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  1. Well, I am not sure what the official wayis, but the way I was taught was to take a 48 inch steel ruler. You can buy these from Home Depot or one of the golf supply houses. Put your club in its playing position, put the ruler flat against the back of the shaft so that the bottom of the ruler is resting on the floor touching the heel of your club. Measure at the top of the grip cap. There are other ways of course, There is a True Measure device, and Mitchell sells a nice jig to put your club in and then measure. But the above way should be close enough. Hope this helps Garry
  2. In my opinion, assuming you have a good shaft puller, I would not tip trim all that much at once. Frequency is a strange thing, and butt clamped frequency with some of the newer shafts such as the Tour Release may not be giving you the whole picture. If it were me I would tip trim it to length. Then try hitting it and see if that small amount of trimming had any effect on your left to right ball flight. Then if you feel it did, you can perform major surgery. Drivers with more volume and especially those with square to slightly open faces have a lot more to do with the right push than tip trimming will. In my totally humble opinion. Good luck Garry