was in the market for a while now for a set of decent used Epon (502, 302). After reading this post, realiszd that there indeed fake Epons around.
Came across this guy in Ebay knowingly and blatantly selling counterfeits. When confronted, he said sorry and refunded the purchase (but carry on selling fakes). He seems to specialize his trade in 502s, but he sells other counterfeits too.
Seller info : mathew7-12 ( 145) 100% Positive feedback. Item location: Dallas, TX, United States
April - mint condition AF 502 3-PW heads only sold $675
August - mint condition AF 502 4-PW heads only was sold for $575
August - mint condition AF-502 4-PW with Penley shaft (wow !) sold for $761
I'm a long time follower of Tourspec but created a new account for fear of retribution.
all, look after your hard earned cash ! even fakes are sold for good money - too cheap to be true no longer apply.