Everything posted by swisstrader
Kamui Ray review
You and I on the same path...from the original pump and dump conman Todd, to WRX which I still just kinda enjoy these days and now with the smaller community at TSG. The funniest one for me on BSG was getting banned immediately after spending a couple thousand dollars with them. I made a couple suggestions that they took for criticism of their site...banned me for 2 weeks. No wonder why these guys have gone into the toilet. I still have a few of those crap lime shafts somewhere in the garage.
Mau's Bag
That bag is killin me! Wish they made it in a stand bag
What do you guys think of this Scotty?
Not buying it gents...went with the Miura if it ever gets here!!
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
My club the same way...not for members, but with guests caddies will quite literally dump out balls, jackets, etc. Once saw a caddie pull out a pair of shoes out of a guys bag. That cracked me up
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
Thanks...something tells me I like everything Epon except for their bags
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
Do you have a link? Wld like to check it out.
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
Nah! Great caddies, great club. I also have a lot of respect for caddies at my place. They kick @ss, carry two bags each and are experts at green reading. I'm also personal friends with a few. Could never see dumping an Epon bag the size of these and filled with clubs, balls, etc...not right.
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
Not at my club...I once had one of these very cool looking "caddy stand bags" from Japan that was advertised as a caddy bag but was anything but. Caddies at my club were not happy and I had to dump it after about 3 rounds
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
Stand bag and something that I won't be embarrassed to hand off to my caddy due to size.
Spoon's family bags: say cheese
Great stuff! Does Epon make a carry bag?...my club is strictly caddies only and if I show up with one of those, would be like a scene from Caddy Shack!
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
I'll take all your hand me downs Robb! Hope the experiment goes well for you and that you figure out best shaft options.
27 holes with my Crazy 460/Miyazaki white today
Oh hell yes!! I think I told you guys I was on a trakman the other day and got very depressed about my distances...weather was about 48* and windy as all heck, but of course I didnt really factor that in. Makes a huge difference.
New putter purchase...
That's what I was thinking...I'm 5'11" and hoping it's not too short at 33" and 2 degrees flat. Also wondering if it can be bent back if needed. I believe these are tough to bend. Will wait till I get it to decide.
New putter purchase...
It is cut down to 33" currently...not sure why the original owner had it bent to 2* flat though.
27 holes with my Crazy 460/Miyazaki white today
Rob: I think it's time for you (and I!!) to get professionally fitted. Too much guess work with different head/shaft combinations and at least on my end while I love to tinker I also have a day job:) Youre also like me in that you're a bit impatient....need to give it at least 3 weeks of play before deciding.
New putter purchase...
You're first on line Eca...somehow I feel more of a kinship with this cast of characters vs the other.
New putter purchase...
Just had a guy PM me on WRX asking me if I'm interested in selling. Reminded me of that commercial where the guy bids on a major piece of artwork and immediately after bidding says "ah yes, I would like to sell it"!
New putter purchase...
Bergen County area...you? Offered the guy less, but would not budge.
New putter purchase...
Tell me what you guys think...bought this on a whim in a bar after a couple adult beverages;) and this from a guy who only plays mallets: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170740396244#ht_684wt_922
Eca's 2014-2015 Bag
You missed your calling...you should be a professional photographer! Really, those are some great shots...oh yeah, great bag as well:)
What do you guys think of this Scotty?
I might be interested in the following on Ebay...bid goes off in just a couple hours but let me know what you guys think...and yes, I would play it, not collect it!: http://www.ebay.com/itm/130608096393?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
Ryoma Fairway's? Anyone get them yet care to share reviews?
I'm actually surprised at how much stuff gets bought and sold here and from a relatively small community. A thought: perhaps we all don't buy or "own" any of our gear directly...instead, everyone contributes X amount of money and we create a pool that buys every piece of high end gear that becomes available, then there's a lottery of sorts for who gets which driver, wedge, shaft, putter, etc and in what rotation. Each cub must then be returned to the group pool after 3-4 weeks. If you think about it, many of us don't keep clubs or shafts much longer than that.
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
Went to my club today...in fact, I was the only fool out there with it being in the high 40's and windy, but when I'm on a mission, what can I say? I really wanted a live test on a course that's well know to me with a driver I know like the back of my hand (my Nike) against the Ryoma, albeit in rather harsh and windy conditions. I drove out to our number 11 hole...longish par 5 and marked 5 balls w a black sharpie, 5 unmarked. Starting hitting first with the Nike, then the Ryoma. After duck hooking my first few drives, I settled down a bit and started grooving my swing a bit. I repeated this seQuence of hitting 5 Nike balls, 5 Ryoma balls about 3 times. Soooo, you might ask, whats the conclusion?? Still a bit inconclusive, but I believe the results proved out what the trakman showed me the other day, which is that I was a few yards longer and maybe a little tighter dispersion with the Ryoma. I know I need to spend more time and get to know the driver a bit more, but still looking for what I would consider a few long bombs as advertised. Also as I indicated previously, the sound at impact is much more muted when I go after it vs the Nike...in fact, a few times felt like I missed the ball the sound was so muted! My new thought process, besides relaxing a bit and getting to know my new driver a bit more, is to have my fitter take a look at my swing on the trakman and compare to a few Epons he has and my Nike driver. Just hate the idea of spending money on a fitting just as winter settles in!
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
The tees they had at the range were very tall tees, in fact taller than I would ever tee the ball. Only other option was a tee of about 1/8". Still looking for input on my trakman stats from above and whether or not I have the right shaft.
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
In my case worked the opposite way...got on the launch monitor and my numbers were waaay low. I normally hit the ball between 260-280, but trakman was telling me much less. Granted, the wind was probably doing 20 mph and cold and w range balls, but had me a bit depressed. Was hoping to light up the boards today!