Everything posted by golfluvzme
Pics of project Frankenputter
In my whirlwind year, I totally forgot that I posted this here. I sort of left everyone hanging with zero details, though a few other sites had more information on it. The putter came to me from a Cameron collector who had a friend with a temper. This stick was actually drug behind a cart for a while, then it appears to have been used to hit a ball off of the blacktop of a parking lot. I had the nickel stripped, then cleaned it up a bit. The gouges were tig welded in and then I reshaped it to get as close as I could to original. Removing the smaller dings cost some weight, so a bead was welded in around the perimeter of the cavity. I believe it tips the scales at just over 329 grams, now, perfect for a 35" putter. The face was remilled by a professional and his first light pass virtually eliminated the stock lettering and shallowed the dots. To make it a little more custom, the dots were milled out and the dancing "CAMERON" was stamped on the face. I designed the "THE PHOENIX" stamping to show that the putter had indeed been dead and was brought back beyond original glory. Thanks for the comments on this one and there will be many more in the future. LaMont in AZ
Pics of project Frankenputter
I am not sure how many of the members here got to see my transformation of a ruined Cameron MidSlant, over the past few months. Here is a slideshow that pretty much covers each and ever step that got it to the beauty that it is, today. Enjoy, LaMont in AZ MannKrafted Golf Works
Circa #3 Restoration, Arizona Based.
Here is my latest endeavor. It was not a beater when I got it, but it is a beauty, now. Check out the pics as it goes from each stage to the next. It is now a satin black finish with Gold/Silver paintfill. I'll be testing the satin finish for the next few weeks for durability and post back here, what the resulst are. In the mean time, enjoy the pics and feel free to comment on my work. Thanks, LaMont in AZ
Titleist Vokey Proto, 2004, 52* wedge
Titleist Vokey Proto, 2004, 52* wedge
Here is a gorgeous gap wedge! It is a 2004, Titleist Vokey Prototype with 52* loft and 12* of bounce. It is all handstamped and in very nice shape. The back of the blade is very clean with the "L" grind also noted, in red. The grooves are in excellent shape and will probably make that little white gem dance like it has never danced before. I have a full set of 400 Series Vokey "TC's" or this would stay right at home in my bag. The shaftband is no longer on the club, but it is a True Temper and has the Titleist Victory Cord grip, logo down. You see a number of Prototypes for sale, but not that many in this loft. If you want a gap wedge that will end your search, this is the creature. Looking for $210, shipped, Con USA. Will ship international for added postage, just actual, no big addition. Check out the pics and let me know. I take PayPal and am shipping stuff on Monday, already. This would just be one more box. Thanks, LaMont in AZ
Newly Refinished Toys. Byron Morgan's handiwork.
Well put, I must say. I have all three shafted, gripped and ready to play, now. They probably won't see any grass time in my hands. It was more of a project to see just how nice they could turn out. Look for them, separately in the near future on the BST forum, here and at WRX. I may sell the two TPA's as a pair, they look so good together. Thanks again for the comments, LaMont in AZ :tsg_smilie_cool:
Newly Refinished Toys. Byron Morgan's handiwork.
