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  1. Thanks for the info. Oddly the post I made a week ago just showed up and now there's a double post! :x! Also, I thought so, but when I googled Yururi it led me to a .kr website... funny! And oh yes, they are definitely soft. If you thought the normal finish was soft, this is even softer.
  2. Good info, thanks! I actually like the look of having rust... cause people who don't understand ask how I can possibly play with 50 year old clubs.
  3. I recently got a set of irons with no finish at all. My question is, is there a way get the rust off without damaging the irons? And secondly will rust affect how the irons play/damage them? Thanks! P.S. Isn't Yururi a korean brand?
  4. Hi, I'm new to the forums. I have questions for the experienced people with raw irons. I was recently able to get a set of Yururi KM-0107 RAW ( not flat black, but RAW) from a friend of mines working on a tour van in Japan. Since it has NO finish whatsoever it is beginning to show a bit of rust. My questions are, will rust affect anything or is it more cosmetic? Is it possible for me to remove rust without damaging the irons? Thanks!