Everything posted by Alcap26
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearThis is the first time have lost it on the course like this in a long time. Then to beat all I get home and the damn vcr is cut off and I did not get the last 5 cars of qualifying for the f1 race....I almost yanked it out of the entertainment canter and threw it out the damn window. Having a little rage control problem today. I am still steaming 2 hours later. I wonder if CCC can fix it? Will it mess with the weight if I get it refinished? But I did think of you guys and added who I thought was the best pin up gril ever to Petes pin up thread. Enjoy.
Tourspec Pin-ups (PG-13)
Alcap26 replied to phillypete's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearThis is the best I can do. It was my avitar for a while.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI upload all the pics I have posted to the image gallery on here...no picture hosting service. That said let me start this story with a disclaimer....I have a temper when provoked or when sleep deprived. This morning my tee time with my father was scheduled for 8:00 am. I get to the course 30 minutes b/4 to warm up as usual. 7:51 my father shows up...mind you he says he is early...and proceeds to go into the shop to check in and get some range balls to warm up. This is ridiculos...by the time he gets out there it is 5 till 8. So we get bumped back two spots since the course is running ahead of schedule. Well the first hole takes the group in front of us 20 minutes to play. I am still fuming and my father will not let it go saying he is sorry for showing up early and wanting to hit some since he hasn't hit in a while.ARRGGHHH! The more he brings it up the hotter I am getting. needless to say the front nine was a blast. We get to the back and I am a couple over and on 18 he hits andother s**tty drive and then turns around and says let me hit your driver. I try to ignore this and walk back but he says it again. Well here I am in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. If I say no then I hear on the last hole how it was just a golf club and so on. Well I let him hit it and he pops it up chipping the paint at the top of the face. He then says well if I damaged it order another and I will buy it. I explain to him again that this is a tour issue driver and can't be reordered. Then he says he will buy it and I told him it was 400 dollars to replace it and he pitches a fit. I will from this day forth never mnake another tee time and give him the correct time. I will give him a time 15 minutes ahead of where we really are. I am so pissed about the driver. This thing was in perfect shape and now I will probably have to get rid of it because these things irk me! DAMNIT!
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearMike I don't know if they got these things called VCR's in the great white north....probably all using beta max...to record qualifying. :D Sorry man I could not resist. Qualifying starts here at 8:00 am so I will be hitting my first shot about the same time they take to the track. I will watch it when I get home. I wish Williams were having a better year but with all the infighting I think they will struggle all year. I am very glad to finally see BAR show their potential but I wish Jaques could have gotten one year with this years car. Oh well the rumor is he will be ina williams next year...don't think we have hear the last of jaques. Good night to all.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWell I am in for a bit but have to get up early to greet the dawn and play golf. Got frustrated with the Cleveland lob wedge again last night and took the bench grinder to the sole again. I cannot wait for my scratch wedge to arrive. There won't be anything left of that cleveland piece of s**t by the time it gets here. Will be watching Friday practice rerun from the Grand Prix of Spain on Speed tonight...already know Jenson button is fastest for the day but I like to see it anyway. I wish qualifying would go back to the old format where you had twelve laps to get your fastest in. As I continue to ramble on and on I would like to wish everyone a great weekend and low scores!
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearChris, The BST in the scrolling is no big deal...just too tempting...have to resist the urge to experiment with new stuff. I look forward to the new contest and site. Any news on how the contest is going to be run/the rules? Thanks for the great, open site. Alan
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI know the feeling. I just ordered a Scratch lob wedge and I have seen a few 17° duffys. Damn I have got to quit.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearChainsaw, Check with an ebay store called "the broken niblick golf shop". They are great to deal with. I got both the rescue and the duffy from them. If they have it and you call them they will sell it then if it is an auction item. Good luck. Alan
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI have to second that motion again on the 200 steel. I also was playing a Adams tour 3 wood b/4 trying a vsteel, 14° rescue, and this 200. The 200 by far is the best of the bunch I have owned and tested.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI'll see both moms on sunday but dad and I tee off at 8 sat morn. Time to sweep the dew for the smart people that know how to sleep in. I love him but I hate the ass crack of dawn tee times.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI think the reason it is dead is that this thread no longer appears on the revolving 20 latest posts on the first page like it used to. has anyone else noticed that there are a ton of BST threads? Seems like they are dominating the board. I am not complaining...just an observation. I have just been busy so that is why I have been neglectful. I am looking forward to about the next 4 weeks going by when I can have a ceremony and sacrfice my cleveland lob wedge to the golf gods. I will begetting a Scratch and I am pumped. Good luck with the hoing Lance. I might be hoing the driver...I hit a SMT 455 today with an Accuflex 339 XX flex and damn that thing is a rocket. I could really go after the ball and it went straight with a slight draw every so often. It felt so hot although for consistent play I think the x would be better but the XX felt damn good. I am trying out a duffy 13° with DGS300 and it is working better than my rescue. I will probably be putting it in the BST soon. Hope everyone gets to get out and hit it a little and notice who is leading the fantasy golf....cough, cough.
Phrases: PROTOTYPE & TOUR ISSUE... played out ?
