Everything posted by bigrin
Its the Vspec 9.5* Completely agree on the educated (potentially harmfully expensive) guesswork finding the right combo. Relieved (and thankful!) the gamble paid off... Very jealous of those that can get access to a proper fit - be interesting to hear how it went for you Mark. ahem. longer? wow. Might have try and get my hands on one of these Yamaha's to test..
Wow. Couple of weeks in and was expecting the honeymoon to have worn off. It hasnt. I havent had the same experience of JDM heads + shafts on here as most but I hit the longest drives I've ever hit yesterday. Have it with the crazy tj 46. I played decent yday, felt in sync but caught a couple a little off the toe early on. Its not that it doesnt affect distance - it does - but because the good ones are so good, the bad ones dont work out being so bad. The two off the toe were in line with my playing partners, where normally I'd expect to be 30 yards behind. I realise my next comment is going to sound dumb, sensationalist and self serving but its true: The good ones were AT LEAST 20 yards further than guys I play with week in week out. Of them one is at least 5 yards past me normally and the other probably in line with me. Admittedly with the wind but with Bushnells the trap was 301 - even gale behind I dont hit it that far. I hit one clean as whistle - and its like the marketing blurb - penetrating ball flight and the first bounce is hard and on she runs. Walked down there and lo and behold I was in the trap. It wasnt a freak occurence. I was consistently in places on a course I know WELL I'd never been, and just way past the other two. So much so that last few holes they were using my driver. Problem is keeping yourself under control!! Ended up 3 off tee on 17 + 18 as tried to swing out of my shoes thinking I was Bubba. Two lessons 1. FOR ME this head (+ shaft?) works better than anything I've ever hit. 2. You always want it to go further.
In search of the Holy Grail ......JDM vs USDM
been gaming the epon 19 degree rescue driving iron - which till I got the egg spoon 3 wood was the first club I'd replace if my golf bag was stolen/house burnt down/I lost on a bet that went too far against the bandits I seem to be coming up against on '15'. So interesting to hear the egg hybrid 3iron getting a nod from you - goes as well as the spoon? Defo agree on longevity - dug out my epon technicity wedges this morning and used them instead of the chikaras I've been using recently. Staying in the bag. Am putting the chikaras down as an expensive mistake. Yururi lob staying though. Heard great things about the onoffs - not hit them tho. Congrats on finding gold at end of rainbow. Thought it was all a lie...
Adams launch lab 9.5* with fubuki stiff in matt black
Will snap some pix this eve. Brand new (arrived saturday) Adams Launch lab 9.5 with fubuki alpha in stiff. Its in matt black. Its hit less than 40 balls. Bought it as a test vs another driver. Only selling as keeping only what goes in the bag (and have my eye on a new putter..) Paid $500 including shipping. Ended up getting hit for some duty ($50). Asking $430 shipped.
Clearing out garage. Epon irons, woods, Miura irons, Vega putter
sounds fair to me. done.
Clearing out garage. Epon irons, woods, Miura irons, Vega putter
its yours. Sending this a.m.
Quadra Fire Express 65G SR Flex Shaft pull--A Steal $199
fair enough idrive if you dont get on with it then can find a home over here.
Quadra Fire Express 65G SR Flex Shaft pull--A Steal $199
lol. was on your recc actually...you get first dibs if doesnt dislodge my gamer..
Quadra Fire Express 65G SR Flex Shaft pull--A Steal $199
I'll take it - just sent you pm.
New PRGR egg spoon HD heavier and deeper model
Got my hands on ver 2 eggspoon and used it for first time yday. Holy crapola what a club! Hadnt hit one, but heard good things and was blown away. Dont think I've ever hit anything as forgiving or long. Wasnt just me impressed - the two guys I played with BOTH offered to buy from me then and there. No dice! Have to say am dead impressed. Longer and more forgiving ver 3 is insane!! Agree with Robbie - means am gunna need a bigger driver...
Clearing out garage. Epon irons, woods, Miura irons, Vega putter
Yep - has headcover. Think will stick where am for moment bud.
Clearing out garage. Epon irons, woods, Miura irons, Vega putter
ah ha - that makes sense - so £120 for the 3 wood inc shipping. £280 for the driver inc shipping.
Clearing out garage. Epon irons, woods, Miura irons, Vega putter
Long time lurker first time poster. New irons on the way (cant wait to try them and first days of summer just shown up) so selling to make room. SOLD Epon 501's. In excellent condition with px6.0 flighted and virtually new iomic grips. The PW has a small nick I've tried to show in the photos. SOLD Combo set of miura irons. 3-PW. Built by Urban Golf. The 3-5 are CB202 and 6 to wedge are tournament blades. PX6.5's softstepped once and white midsize lamkin grips. Heads in great condition. There is a nick on the 5 iron that can be ground out and just mentioning for completeness. Epon AF102 head only. Has a pop up scratch on toe that have shown on the photos. (my dad!!!) Otherwise in tip top condition. SOLD - Epon AF201 head only. Has a scuff mark that can be polished out. Otherwise everything else in perfect condition. SOLD - Vega putter. Only 50 made. Love this putter. In perfect condition. Heavy enough, soundslot, lovely roll. Had a weight dropped into handle that have put into my new flatstick and will need a new grip. 2 miura wedges. Custom grind. 54 and 60 degrees. 80 each. 150 the pair (£225 each from Urban Golf (see above..!) Feel free to contact me. Am sitting waiting for new epons to arrive today so should be able to get back to you quickly.