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Everything posted by Alcap26

  1. Pete congrats on the job. CMkie I love the new avatar. Looks like the new computer might be here tomorrow if UPS website is correct. I am looking forward to it. Haven't been able to post much or read things...don't like to do it at work because they monitor everything and it has gotten colder here so I like to stay in at night instead of walking to a neighbors house to use the computer.Hope everyone is having a great week!
  2. Completely reformatted it and it is a goner. I tried just reinstallin parts of windows...did not work...tried completely reformatting the hard drive...did not work...so now 1100 bucks after employee discount and rebates (thanks to my wife) will be going to dell for about a 1500 dollar system config. Guys I might not be ack on again until tomorrow so if you need me email but might not get until tomorrow.
  3. 5 1/2 years old but got a new hard drive last year and I think it is just windows screwing up. going to try and reload and see if it helps. I won't be back on until tomorrow unless this works. (p3 540mhz I think 572mb ram) it is old but gets the job done for what we use it for...mainly just to email and cruise the internet. Alan
  4. Guys, If you try to get me in the next few days I am going to be hard to get ahold of. My home computer is dying...I think I am going to take it out back and shoot the damn thing. I am going to try and reinstall windows but if this does not work I will be without a computer for a little while. If you need to get me something then do it through email:[email protected] Alan
  5. Mike I feel better. Finally getting back to tthe swing of things with the eating deal. After 48 hours of no food and some stout "colon blow" to clean the system it gets a little difficult getting back to the solid food. Lance thank for the reccomend...my guy is good but slow...ina good way. he will listen to your concerns and throughly explain things to you...last time I was in his office he was in the room with me for 45 minutes explaining things and just educating me in general...although he was 50 minutes late getting me in I felt sorry for the guy who had the appointment after me. he has that rep...great Doc just always late. I would like to see the satin z's of chains also. Be sure to post pics.
  6. Hip, Satin Forged SS?????? I love my SS's but wonder what they would look like in satin...are you having them refinished? Shoe, problem is repairable/maintainable...still waiting for tests to come back and make sure there is nothing unwanted growing down there. I would like to play golf tomorrow (supposed to be around 60) since I am off but the damn chair looks awful comfy so might spend the day keeping it from running away. Hip I want to know about those irons! :cool:
  7. Guys, I have been pretty quiet lately from this thread and from the site in general. I know this. Today I had to have a colonoscopy for the problem I have been having since back in late November. Let me tell you if you have never had one preay to god you do not have to because the prep for it is a killer. Still not 100 percent sure what the problem is but and least found the source of the pain. Waiting to see if it is some sort of infection or jsut stress which I seem to not have an outlet for. Golf used to work but it is not doing the trick anymore. Andy: Got the new R7 yet? you will have to let us know what you think. Shoe: I hope things are going good for you. your family is in our prayers as you go through this time. C Mike: How is your grandmother? I hope she is doing great. Shoe I completely agree with your last comment although for me to a different degree. You always have a great way of putting things and I hope your train wreck gets repaired swiftly. Hopefully not to repeatitive but hell No food for two days then being drug induced out cold can play with you mind.
  8. Shoe keep fighting the good fight and know that we are here for your escape time when you need it. Pete my friend took balls to post that and just let me say I thank you for doing it.
  9. How about a free pair of pro aims thrown in that I only put on once for about 5 minutes.
  10. Title says it all. The only reason I opened the box was to look through the plastic bag to make sure it was the right putter. Got it straight from Callaway. Price shipped to you with insurance and tracking is $110.00. Paypal is preferred. Alan
  11. Well I have been on sabatical for the last couple of weeks. Haven't been feeling too good but I think things are turning around. Not much for me Pete just glad to be feeling better. Have a great day guys!
  12. Hip don't feel bad...I thought the same thing when I first saw the KY. Weel gentleman let me tell you I put on a putting clinic today. I shot an 83 with two birdies. The fun part was that I had 5 three putts and one four putt. :mad: Damn I'm good. I fought hard not to send the putter to a watery grave on the 16th hole (site of the four jack) but sent the ball instead. I was hitting the ball good but could not putt. Thank you florida for wrecking a solid part of my game. The greens at my course run fast and for this time of the year they are fantastic. Needless to say after 81 holes on slow bermuda in Florida it wrecked the stroke. I mean I had to hit the putts so much harder down there and today I had no clue. I will more than likely spend at least three hours on the putting green this week to try and salvage the pace. The stroke was good just need to retrain the brain to the quickness. Oh well that is all for now...I would like to see the AVN pics though for artistic interpretation reasons of course. :cool:
  13. I love me King Cobra Forged SS. They are butta!
  14. The big red bow did not cause too much drag but I had to keep an eye on the speed...the new car rides a lot smoother and when I am cruising on the interstate at 80 I had to be careful. Felt like I should give it more giddyup but did not need to...thank goodness for cruise control. We will see about the wedge. What I really need to do is practice the short game more but it was working pretty good in Florida. I know the scratch will work better off of tight lies so I might just have to switch out on softer courses.
