Everything posted by mul1gan
Aerotech Steelfiber i95 3-pw shaft sale
Selling my almost new set of i95 regulars 3-pw with iomic stickies. 5 irons measures 37" raw. SOLD thanks all
- Aerotech Steelfiber i95 3-pw shafts
- Aerotech Steelfiber i95 3-pw shafts
- Aerotech Steelfiber i95 3-pw shafts
Shimada shafts
thanks! do you know how the 7001 series compares to the shimada tours or shimada pros? thanks in advance.
Aerotech i80r. For my das
any interest in the i95 regulars 3-pw?
Shimada shafts
Can anyone tell me what model shimada shaft comes with the epons, is it the tour x or the ks7001 or something else? looking for a set of 3-pw to throw on my af302's thanks in advance
Finally. GONE.. Thanks tsg
I'd be all over this if I didnt have my mind set on the aerotech's... wait, or was it the recoils'? oh forget it....
- Epon 302s 3-P While I Still Can
- Epon 302s 3-P While I Still Can
- Epon 302s 3-P While I Still Can
Epon 501s, 551s, 502s
thanks for the info, i am torn between the 551's and 302's. Having a durable a sleek finish is pretty high up on my list. :)
Epon 501s, 551s, 502s
I did a search and was no able to find any mention of the durability for the AF 551. Does anyone know how the finish will hold up over time? Will it discolor or fade after a few months?