I had these heads around the garage for a while and finally got around to sending them to be refinished. Byron Morgan did the work and they are gorgeous. Going into his shop, they looked like dogs, now they are much improved. Let me know what you think of them. Thanks, LaMont in AZ
Know this driver? Cool shaft
I pickedt this driver up, today and have no idea what the scoop is. It was reportedly Mark Calcavechia's driver during his time in Japan. I have attached a pic of the sole. It reads, "Newing Shows you a new world of golf Forged Titanium" The shaft is multicolored in pastel colors, blue, tan and dark blue. The only sticker on it, without pulling the grip, is in Japanese, I believe. If you know this driver, I would love to hear from you. LaMont in AZ, USA [email protected]
Tour Putters
Just a little vintage Bobby Grace tour putter. Bobby would only pin the shafts on tour putters and handstamped his name in spots whcih had the most potential for TV exposure. I have played a couple of rounds with this one and, not being a big mallet fan, this putter rocks. It may be mental, but the feel isn't like most aluminum mallets. I like it alot, but it'll wind up on the rack. Thanks, LaMont in AZ
Project Bolero Rescue
Yes, when I first got it home, I was wondering what I had gotten myself into. I did some checking and saw what used Boleros were selling for and realized that it wasn't going to be a "profit" deal. It was soley a labor of love, or just hoping to bring back a Cameron to some sort of glory. Total time, up to now is probably around 3 solid hours. I would work on it for a while, leave it for a day, then pick it up again. I wish I had gotten pics of the sole plate, prior to starting out. It looked like it had been painted white...............severall coats. It cleaned up easy, now the hard part is finding an anodizing company that will take a single piece. I guess I just need to spend some time on the phone and get it done. When its finished, I definitely post some pics. Thanks for the comments, LaMont in AZ
Project Bolero Rescue
I picked up this sad gem at a local swap meet and did what I could to restore it. I contacted the Studio and, due to California laws, they don't do restorations on aluminum putters. It was soooooo pitted that in the beginning, I wondered if I could ever get it smooth, again. Well, I got it this far and next step is to bead blast it to satin and have it anodized, locally. Let me know what you think and enjoy the pics, as sad as the pre-restoration ones are. Thanks for your comments, LaMont in AZ-USA
Byron Morgan works some magic- Custom Shop
I had a putter laying around that a neighbor had milled for me a few years ago at his work. It was nice, spent a little time in my bag, but eventually was replaced by a Cameron............and several others over the years. I was reading a post about a fellow who sent a putter to Tom Slighter to have a hosel welded on and it got me to thinking. I contacted Byron Morgan, formerly of John Byron Golf, and he was more than up to the job. I told him about what I was looking for and fired off the head. He contacted me, the day it arrived and had already welded up the hosel and would get pics my way when he had a chance. Well, Christmas orders being what they are, he was tied up for a couple of weeks. Just last Friday I got an email and a pic of my putter, finished up. WOW! It doesn't even look like the same head. What started out to be a new hosel has turned into giving an old dog new life. I was blown away at the handshaping, new hosel, and total refinishing that Byron did for me. I believe the face has some stamping, as well, but don't have it in-hand, so I'll have to wait for that. If you are thinking of having a custom putter milled, or handmade, you owe it to yourself to at least give Byron a call. He is 100% customer oriented and a master craftsman, in my opinion. Heck, just look at what he turned my "has-been" into. Well, enjoy the pics and feel free to leave any comments. I always appreciate a note or two. Thanks, LaMont in AZ
WTT Bailiwick Forged blades, TX90 Stiff, 4-pw+gw for ????
I built this set and cannot get used to the headshape of the mid-irons, so it is down the road. The set is gorgeous and has only been out for 18 holes, with the 4, 5, 6-irons and gap wedge never having hit a ball. The set is 1/4" over standard with Golf Pride Tour Velvet MidSize grips. The shaft in the gw is a Rifle FCM 6.0 w/o shaft band. I believe the frequency tag is still intact under the grip. Swingweights were carefully matched within 1/4 pt. at D2. I cannot help being finnicky and that is all that keeps this set from being in my bag for a while. I posted this set on another site for $250, but am coming to a more reasonable $200 trade value. Looking for non-offset irons, nice drivers, Camerons, or what-have-you. I have pics to send, just fire off a request to [email protected] and I will get them sent as soon as I can. Thanks for viewing my post, LaMont in AZ
SOLD- Nak NP1 420, 9* w/ Fuji Tour Release 27.3 Stiff, Nice
I built my dream driver and watched as another guy on the range hits the bombs off the back of the range with it. I was unable to do the same, so the 975L-FE stays in the bag, and the Nak goes to Pittsburgh. Thanks for reading my post, LaMont in AZ [email protected]
MacGregor Grace MOI, M6.4K, Heel shafted
I recently acquired this one gem a trade deal and cannot warm up to the "modern" shape. The putter is a MacGregor Bobby Grace MOI model, M6.4K and is heel shafted. It is gorgeous, without a scratch, even. Could almost pass for brand new. Putter is 34" with original Grace Winn grip. Comes with white V-Foil headcover that has one 1/8 mark on the bottom. Putter just needs a new bag to hang out in. Looking for $100 OBO, shipped. May trade for other putters, let me know what you have to offer. Feel free to e-mail at: [email protected] :surprize: