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  1. Wow, I'll be waiting! Not only the distance, I would really appreciate if you could tell me how it feels too!
  2. I'm usually carrying 3 and 5 hybrid in between 3w and 5i. After getting PRGR new egg spoon, I'm tempted to get egg+ utilities too but I'm not sure which 2 degrees I should get between 3&5 and 4&6. Since my 5 iron has 25 degree, I'm pretty sure egg 6ut (25) would go further than 5i but how further? If I choose 5ut (23), I'm also afraid that it would leave too much gap from 5i. My SS is 95-100 mph and my usual 5i distance is 170-175. Since I haven't measured my new 3w distance, I assume it would go around 220-230. If PRGR egg utilities are not as good as woods, I would greatly appreciate your recommendation too.