Everything posted by VAGolfNut2004
Taylormade 2003 CBs ... Taper Tip
Anyone know if the TM TP CBs are taper tip?
items for sale
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OT: FS: Buffet Partnership letters (1957-70)
No no no ... he's Jimmy Buffet's DADDY. :laugh:
WTB Scotty Newport 2 33" 350 gram
Thought I had a deal on one in mint condition. It fell through. I need one in very fine shape ASAP.
WTS/WTT: Bettinardi BBX-80 Mercedes Special Edition Putter
If you have only played one round with it and the rest of the putting is on the carpet you don't have any idea whether or not you can putt with it yet. Hold on to it until you get more time on the putting green. Unless it is an absolute disaster for you when you try to putt on GRASS
Another option might be to custom order your wedge from Scratch Golf one of the sponsors here. You could at least find out if it is possible to leave more bounce on the club. I imagine it just depends on the overall shape of the head before they do the grinding. Good Luck
zojo's bag (PICS!)
You need a new putter grip? I have a couple of Winn Putter grips among others in a drawer, just let me know if you want me to ship you one.
Best Instruction Books???
I was going to mention that, but since you beat me to it let me just second that. It's simplistic and timeless. Plus the story of Mr. Jones is one to be admired. Other books of note: Harmon's Playing Lessons Harmon's Four Cornerstones of Winning Golf Pelz Short Game and Putting Bibles Pennick's Lil Red Book Tour Temp0 - can't think of the author Rick Smith - Find Your Perfect Swing Jim McLean - The Eight Step Swing Jim McLean - The X Factor Hmmm anyone getting the idea I read way to much .... lol!
FS Taylor Made Miura Forged Rac CB's 3-pw
Depends on the overall condition, especially the face and sole wear and any nicks or gouging. 9-9.5/10 would bring you somewhere around $500-$550 8.5 probably $475 8/10 $425 That's just a guess though as I recently paid $500.00 for a set of absolute mint 2004 CB's (Muira forged) Do yours say CB on the hosel or coin forged?
How do you care for your irons?
During a round: Traditional golf towel with one corner soaking wet. Wipe with that if really muddy otherwise a golf brush to take the big chunks off... lol. Just started using a Micro fiber towel that I picked up at Martin's in Myrtle Beach, amazing at how well it works. Recently saw similar towels at Costco though they dont have a golf towel hook for attaching to the bag. This one I use more for grass and dry dirt. After the round: I use a bucket of warm soapy water. Soft bristle brush to clean the grips first. Then I soak the heads in the bucket while I clean each one with a soft bristle tooth brush. Dry with a very soft terry cloth towel and final step is to wipe with a terry towel sprayed with WD-40. I've found washing the grips really seems to help them last.
FS: Rac 304 Stainless 60*
PM sent
its a shame
I tried to post some ideas to help this supposed Brad make a positive name for himself. Instead he resorts to childish comments like "Thanks for trying to screw me." Here are the reasons I backed away from my deal with him after agreeing in principle to purchase a wedge at the end of last week when funds would be available: 1) He told me he wanted a check that it was the safest form of payment - no paypal is. 2) Told me to make the check payable to a third party 3) New Jersey address 4) Had to ask who the third party was - answer "my mom" - this makes the transaction most likely with a minor and that means no legal recourse if you are an adult 5) I mentioned COD he didn't respond at first then said ok - but only after I mentioned it a second time 6) Gave me two different phone numbers to reach him, after I told him of my concerns. By this point I was well on my way to walking away. I was actually beginning to think maybe we needed to cut him some slack, but after the childish comments and the bidding on ebay with a brand new account. Whether Max or not I am very glad I didn't deal with him. His rants about being unfair and such are plain and simple childish. Good luck Brad, Max, or whoever you are!
its a shame
Sorry, but I have to disagree about owing him an apology just because the wedge turns out to be real. Being cautious with a newbie on the board who unfortunately has a lot of things in common with a known scam artist is just smart buying. He first posted the Y cutters for sale with something like his second or third post to the board. He is a total unknown on here and it truly is a shame, but like it or not Max really hurt any newbie coming to the board offering TM tour issued clubs. I had a deal in place and Brad was kind enough to understand when I developed an uncomfortable feeling about it. That speaks well of him and I really debated what to do. I had to do what was right for my situation. I would rather be safe and take a hit to my rep on the board then take a chance and get burned. His pending deal with you will help establish him on the board and hopefully in the end all will be happy. If he is offended by the board members on here being cautious that is unfortunate. If anyone was rude to him and he turns out to be legit then I hope that a public apology is made.
