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Everything posted by Alcap26

  1. Well now that you are down here in the basement we do have some required reading.....the past 23 pages of posts to be exact. It displays the art of crapola :D . I know how you feel I am in East TN and all we are getting is cold rain. I did get to take a day and play 27 holes about a week and a half ago but man I paid for it the next day. The lower back was not quite ready for 27 after a bit of a layoff. I hope you guys in the great white north can get some relief soon.
  2. Well hell there went your reputation Chainsaw. Cahorting with the basement brethren. Welcome to the site.
  3. I say we just offer the bulls**t for free and gladly accept donations. remember we will tak the kind that jingles but prefer the kind that folds! :mrgreen: You know like a non profit organization....got to remember Uncle Sam and taxes for those of us in the states. We will just say it is for club ho addiction 2 step program. Step 1 accept the money.....Step 2 divide the money amongst the four of us for future purchases. I will have to admit that I am glad Pete worked on getting us this OB forum. I mean where else can we go on and on for soon to be 22 pages about nothing.
  4. Guys, I posted the link to the field for Pebble in the Fantasy golf thread. I do have one idea though for Pete. Why don't you start a new thread for the Fantasy golf with your original post and the link to the field for Pebble. We might get some more participants. Just a thought. Have any of you tried the gripmaster putter grip. I was just wondering what other grip it compares to in size. I hate the grip on my baby bee...too damn big and I was thinking of using a grip master grip. I just want to know about size b/4 I buy one.
  5. I love those bags but I cannot justify getting it right now due to the recent purchases of the Tour rescue and the baby bee. I am having a problem with the baby bee though. I hate the damn grip. It reminds me of those huge tiger shark grips. I am thinking of going the master grip putter grip direction. Have any of you used it and what other grip...size wise does it compare to? I saw FAQ had come down to get his temporary gutter card...great to have more down in the bowels with us. Have a great weekend. Pete let us know how your round went with the 300's.
  6. Here you go talking about the strippers again Pete. I have an Olympus Camedia C-4000 4.0 megapixel camera. It was a christmas gift for the wife in 2002. It is pretty easy to use just not small enough for your pocket.
  7. I never realized most of us played the 300. That pic is good FAQ. Looks like someone else has come slumming with us. Although you got a lot of reading to do to catch up! :D
  8. I would love to if I can get some cheap airfare!
  9. I sure hope I hit the ball like I did yesterday. My swing felt fantastic. It felt like everything was working as one whole part and not a bunch of parts fighting the other faults if you know what i mean. I shot 79 but I felt like it could have easily been 75 if the putter would have stayed hot. Oh well such is life. It will probably be a few weeks/month until I play again. As for my neighbors up north I don't see how you all keep your sainity during these long winter months.
  10. I think that would have to be something Chris would have to chime in on. It is amazing how many pages we have taken up. I guess we are just full of s**t. :lol:
  11. You ought to try skiing in East TN. Ober Gatlinburg is crap. it is always ice and I have just about been killed there twice...there is not enough room. I don't see how they keep that place open. If there weren't snow making machines it would be long gone.
  12. You will be the first one I contact if I deide to let it go. I mean I have had it for a while but it has not been in play since May or June of last year. I take care of my putters and will send you some pics if/when I decide to let her go. Glad to see you back up and running. Yeah we here in the south don't deal with the bad weather as well as the Yanks do. remember we do not have the equipment here to deal with it also. My home town thinks a snow plow is a pick up with a blade on the front and salt dispenser in the bed.
  13. They said 16 are dead in North/South Carolina due to the ice. They said something like 2500 car accidents attributed to the ice. And what sucks for them is that they are going to get more tomorrow night. Luckily we (in east TN) missed out on it. It came here as rain...like I said we got 3/4 of an inch yesterday...some places got 2 inches of rain and when it crossed the mountains it turned into ice and snow. I think I will try and blame the new putter on Pete...it just might work. The wife has read a few of his posts and laughed so it just might work. :D ...she's cool about it and she knew I was looking at one. I think I need to sell a putter or two though. I have a scotty Studio Stain. Newport 2.5, Scotty Pro Plat. Laguna 2, Taylor Made Monza, and a Wilson 8813. We will see what happens. I have to use this baby bee a couple of rounds to see if it knocks the monza out or if it will move on to a new owner.
