what we get on 18s. Was once taken to a local whiskey bar in kyoto - tried a tiny bottle of single malt ( 400ml ) they said was unique and special. It was awesome, pity i cant remember the name.
RC DB Proto wedges. 52/58 # 177/500
- Ryoma + Crazy combo feedback
Stats dont lie. I have been using my epon 8.5 deg with crazy black LY 46 for last 6 mths & switched to Ryoma 9.5 with a craz black 46 7.2 in my last 12 rounds. Epon crazy combo i was hitting 63% fairway and the ryoma crazy 69% ( golfshot on iphone to track ). The big difference is the bads hits in ryoma are very much playable but the mis**ts on my epon gets me into serious trouble. Dispersion definitely better on ryoma. Length wise, ryoma crazy gives me a clear 15-20 yards over epon crazy. Thats 1-2 iron lofts easier to hit in the second shot. Another big difference here. Again, mis**ts are much much longer in ryoma compared to epon. I topped the ryoma the other day and flew 220 yrds...on a wet day !!! Short shape, agree the ryoma just flys off and flys high - fantastic in cutting doglegs over pine trees. Its a plug and play head. On windy days i go back to my epon 8.5 as its much lower & much more roll. Feel wise, nothing beats the epon - cuts & draws are much easier. Feedback can be harsh though for mis**ts. Soundwise, i actually like the ryoma - solid muted thud. Overall the Ryoma stays in my bag unless its a windy windy day. I dont have to use my long irons on second shots anymore....which is a big plus for me !!!- fairway kings
With th ryoma crazy combo driver now, i have a better chance on getting my par 5s in twos in my home course ( ave 530 yrds ). My current set up of titliest 910f 13 deg + fubuki ax gives me the length but not the accuracy. Got the fw50sigma shaft, want a head that gives me the forgiveness. Egg spoon reads the best but not sure if i can handle the look. Recall having a cleveland driver with a carved up back few years back, never got over the shape.- fairway kings
For the ryoma, got the 7.2 cb46 ( feels soft sometimes, but as i play in the tropics, helps after 3-4 consecutive rounds). For the fairway, got the FW50 sigma 7.7.- fairway kings
Recently got a Ryoma V-spec on a crazy CB46 - the hype was all true !!! made a huge difference to both length & forgiveness. Now looking for a strong fairway wood 14 deg that can gimme the wow factor similar to the ryoma. Currently gaming a Titliest 910f13 deg with crazy fw50 sigma. Looking through the forum discussions, the 3 that consistently come out tops are : royal collection trc, egg spoon & yamaha impres. Not sure if i can play the egg spoon - the scooped out back wont be easy on my eye. Any suggesrions / views? Only play my faiway off the deck not for drives. Thks- Crazy faiway shafts
Thanks peeps. Will give sigma a stab. Can someone help educate me here ? In the crazy website, sigmaf fw 50 shows shaft wgt of 82g. With 44" its 73 g. Is 82g raw shaft ? My standard is 43"' hence lighter shaft in the end ? Thks- Crazy faiway shafts
Will stick to crazy for now - how does fw80 black play vs fw50 sigma ?- Crazy faiway shafts
Thks. Hence the dilemma. Seems like a common problem..... Re Spoon- Crazy faiway shafts
ahh. My fubuki is a fairway shaft ax 65. Head is a titleist 910f 13.5deg- Crazy faiway shafts
Sorry mate, dont know if it has been tipped correctly. Excuse my ignorance, whats the impct / significance of it. Thks- Crazy faiway shafts
Not the stock shaft that came with the titleist. Just feels too much spin on it- Crazy faiway shafts
Hi there, now that i hav sorted my driver & loving it ( ryoma vspec + crazy black 46 7.2 ), need to work on my fairway. Currently gaming a titleist in a fubuki shaft. Feels like the fubuki spins a lot & balloons up, losing me distance ( of course could be the swing !! ). Any views on crazy fw shafts ? Fw80 or sigma 50 ? Thks peeps- Crazy vs Ryoma
thks all, fot the ryoma vspec 9.5 fited with crazy cb 46 in the end. Took 10 or more shots at the fitters....u guys are absolutely right - low, straight & loong. The roll is at least 5-10% more than my epon combo. None of my shots had spin > 2100. one word- awesome- Crazy vs Ryoma
Sadly living in hong kong, cant try any of those before buying. Sounds like ryoma has my name all over it. How does i play compared to my current czy ly46 / epon 152 set up.- Crazy vs Ryoma
Hi, am fairly new to the forum, but have been following gti forever. Looking to get a new driver...crazy 460 or ryoma. Currently have epon 152 with crazy LY46......love the shaft, so looking at a new head. Thanks peeps - Ryoma + Crazy combo feedback