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  1. Thank you for your suggestion. I should look for XXIO brand. But Can you tell me about XXIO brand please?
  2. wow, thanks for all those replys. I was thinking of On Off, but I have to reserch about XXIO... But Can you tell me about XXIO brand please? Is it made in japan? Or is it famose brand? I am new in Japanese Golf brand and I am still learning...
  3. Hi, I have been visiting this web site often and I decide to write post. Because I could not decide what should I do. I just started golf about a month ago. I had tried before, but this time I am serious. I went to range about 7-8 times and I hit the ball and It goes about 80-100 yard almost straight with 7 iron. I am about 180cm and 100Kg(I gain a lot of weight recently), 35 years old asian guy. Even I am tall and heavy, my strenth is too weak. No power...My friend suggest to use graphite iron.. And I live in Los Angeles now. I was going to buy USA version of Mizno JPX 800 HD($630 here) but since I am going to have business golf later, I want to get bit more nice Japanese irons for the future. However, the basic Honma and other brand is so expensive(around $1800 to $2000) even it is base model... And I want to buy some nice golf stand bag also. Since here in USA does not have caddy most people prefer stand bag. Can someone recommend some iron sets and stand golf bag? My budget is around us $1000. If there is good deal I will stretch to $1500... I saw couple website selling japanese iron sets with resonable price. Please recommend iron set deal and bag. My E-mail address is [email protected]. Thank you...