sold - thanks
They are extremely aesthetically pleasing for sure Shambles / drop to $275 anfield
- sold - thanks
- sold - thanks
link to pics and certificate on GF site: http://www.goldsfact..._zone_2ord.html
- sold
sold - thanks
You know it Stevo - still one of the most responsive sets ever created in my opinion
sold - thanks
price drop to $375
sold - thanks
Thanks NMG - definitely a classic set no doubt
sold - thanks
Make: Tourstage Model: MR 23 US Spec CB's (4-PW / fill removed) Shaft: 6.0 Project X PXI's (logo down / freq out 5.9 / build by J Ioris @ the complete golfer) Length: 38" 5i (gripped) Lie: 1* flat Loft: 47* PW - 24* 4i Swingweight: d2 Grip: Golf Pride Z (logo down) This particular set of 23's was purchased new in heads only form a few years back. I initially had them shafted with old school satin px's & played 5 rounds (& 4 range sessions) with them back 2010. (they have been resting in the stable ever since) I recently pulled them out of said stable & had them rebuilt with brand new 6.0 pxi's and new z grips. (played 2 rounds with them with current set up & they are real performers) Grooves are deep & face s are clean / small nick on sole of 4i as can be seen in pics below. Paintfill removed and all badges intact. $275 shipped/paypalled - reasonable offers will be considered (no trades) [email protected]
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never too early to keep it safe in the stable Spoon / price drop
grab it and save it for her Supo / I'll give a 'steal it from me deal' if youre interseted (i dig seeing kids bag sick gear)
i have 2 additional new elite grips that will be included with the purchase as well. (1 red, 1 white)
Make: Gauge Design Model: Premium Zone #2 Length: 34" Head Weight: 360g (2 x 12mm tungsten weights added by GF) Swingweight: D9.1 Grip: Elite iB72 (DP) New WinWIn grip included with putter See all specs in pics below (GF Certificate of Authenticity) The putter is immaculate and hasnt seen a ball since its return from Golds in late July (refurb, shaft/grip/fill, tungsten weights on sole) appears while Golds was installing weight on toe, they nicked the putter (see pics) - was set to cut this down so my daughter could bag, but she decided to stick with her bettinardi / paypal address is: [email protected]
sold - thanks
drop to $140 for the pair / someone steal these please
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