Everything posted by rb2235
sold---thanks TSG
Bangvoo sold
Big drop to $old gifted shipped usa--no tipping, no extensions great shape 44.25 inches no trades and price is cheap
fire express fw epon 901 19
301s look great?
- thx tsg
thx tsg
10* Loft FACE Angle--looks square but cant say for sure Head Wt--no clue sorry mate
- thx tsg
- thx tsg
- never mind...thanks tsg
Sold...Shinagawa Proto Wedge Set...50 54 60
MP55 or 2015 Kuro or 2018 VG3 irons
Paypal is full and looking at the above 3 sets...any clear cut winner from these 3? Thanks
- tsg
- tsg
- tsg
sold---thanks TSG
sold to pedro ship Monday mate
sold---thanks TSG
Price drop
- sold---thanks TSG
sold---thanks TSG
sold---thanks TSG
Sure, pm me for quote if interested
sold---thanks TSG
- sold---thanks TSG
sold---thanks TSG
- thanks tsg
thanks tsg
one and only drop
- thanks tsg
Shepherd Air Driver