Your body does exactly what your brain tells it to. You are rising up because your current perception of the golfswing is such.
You need to trust and internalize the fact that good ball striking is a result of hitting down and through the ball, with the bend in the right wrist being retained and the divot starting after the ball is gone.
I am thinking your concept is to flick the hands up to get the ball in the air, which causes you to hang back on your right side, possibly reverse weight shift, and raise up to create the force required to get the clubhead moving up quickly at the bottom of the swing.
To summarize change your perception. Take a SW and take our stance placing a second ball 3" farther from the target on the same line as the original ball. Now hit down and through hitting the normal position ball and missing the other ball. This is not an easy change to make but stick with it every time you practice. In time you will be able to take it to the course with the longer clubs.
Happy Golfing.