  14. Just got back from 27 holes today! Shot 79 but could have easily been 74/75 if the putter would have shown up on the back. I honestly do not remember a day when my swing felt this good and I do not think the score represents how good I felt about my swing. What a great day to take a personal day from work...mid 50's. I am glad I am not across the mountains in North Carolina...they got a ton of ice from what the weather man said. Oh well like I said I got home and sitting by the door was the new present the UPS man left me. My baby bee! My wife is going to kill me! Pete: you might want to bump the fantasy golf league post to see if we get more participation.
  15. Thanks. I just got a copy of the Alive IV symphony and I thought it would be a nice touch although the other was nice in it's own way. Playing tomorrow although it rained 3/4 of an inch here today. I don't care. It will be the first round for my irons since I had all the lies corrected and really the first round with the rescue since I will be on my home course and will feel more comfortable with it. I just wish my baby bee would have made it here already...checked UPS and it will be delivered tomorrow probably late in the day. Oh well at least I am playing.
  16. I love the analogy of the fat girl hot friend combo. I don't miss those days of trying to get past that situation.
  17. Pete, Go to Vegas. I have never been but my father in law says I have to go at least once. He said it was like no other city he has been to. I would love to go out west for a weekend to Oregon and play bandon dunes but I think this is not the time of the year to do it.
  18. Bitch Bitch Bitch :( :( :( :( - man we hit a high of 9*F today and we are suppose to get 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow. All right...I guess it is not as bad as it could be. That was funny when I read it. I forget people are having worse weather than I am.
  19. I am so sick and damn tired of this s**tty weather. I am taking a personal day monday and playing golf. It is supposed to be about 60 and then later in the week get cold again. I am tired of this weather! I just wish my new putter would get here before then. I also want to get more time with the new rescue in and with my irons now that they were bent back to the right lie angles. It never fails...get something done or get something new and then you can't do crap with it for a month.....Sorry for the rant...just needed to get it off my chest. Mike I never thought of the belt clip that way but it makes sense.
  20. I would like to see Phil win it myself. I heard what he had to say about last year and I can understand him not caring that much last year. I think he will win a few. You all post so damn much it takes me forever to catch up since I can't be on during work.Pete those divot tools can be murder. I never drew blood but I got reminded a few times it was in my pocket.
  21. since I have been on this site I have changed 12 out of 14 clubs in my bag!! I also bought a driver from a guy in california...my 580 tour from philmar I think was his screen name and man I love this thing. He was great to deal with. Sometime this spring...maybe after taxes are done I will order some new wedges. Damn I am turning into a ho.
  22. I may just have to pass...in the last month and a half I have bought a tour rescue and a bettinardi baby bee...if I get something else I may have to spend a few nights in the dog house. At least it was big enough to hold a 130lbs. dog...I guess I would fit.
  23. I have been eyeing that TM staff bag for all of my goodies to go in. I have a hoofer2 with my name embrodered on the front of the ball pocket from Ping. My wife got it for me as a birthday present when I worked at a course and got to buy it for cost.
  24. i am 29 years old and I just feel like I keep getting bigger in my stomach. I have never been one to work out because I used to be able to eat whatever I want and never gain a thing but in the last year or two I have noticed the stomach starting to grow so I think i need to just get out and do a little more. I would love to start walking the course again but my regular course is quite hilly (I am in east TN quite close to the mountains) and I would want one of the remote control pull carts but those are almost two grand.
  25. It was hard...still have the cravings and it has been over 6 months...I will just have to cut back on the snacks and get my lazy ass out of the lazyboy.