  15. Back in East TN after a great trip to Florida. I think i found a wedge that is kicking the Scratch Lob out of the bag. I bought a new Cobra Phil Rodgers 60° for 40 bucks to use while the Scratch is sent back to Ari ro the replating he promised back in Sept. and this thing is nice. Same sole as the irons and it worked good...damnit. Imagine a 40 dollar wedge kicking the Scratch to the curb. Oh well.
  16. Nah no bow. The car is nice though. I feel like I am driving a car that cost more than what I paid. Oh well I am off to play golf again today. Hope you are all doing good. Alan
  17. Main the BS thread is gaining some clout...first a blast from the past from Carolina Bell and the Chris drops in :cool: . CB welcome back. I am just going to say this once. I HATE DIAL-UP!!!! :mad: I am not going to be in much during the next week. I am in Florida with the inlaws and they still have dial up...arrgh! Although I guess I can deal with it since the weather is mid 70's and low in the 50's (see the avatar for the snickering dog). Christams was good. Sun Mountain C130 cart bag, I guess you can count the King Cobra Forged SS, and a 2005 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL. Have a great week...I will check in again sometime if I make it to the library where they have high speed access. Alan
  18. I would also like to add a Merry Christmas to all of you guys. Like Shoe said everyone here adds a lot and this site can be a relief from the real world every now and then. IF you are traveling I hope your travels are safe and I hope all of you stay warm.
  19. Today was a balmy 44 degrees and went and played golf. Greens were still a touch hard so time to play to the front and let it release to the hole or land it short and let it feed up. One of those days where you sit back and say I will take what the course gives me. Well I shot a 78 (which was the high number in my threesome...the other two shot even par and 4 over). The 78 was the worst I could have shot today...could have easily been 76 because I missed two putts I should not have missed. Slightly and I mean slightly disappointed but I have not had a round like this in a while so it was much needed. What exceled for me was chipping and pitching which has hurt me some over the last few rounds. 10 pars, 7 bogeys, and one birdie. The bird was the highlight of the round because I snaked in a 60 footer to get me even money with the other two. The irons are great...I am hitting the sweet spot a bunch more instead of the leaning dangerously close to the heel. It was a great day. We played in three hours flat. Hope you guys had a good day but I am afraid some of you might be cursing me because you could not get out there. Oh well :-) . Have a great night!
  20. Shoe your sense of humor is one and off itself...great stuff. I hope you all enjoyed the links...that horse kicks hard. I tried not to link something that would not be work friendly. I mean I might be thirty years old but I have the sense of humor of an 8 year old. Nothing better than a good fart joke! :smile2:
  21. Shoe, Hate to say it but it is cold as hell out there today...21 today with no wind chill ...thank god. Tomorrow sunny and 48 and I will be on the golf course. I love Big-boys.com. Great website with some funny stuff...my favorite is the farting preacher. Here are some I sent in an email to my brother. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/fartingpreacher.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/fartingpreacher2.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/newdodgeram.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/concertflip.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/holeinfloor.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/hummancannon.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/trampolinefall.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/bungee.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/friendslikethis.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/horsekick.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/horsekick.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/goodolboys.html http://www.big-boys.com/articles/garbage.html These are just a few of my favorites. Now I must go meditate... :surprize:
  22. Oh no Mike...we get snow but the thing is that it is usually gone in no more than 3-5 days. This was just a slight dusting due to a cold front pushing in and Tuesday it is supposed to be 47 and wed 55 with some showers. The thing about East TN is the weather always changes in the valley. For example last year I was playing golf on a Monday by wed. we had 4 inches of snow and by the next Monday you could have played golf again. Have to pick up the car tomorrow then get the windows done and get ready for the trip. That's all for now.
  23. I will admit I have been neglectful to our precious thread but have been in the chat quite a bit so I got lazy. Played Friday and Sat...high 40's and no wind but I guess I was a glutton because I played the blues both days...6580 on one course and 6795 on the other. Did not play thast bad but I have to get the short irons working better. The long game is as good as it has ever been but my short irons could be a lot better. no golf today...20's and light snow but Tuesday it will be in the mid-upper 40 so will play again and then Florida for 9 days starting on the 26th. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Alan
  24. Alcap26 replied to par5zzin2's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    Max if you are honest and legit then why did you say your name is Mark in your PM. I will post it if you say I am lying.