Everything posted by swisstrader
Gold´s Factory Putter & great TSG service
Would be great to see some pics...starting to become an epic thread:)
How about proto studio irons?
Stew has 12 sets but they are not in production as of yet;) p.s. they look stunning, but there is NO way a butter knife like that can be all that forgiving.
How about george spirits?
I don't know enough about them...saw some of their wedges awhile back and I almost bought them just based on how great they looked and at a decent price.
- ho, ho, ho, Tarioclause is coming early...to my house that is...you can unwrap my toys which are guaranteed to bring good cheer...
Another garage sale part II ALL SOLD!! Thanks guys!!
Thoughts on how the Muzik Fujikura banvoo shafts would play in the Personals?
Another garage sale part II ALL SOLD!! Thanks guys!!
Crazy stuff that just flew off the shelves!
"Pay it Forward" Club Evaluation Network
Yes, but not fair cuz any region that has Stew in it will have 1000 times more clubs to access...where is that emoji for sticking tongue out?
I think I already know, but promise not to tell!
That's what I did...still holding onto my beloved 502's until the Personals earn their way into my bag.
Cigar and golfing
swisstrader replied to yukisan's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWe smoke, but it sure ain't cigars;)
"Pay it Forward" Club Evaluation Network
I think it's a great idea. Might want to start with a hot driver initially (easier to ship than a set of irons) and see how the experiment goes. The other thought would be for "members" to put up X amount of money each to buy clubs and then have a pool of cash to be able to do so, then create a list of clubs that are out there and put it to a vote of which clubs members want to test. Should also set up a timeline of say 2-3 weeks before a member has to ship to the next member and would also need a lottery to determine the order of who gets what when. Also need to insure each time you ship because most problems with clubs will be with lost or damaged in shipping vs on the golf course. We should also think through what happens if you fall in love with the club...theoretically could mean that you simply order whatever you're interested in from TSG and move the club forward.
Any Truth To This?
They contain kryptonite, so not sure you should be handling, although if I recall my Marvel Comic books, could be from the planet of Krypton, so not from this galaxy. Do they need to stamp their clubs "made from this universe?"
Any Truth To This?
My clubs could be made on Pluto...all I care about is how they perform. Not sure why people get so hung up on WHERE their clubs are made or what specific country any part of production or design is outsourced to. Some dudes get off on sleuthing around looking for a "gotcha" moment that not every part of production is done in Japan. Boring
Any Truth To This?
Great explanation above. I personally don't give a rats ass about what country produces my clubs, as long as they meet MY expectations around quality and performance. It used to be that "made in Japan" represented lousy quality...now there are some who believe that "made in China" equates with lousy quality, but guess what? The Chinese have come quickly up the quality curve, as has Thailand and a multitude of other countries. Sony TVs for the longest time were assembled in Mexico...didn't change my love of the Trinitron so many years ago. How many American cars include parts or partial assembly in other countries?....how many "foreign" cars are produced in the US? We're in a global economy where goods and services come from all over the planet.
- Withdrawn
502 custom insert by Golds Factory??
Just saw this redo by Golds Factory of an Epon 502 iron set with taking out the gel and inserting arc reactors (thought that was the power source from Iron Man and just guessing Iron Man would be big time pissed off knowing these were used on golf clubs!)....Ck it out about 3/4ths the way down the blog. Looks cool, but unsure how it would play: http://www.goldsfactory.co.jp/blog/ January 5, 2012 EPON AF-502 Sole Tungsten,New Arc Reactor This is modified EPON AF-502 head. We took injected shock-absorbent gel off from the head. In stead of the gel, we insert 3 arc reactors for vibration absorber and soft feeling. Also, the center of gravity is more helped by 2 tungsten weights placed in the sole.
Torn between AF 302 and AF 502
Sooo, we still have not heard from our resident experts including TSG guys on real or fake...gents?
My last putter. Gold's Factory
No such thing as "one last putter".
Yururi KM-107 Irons Price Drop $old sets move these today!
Giving them away! Great set of irons at this price
Ha! You're not the first to do that!
Torn between AF 302 and AF 502
Honestly speaking, they look fake to me, but the real experts on fakes are spoon, supo and a couple others. Might be a lousy lighting photo as well that's giving if some weird effect, but the red paint fill doesn't look like the right color red, the back of the iron looks "textured", which it should not be and a few other tells, but again, might be poor lighting. Are these new or used? I'm with gocchin, at this price it's a bit suspect but you say you know and trust the builder. If that's the new price, and they're authentic, the guy must be in a charitable organization....even used, he's giving it away which would make me question the authenticity. If you trust your builder, then why are you asking us if real?
Torn between AF 302 and AF 502
At that price I would buy both...can't go wrong.
Torn between AF 302 and AF 502
OK, let's change it all up...why, as a 2 handicap and a guy who's looking to get into competitive golf would you not get custom fitted and go with a set of irons that you can actually hit vs a guessing game over the Internet? As you know, it's all about feel and we've all had that not so great experience when you've bought a driver or set of irons sight unseen only to quickly put it back up for sale days or weeks later.
Torn between AF 302 and AF 502
Let the religious wars begin! I'm a 502 fanboy, but many here love their 302's. no real wrong answers here. Your concern about the 502's looking clunky is unfounded. I look down at mine and just see a rather fine top line but lots of confidence with knowing I've got a bit of game improvement in the club. Two sidebar questions: a) how are you able to get both sets so cheaply? Just be careful of counterfeits, and b) down to a 2.3 in 3 years??...not questioning it, but close to unheard of even with an athletic background. Actually, according to your timescale and math above, you actually achieved a 2.3 in 33 months which is about 2 1/2 years, with the first 3 months at a mini golf course. Greg Norman supposedly became scratch after a year and also an ex cricketer, but that's why he's Greg Norman! If you really want to get confused, try the Personals. More blade like than 302 or 502 and great feeling irons, although something tells me you will not get them on the cheap!