Personally my game has benefited from the tour issue driver and three wood I carry. I do not and I mean do not need any help finding the left side of the golf course and 99.9% of the retail equipment made is weighted and setup to encourage a draw or straight ball for the slicers. My game has improved every since I found the driver I have (thanks to neon8s). I do not worry about the hooks I fought with every other retail driver I tried and trust me there have been many. So for some yes tour issue is not for you if you need help fighting a certain shot that retail is set up for. I need the opposite and I have found it in the tour issue clubs I own. I could care less what any of my playiung partners think of my equipment and I do not advertise it is tour issue out on the course. I think you would be stupid if you did not take advantage of technology that helps your specific game and not the masses. My.02
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearAri said about 4 weeks after he gets it. Man I love that wedge. I have tried to grind that sole onto my cleveland with the bench grinder but i just have gotten to where I hate the damn thing. Th bounce on the cleveland got in the way...it would bounce into the ball and I did not like it. i took this wedge to the range b/4 I sent it to him and they had just mowed so I was getting lies just like th course and it felt like I had found a lost best friend. The burnt orange and royal blue would make me a Carson Newman College Eagle...small private southern baptist affiliated school in my home town of Jefferson City TN. I will post the pics when i get it.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearThis place has been dead for a while so I thought i would revive it. I talked to Ari tonight for about 30 minutes about a wedge I have been thinking of getting made since I have had it with my cleveland lob wedge. I am getting a 60° satin chrome wedge with my alma mater's colors as the paintfill (burnt orange and royal blue) as the paint fill with my initials and 60° as the stampings. It is based off of an old wilson wedge from the early nintes that was designed by Langer when he was on their staff. It has 0° bounce. I am sending Ari the head so he can duplicate the grind. Here is a pic of the wedge...not one of my best pics but it will do for now. I can't wait to get it.
AK after you get the new pics just forward them on to the same email and I will get them up again.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWell as you can see in my signature I have a new face off happening...trying out a new three wood. I may take the DG out and put a Aldila NV105 in to replace it. Oh well...just trying to eliminate the lefts with the three wood.
AK your welcome...I reposted them bigger than I did the first time. The first time they were about 1/3 smaller than they are now. I may do this with mine also but he told me to find a used one for cheap and use it instead of mine that is in real good shape.
The pics speak for themselves. If you want to see it bigger let me know and I will repost a bigger image.
Pics will be up in a few minutes...need to resize them...give me 15 minutes
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearI think it is so quiet because after something is posted in this thread it does not appear in the scrooling last 20 posts. I wonder if it is still doing this. Oh well I hope all is well.
If no one emails you to host then you could add them to the image gallery and put them up from there. If you want I will try and do that.
Taking a shaft out of a tour rescue and using it in a duffy
I have an Aldila NV105s in a 14 degree tour rescue. I have picked up a duffy tour 13* and I was wanting to take out the DG S300 and put the NV in the duffy. The swing weight with the s300 is D3. The rescue is about a half inch shorter. Is it okay to pull the shaft and use it in the duffy and how much am I going to throw off the swing weight. I would like to feel more weight in the head. Thanks for the advice.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearThank god I am back in the land of cable modems. First off like I said earlier if you are ever close to colbert hills in manhattan, ks then go play it. Starting with the first hole you will notice that it earned the name hills. It is a great test and I imagine it would be a brute from the tips. Luckily there was not hardly any wind but cool...hovered around 50 all day. The fairways were still dormant and they had burned the prarie grass around the course so needless to say the only way to lose a ball was in the water. Missed two eagle putts and made two birdies...the back started to go out on about the 14th so the score went up. Oh well that is what cold weather does to my back. We played the par three nine hole course and let me say it was no pushover. After leaving Kansas I went back to Sarasota, FL to play a couple of rounds. The first was a course nameed Serenoa. I was paired with a delightful couple from london and we had a blast. The course could be so much better if the got the poa anna under control on the greens and they put more that an inch of sand in the bunkers. Good thing the beer was cold afterwards and had too many...the wife had to come get me from the course. The other in Sarasota was Oak Ford...much better shape than Serenoa but their staffs attitude sucks. I shot thirty nine on the back...finally found my game while IU was paired with two upstate new yorkers. These guys kept me laughing all day. One reminded me of Fred Flintstone and every other word out of his mouth was f*ck. I went in to inquire about nine more holes since it was 27 holes and I was informed there was no 9 hole rate and I would have to pay 25 dollars to play nine more. I thought this was a bit much and said so and the old guy behnind the counter took it personal. In the end I asked if he was the owner and he said no and I informed him it was fruitless to talk with him longer and left. The course is great but they have some assholes working there but by far the best beer babes I saw the whole time. Was this long enough? I also got a duffy 13* on the trip...I think I will be changing the shaft from a s300 to something...we will see. So glad to be back after 15 hours on the road....that is another story.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearYou know when the head honcho is trolling in the gutter then things are going good. :D Pete you are lucky and I am so damn glad Phil won. Guys if you ever make it out to Manhattan, Kansas you need to play Colbert Hills. It is the number one course in kansas and it was designed by Jim Colbert. This man sunk a huge chunk of change into it and it would have to be one of the best if not the best course I have ever played. I will get a better review up later. I am back to Sarasota Florida tomorrow then back to east TN on Saturday or Sunday. I will not be on much after tonight so I will get back to you guys in a while. Enjoy your week.
General BS Thread
Alcap26 replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWell after getting off of work at 2:00 pm I have arrived in Sarasota FL at 3:30 am...damn what a long drive...thank god for some KISS, guns and Roses, and some Metallica for some driving tunes. Let me just say this much...I feel like I have been thrust into the stone age with the dial up s**t! Oh well I am off to Kansas from here on Sat and then back here on Tuesday and the back to TN next Sat. Hope you guys have a good Easter.