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Everything posted by Mob

  1. Oh, I think you have done enough . Actually, had it not been for this post, I never would have learned about the Recoil shafts. After spending some time researching, these look like a step up in feel from the Steel Fibers. I am currently feeling pretty good about the configuration I settled on. I only hope they perform, given the money that is going into them.
  2. I finally decided on a plan. Left handed Epon Af302 5 - PW + 52 and 56 degree Epon wedge with copper finish, UST Recoil Prototype 110 F4 shafts in the irons and 125 F4 in the wedges with Iomic Grips. Oh boy, this is going to be expensive! It will take about 6 weeks to get these due to left handed and copper finish. The good news is that they will be ready, right about the time I can start swinging a golf club again.
  3. Unfortunately, due to recent elbow surgery, it won't be til April. Maybe someone else will do it before me.
  4. I agree. Very impressive that this guy is responding to me on a Saturday night. I will always reward anyone who gets the old school customer service concept. I will certainly give these a try.
  5. I emailed the UST fitting center in Dallas asking about Recoils, and here is his response to my interest. I am very impressed so far with their responsiveness. Jean-Pierre, Thank you for your interest. I would be more than happy to help you with the recoils in your irons. I'm sure we could find someone local to take care of you but I have a lot of confidence in this product as I have been involved with them for the last three years in the development stages and also run our Tour Performnace Studio fitting center. In a perfect world you coming to Dallas to work with me on the trackman would be the best but I'm confident we can set you up without needing the travel. If you can send me some info on your swing such as speed, tempo, load, release point, and what you are looking to achieve performance wise with the Recoils we can get started. I also give golf WRX members 25% off which always helps and stand behind our products and my builds. For example, if whatever we go with doesn't work for whatever reason, I will get you taken care of with replacement product free of charge. I am a huge believer in customers for life and know our products will not dissapoint. Looking forward to workin with you. Thanks Robert Ennis UST Tour Performance Studio Manager/ Master Fitter
  6. Ok, so after further research and looking at multiple reviews, I think I am going to try the Recoils. I have an email into UST Mamiya in Dallas to see if they can recommend a fitter within driving distance of Indianapolis. If not, then it may be a quick trip down to Dallas, to get properly fit at their main headquarters in the U.S. As I said before, this is all going to have to wait until I heal from my surgery anyway, so April is likely the earliest it will happen. As for being a club ho, I think that ship has sailed a long time ago. I have two sets here, 4 drivers, 3 extra driving shafts, a set in L.A. at my brothers house, a set in Philly at my father-in-laws house, and a set in Colorado at my father-in-laws other club. Time to get rid of some of the old stuff.
  7. I was looking at the regular Attas irons. Tour only shows x flex option. I am starting to feel lost with all these options popping up. I may need to turn my phone and computer off and go have a drink.
  8. Just looked them up on TSG and I saw multiple weights and flexes
  9. Have you tried the tour attas and the recoils? Can you describe the differences other than ball flight?
  10. First trying to see if I can find a fitter nearby that can get both the recoils and the steel fibers to test and compare. Due to recent elbow surgery, any testing will have to wait until April. At least I can can everything lined up while recuperating.
  11. 60 or 70?
  12. You guys are killing me! I thought I had narrowed things down, now I am further away from a choice than I was when I started. I am going to look at the UST recoils, as I may have the ability to hit them on trackman with a fitter in comparison to the steelfibers. If I start looking at Crazy, Roddio, etc. I won't really have a way to comparatively test these shafts. The feedback I have seen on the recoils, now that I am looking, is very positive.
  13. What did it cpm at? Also, is this a 60stiff or 70 stiff shaft?
  14. You just had to throw a monkey wrench in there. Ok, I will see if the fitter can get one of these as well to compare. Do you know if they play true to flex?
  15. I have been putting around the house with it, and it feels good. They apparently have a new one coming out in March called the White Hot Pro V-line that has had some very good initial reviews. I am eyeing that one as well. Callaway sent me the Versa #7 to try and keep as sympathy for my left-handed affliction. Very nice of them. The insert in it feels really good, better than my Scotty Cameron Kombi.
  16. We must have got the same thing, as I got that divot repair tool as well. Very cool. Looks like you and I have the same taste in shafts. I have an 80 LS Noir 7.4 in my Crazy 435, and I just bought a Crazy FW80 7.4 for my next 3 wood.
  17. I have a Crazy 435 head with the 80 LS Noir shaft 7.4 . I don't want to mess with this combo. I want an adjustable head so it is easy for me to compare the shafts and easily swap them out. I don't do my own club work, so if I were to pull the shafts each time, I have to drive 45 minutes to my club fitter. Much easier for me to compare all these with the same head by using an adjustable driver. Sorry, I know that you all think less of me for this admission.
  18. It is a 70 stiff, but I am going to give it a whirl in the spring. I will be putting it up against my Fubuki K X-flex, Motore Speeder Tour Spec vc 6.2 stiff, and Quadra Fire Express SX. If it is a clear loser, then I may consider selling it. Going to use my new Callaway Razr Xtreme head that is coming in a couple of weeks. Sorry, I know it is sacrilege to mention a USDM head, but this one sounds like it is going to be very good. Plus, us left-handers have very little to choose from in the JDM options. I got it from Tario last month, he may be able to find another one for you. Funny, it seemed to come from Geotech, as that was on the shipping label.
  19. Stew, you are killing me. You are the one who sells me on getting this shaft, but neglect to mention the lack of feel until after I buy it?? You are a bad man.
  20. All helpful information, thanks. I spoke with my club fitter. He is going to get a one of each of the shafts so I can try them each with the same 6 iron head and make a decision that way. We will do this sometime in the spring. I will let you guys know what we find. Right now I am leaning to the players spec ami99 model, but we will see what the demoing shows. I really appreciate everyone's input. Thank you.
  21. It may be a while. I only played my Miuras for about 5 rounds in the fall and loved them. Not sure I can really justify a $2000 set of irons while I am loving what I just got. Also just had elbow surgery and won't be swinging a club until April. All that being said, I still may not be able to resist.
  22. It will be the stiff. I find the Modus3 stiff just a touch soft and could probably play them in an x flex. My driver shafts fall between an x flex and stiff depending on the shaft.
  23. Ok, you may have sold me. Going to put them with some Epon 302
  24. Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I guess you kind of did the same thing by mixing your own set. I will try and test some, but that sounds like what I am looking for
  25. That is very helpful, thAnks. Haven't heard of the players series, what is that?