correct use of hips
Jeff, I'm glad to hear you are enjoying this! Thanks for clearing up a few more things... For now, I am going to stick with getting loaded into the right side and turning the toe over. I am going to try, as you suggested, to focus on the hands and arms moving the club back. I want to try that right shoulder thought you gave me. One question; what do you mean by "start the backswing with both shoulders as the wrists load"? I get the shoulders part but I am not sure about the wrists. When does this begin to happen in your backswing? I read a book from the PGA that suggests starting the backswing by moving the left arm across the chest as far as you can and let that motion turn your shoulders. Any experience with this move? They seem really big on this as opposed to the Leadbetter style whole body move that had me all messed up... thanks, Goalieboy.
correct use of hips
thanks again, I have heard about starting the downswing by straightening the right arm but it never made sense to me. I think I get it now. As long as I lead with the elbow I must be doing it right, right? My current swing thought is to start the swing by moving the left shoulder back. This seems to help me get going smoothly. I try not to manipulate my hands at all as I have a tendency to roll them over somewhat during the takeaway. I am also concentrating on feeling the tension build in my right leg as a means of eliminating that stupid sway to the right I developed by trying to make a "bigger turn." I don't know about you, but there is no way I can turn my left shoulder over my right knee without really swaying off the ball. This new, more centered position almost feels like a reverse tilt compared to my old move but by practicing with a mirror I can see that I am getting behind the ball without moving off it. I was wondering, once I am loaded at the top, would it be helpful to "push of " with the inside of my right foot to make the hips turn back left? This seems like an easy enough move and now that I am feeling more tension in my right leg it seems a good way to get going powerfully. Any thoughts? Finally, my pro has had me hit the impact bag while trying to really make sure that I turn the toe of the club over. This requires me to roll my hands to the left at impact. Does that seem a good idea? You mentioned making sure that I release the hands, particularly the right with the body. How do you do your release compared to the impact bag drill I am doing. thanks for your patience, Goalieboy
correct use of hips
Jeffey, thanks for that! I am trying to concentrate more on my shoulder turn and matching my backswing and downswing tempo.(ie: not lunging at the ball) I am trying to forget jamming my hips to the left, (as one pro tried to teach me)... Sometimes though, I am hitting some fat shots. Is this because I am not getting a good weight transfer? How do you shift your weight on the downswing without spinning the hips left or swaying? thanks, Goalieboy.
correct use of hips
I have heard that you are supposed to start the downswing with the hips... When I try this, I end up looking like Tiger with the bullfighter swing he has (hips way too open) and I shove everything straight right, just like he does. (albeit 200 yards shorter!) Can anyone explain how the hip move is done correctly? I would appreciate a simple swing thought or explanation of how you make that same move. thanks, Goalieboy.
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