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  1. I have a 15g Futura weight made by Joe Kwok. Like new. It is made of a polymer that has been made to insert into the three holes. Fills them all the way to the top of the holes. It a translucent color with a red sightline. Pics available $30 Shipped in US. Will have to check on postage outside US.
  2. obo anyone? anyone?
  3. I have a 15g Futura weight made by Joe Kwok. Like new. It is made of a polymer that has been made to insert into the three holes. Fills them all the way to the top of the holes. It a translucent color with a red sightline. Sorry no pics. Camera is broken. Looks like the one in this discussion in Tour/Import, but does not have a brass end weight and is the translucent color. it does have Joe's initials on the bottom like this one. http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...iewtopic&t=9097 $30 shipped. Thanks