Everything posted by kuyaariel
Ferrules for Callaway Legacy Black irons
Hello. I'm thinking of reshafting my Legacy Black irons. Will I need to get special collared ferrules for this, or will any iron ferrule work? Thanks
FS Fourteen TC-1000, Nippon 1050 Reg
FS Fourteen TC-1000, Nippon 1050 Reg
Good morning. I listed these a few times before, but after an inconsistent round of ball striking, I'm a little more determined to sell these. I'm selling my Fourteen TC-1000 5-pw irons. They are shafted with Nippon 1050 regular flex shafts, 38" 5 iron, with even half inch increments down to the pw. They have black Lamkin ILine grips in great shape.They all have custom silver ringed ferrules. Everything is stock length and lie for this model. The heads were refinished at The Iron Factory and have had neoprene covers on them since the refinish. They have very minor chatter from a handful rounds of golf and trips to the range. Please refer to the pictures. No dings whatsoever. Looking for $425 shipped consus obo. Only trades i would consider are similarly valued irons, reg flex or heads only.
FS Gauge Design TCG 60* Lob Wedge
FS Gauge Design TCG 60* Lob Wedge
$94 shipped conus
FS Gauge Design TCG 60* Lob Wedge
alright. Lets get down to $99 shipped conus
FS Gauge Design TCG 60* Lob Wedge
Can someone tell me what these Fourteen Irons are?
I saw these pictures on another site. I think they look really nice. Anyone have info on them?
FS Gauge Design TCG 60* Lob Wedge
Good evening. I'm selling a brand new Gauge Design 60* wedge. The head is new and pristine. The club is shafted with a new Dynamic Gold S300 shaft (no shaft label) and brand new Winn PCI TL grip. It is 35.125" long. Please see pictures. Looking for $110 obo shipped!
FS New Uncut Diamana Whiteboard 63 Stiff
$150 shipped!
FS New Uncut Diamana Whiteboard 63 Stiff
Big price drop. Will sell for $175 shipped conus.
FS New Uncut Diamana Whiteboard 63 Stiff
Or will trade for a high end regular flex shaft around the 60g range
FS New Uncut Diamana Whiteboard 63 Stiff
Good evening. I'm selling a brand new, uncut, Diamana Whiteboard, 63 stiff. I have no use for it since I use regular flex shafts. Looking for $230 shipped consus.
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
All sold
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
$250 shipped for the Yonex, 4-pw
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
royal collection sold. Only Yonex left. Offers?
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
bump. offers?
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
Come on guys. I want these gone
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
Ok. $255 shipped for the irons
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
alright, $265 shipped consus
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
PM sent
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
Man, I can't believe these are still on here
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
Alright. $275 shipped consus for 4-pw
Selling off the extras! Irons, wedge.
$290 shipped for the 4-pw