its a shame
Unfortunately, COD doesn't offer a lot of protection either. I know that I mentioned COD in the PM to you the other day. But after I sent it I realized I still would have to pay for the wedge before I actually saw it. With that said you did offer to let me call you and that certainly would go a little way to proving you are legit. The best suggestion I can come up with is post pics, perhaps with something clearly showing they are in your hands. Same day newspaper where the date shows and a note to say XGatorman asking him if the pics answer his concerns. I do have to somewhat agree that varying the price based on the loft is a little unusual but certainly your choice to do so. Also, you need to realize that a whole lot of the things you suggested to me in PM are teh same things that "Max" told people to do. Max burned a lot of guys for some big bucks, several thousand total. Frankly how he isn't in juvenile lock up is beyond me, other then it is difficult to prosecute across state lines when it is $300 here and $500 there. I backed off because in addition to my concerns with some of your suggestions I just had to go with my gut which was to be safe with my money instead of sorry. I had over $3,000.00 in clubs stolen in a burglary and insurance screwed me as well. I have decided that unless I know the seller well or have great recommendations from others I will have to be cautious on all transactions. Perhaps we need to find a middleman who will act as a go between. Receive funds from buyer and hold funds until club gets to him and he can inspect. That way if the club is not legit he ships it back to seller at seller's expense and returns the money to the buyer. I think Joey offered to do that. The only other option I can suggest is you could consider shipping one of the wedges to someone you pick from the potential buyers. Check him out with others here on the board. He then gets to receive the brand new wedge and verify it is legit before he sends payment. Once done you would now have a well known member on here that would be able to vouch for you. But you really should post a price in your BST listing or a price/best offer. BST is not designed as an auction so perhaps ebay is your best place to make the most on your wedgs.
TaylorMade Satin finish ??
I'm a little confused on the Satin finish on TM wedges does the satin only appear on the stainless wedges or do they do that on the cast heads as well?
Need Info on Max ... back channel would be best
I received a very polite email from the seller stating he understands my concerns. Based on some additional information he provided and a willingness to now do a C.O.D. it appears he may indeed be legit. I am still debating whether to go through with the sale though the COD would protect me to some degree. Sadly you can't inspect the contents of a package before paying for the COD.
Need Info on Max ... back channel would be best
I appreciate the information sent to me back channel. The bottom line is a transaction I was about to enter into was not feeling right. I chose to not go through with it, because there were too many things that made me uncomfortable. Perhaps the person was totally legit and if my reputation on the board takes a hit for backing out of a transaction agreed to last weekend then that is a risk I have to take. Bottom line when I'm dealing with someone on here I don't expect to be told that sending them a check is safer then Paypal - it's not. Even more disconcerting was instructions to make the check payable to a third party. Sorry not going to do that. I may have lost out on a great club that I sorely need, but after losing everything in the burglary last fall I can't risk this transaction. I hope everyone can understand my backing out, especially the seller if indeed he is legit. But he is brand new here and all of this was just too much. Have a great weekend everybody.
Need Info on Max ... back channel would be best
I need some information on Max who caused so much trouble on BST. Please back channel basic info or if you have questions as to why. I prefer to keep this discussion private until I know more about him and whether he may have surfaced again (there is a possibility that he has). I actually hope he hasn't and that my concerns are for naught. Thanks
Brand new fe203 black Y grooved 56/12
It's truly sad that Max is still able to post. If he had been my kid the first report of his bogus dealings would have resulted in his being off the net and that would have been the least of his worries.
Which finish? FE203 Black Stainless
Tons of Retail stuff cheap Taylor & Cobra
For what it's worth I think the "M" flex is for mature ... aka senior ..... or more commonly called a Firm. Though I'm pulling this from some long ago conversation and well you know what they say with maturing the first thing to go is your ..... ummmmm no not that ... memory that's it! :laugh:
FS: Taylormade 200 Smoothies 13, and 17 deg ,TP Pro 95-x
Not a matter of affording it, but rather what is a fair price even for something "good and rare". Then again if someone is willing to pay it more power to the seller.
FS: Taylormade 200 Smoothies 13, and 17 deg ,TP Pro 95-x
I sure hope he means $450.00 for the set, that much per club would be ridiculous.
WTB a few headcovers-Help a Brother Out!
I may have a 500 series headcover laying around - I will look for it, if so it's yours. I'm not sure if it will fit the XD model but I thing it will. It is only a matter of finding it as we have begun packing for our move. Myrtle Beach here I come - permanently! :love:
FS: 2004 CaMeRoN Newport 2-33"350gr (wPics) *Price Drop
Is it a tour issued putter?