Tourstage 909 X-Blade
Looking for a set of 909 X-Blades. Would prefer up to the 4 iron. Even up to the 3-iron. No matter what, if you have a set I would be interested. Thanks!
Sold. Thanks TSG!
Lock it up. They sold. Thanks TSG!
- Sold. Thanks TSG!
Sold. Thanks TSG!
I'm selling my Fourteen FH1000's. They are shafted with S300's, and have the Fourteen grips. The are standard L/L/L. These are very close to new, and with the exception of the ding on the toe of the 6 iron (pictured), they are nearly flawless. If you have any questions or would like more pictures, please let me know. I am asking $850 for this set, shipped to the Continental U.S.
PRGR Egg Spoon HD
Just added a few pictures. If you wanted to buy the head only it would be a very similar price still. Feel free to make an offer on the head only
PRGR Egg Spoon HD
I just received this Egg Spoon HD with the M-46 shaft from TSG, and it has yet to be hit. It came in the mail yesterday (17 Jan), and although I feel awful turning it around this quickly, I will never use it. Please feel free to offer up if my price is too high. Asking $535 shipped priority to your door in the CONUS.