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Everything posted by MoreBeerBetterGolf

  1. I'm pretty convinced the RomaRo blade and Crazy blade are the same mold just different tweaks. Makes sense. I just prefer the aesthetics of RomaRo blade. Good stuff!
  2. I have a full 80T (well almost diamana X) going in one head and stinger boron in another and will give them a fair run down soon. May even swap them.
  3. I was trying to decide between these and pro forged and opted for the RomaRo and couldn't be happier but you know how it is. Always the wandering eye. Based on my preference and your reviews I think I made the right choice for me. The RomaRo are gorgeous, surprisingly forgiving, and feel splendid on well struck shots. Long too for their lofts.
  4. It's almost certainly the plating and should be nullified with a proper refinish. It isn't so much the actual feel as it is the sound frequency created by the surface coating itself from my understanding.
  5. How do you compare them to the Pro Forged?
  6. It's your old Stinger stew. I thought you were a huge fan of the X?
  7. I just snagged one cheap with stock S shaft. Gonna give it a whirl and see what happens. Have a Diamana X and a Stinger to mess with.
  8. "The club" literally! I've been hot and cold on it for a while. I have an extra Stinger and Diamana X I just acquired and thought this might make a rightful home for one of them.
  9. Head only preferred.
  10. I really like both but the onoff is much easier. Much much easier in the longer irons.
  11. Yes the core is a layer.
  12. What is baffling to me is that there is a LOT of offset in some of the 302s while the longer irons have very little. I really don't understand the purpose of not having offset/face progression where you need it, and having it where you don't. 302s seem a perfect example.
  13. I must have gotten the only F4 that are soft as butter. I still have one in my bag and played it a few holes on Friday and I was marveling again at how soft it is. Hmmmm. They really go too.
  14. Keep the nuts and bolts about the same just refresh the aesthetics. A very businesslike appearance like the new TS or the RomaRo Pro Forged. Maybe a darkish satin. Less offset.
  15. The personals are a bit short loft for loft with other irons I've played. They are very easy to hit though. The RomaRo by contrast isn't quite as easy but they're longer. The RomaRo 6i is exactly the same length as the 7i Onoff on the range. Checked the lofts and they are exactly the same. Imagine that. I'd actually argue the Onoff is perhaps lower launching than the RomaRo loft for loft. Very different ball flights for me with same shaft. Onoff launches strong and climbs to an apex then falls whereas the RomaRo seems to be more of an inverted U.
  16. I've tried rotating them in photo editor before uploading. It defaults to length vs height I believe. It will turn them so the wide angle is horizontal. So I have to resize them all to a square vs rectangle before uploading. That's too much effort. I'm pretty sure I need to always turn phone sideways. I will try to remember next time.
  17. I really need to learn which angle to turn my phone so all my pics come out right lol.
  18. This could be one of the biggest iron changes ever. I wouldn't predict success but you never know.
  19. Out of town visiting family for Easter. That pretty much sums up where we played.
  20. Pending sale