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Everything posted by yumanike

  1. ummm, Aldila NV 75 or 85. I'm not sure if they make it in an XX. Maybe then new Xtreme NV? :cool:
  2. Steel Cleveland Launcher series. For me it came down to the Cleveland and the Mizuno MP-001 and the Cleveland just seems to suit me better.
  3. I love the Nike CPR 18*, but I would love to demo the T-100's. I lucked out and got my CPR for around $100 brand new if price is a consideration.
  4. I am just basing this on my experiance with the Aldila NV 65 S, but I believe the kick point of the NV will give you a little lower trajectory than a YS-6 S. My swing speed is about 105 mph and pretty smooth. I hope this helps.