Everything posted by swisstrader
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
p.s. launch angle was between 10-12 today with Ryoma using trakman...too low?? And spin rate around 2700-2800 with a couple around 1800. Ball speed of 140.
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
Gocchin: the shaft I have is a Crazy CB46 7.2 and with a D1 Vspec head. My swing speed is about 95-100 on average and aggressive through ball. I obviously took a bit of a guess just based on what Crazy suggests for my speed. Would you have suggested something different? I'm actually a very straight driver of the ball, so I'm mainly concerned about getting more distance. Also not a short hitter by any means but would still like to see more yardage.
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
I hear that Pete...I've been keeping my AP1's around for about 3 weeks now...time to sell em! The first day with my new Epons I hit everything dead left...not a pull, just dead left. Was getting very frustrated, then went to go see my fitter. Fitter looked at my swing, made a few tweaks in my swing, not the clubs and I started puring just about every shot. Defective swing, not clubs!!
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
All good input and driver more so than any other club for me takes some getting used to. I'm also an immediate gratification guy so I want everything NOW! Just kidding...sorta. My only frustration is that basically the season is over in NY. Guess I will be forced to take a few Florida and DR trips;) or spend more time at the range getting used to the Ryoma.
Got to hit my new Ryoma/Crazy
Well, went to the range today with my new Ryoma/Crazy 7.2 setup and had mixed emotions about the session. This was truly not the best day to be hitting or testing in that it was 47-49*F and windy as all heck and range balls were typical end of season worn out range balls. I hit at the range's new Trakman bays which are very cool and you can play with all sorts of settings on data and also getting all the usual trakman data on ball speed, launch angle, distance, spin rate, etc. I hit my Nike Sasquatch with a Proforce shaft as my benchmark...incidentally bought the Nike on EBay for $139 a couple years ago! As it turns out, I did not love the sound of the ball on impact with the Ryoma (a bit muted and probably too used to the tin can sound of the Nike!), but did give me a few extra yards of distance. Not a ton more, just a tad more...maybe about 7-8 yards more. I will say I was hoping for MUCH more, but also blame the conditions of the day and I always take a few outings to get used to a new driver. Also had a few nasty duck hooks, which is not usual for me, but seemed to have worked those out of my swing and had a few that I left out to left right with a mini slice which of course robbed me of distance. The other negative was that the range only had giant tees or very stubby tees, so that also effected how I hit the ball. I'll go back again in a few days with hopefully warmer climes and wish I could play at my club where I know my distances well or get a chance to play in Florida in the next few weeks to prove out the Ryoma. A bit nervous about the decision but will hang in there until I see more definitive results.
Best mallet putter??
Thanks Pete. Never been a great putter with anything but a mallet. Just gives me more confidence
Crazy RoyDeco vs Tour AD DI (UPDATED RESULTS Plus Super Newing added)
Just got my Ryoma today with crazy shaft and hoping that the weather clears enough in NY so that I can actually hit it. Cannot compare it to a Tour DI, but with a similar handicap, should be able to tell you if there's a massive difference in how I hit my 2 Nike drivers, one with a Proforce shaft, the other interchanging between a Harrison Saga and a voodoo vs Ryoma with crazy. I have also hit both a Premia and a Vspec but with a very light shaft so I have that as a bit of a benchmark to compare my new setup to. Not precisely what you're looking for but will try to provide feedback if it helps.If I start hitting it 310 and consistently down the middle, I will let you know immediately:)
Best mallet putter??
Very nice...like the way that putter sets up. What's it feel like at impact? I love the way Scottys look for example but was never a fan of the tinny sound the putter makes at impact.
Best mallet putter??
I love the look of bettinardis in the past, but not the way the ball feels off the face. That was some years ago so perhaps the feel has changed. Any suggestions on best model bettinardi mallets?
Best mallet putter??
I'm a mallet putter guy...currently using a backstryke with a big ole superstroke grip and I'm actually a decent putter with that setup. That being said, I'm looking to make a change to either a Scotty Cameron mallet style putter or open to other suggestions. Thoughts on best mallets out there? Or best Scotty mallet?
Flex options
A whole lotta guesswork going on here. I'm all for experimenting with different shafts/heads, but not knowing basics like your swing speed and trying a bunch of stuff will only continue to frustrate you and is a recipe for disaster, besides being quite expensive in the end. Why not get professionally fitted? Either here at TSG or through your local fitter with a Trakman?? It will tell you a great deal about your swing and ideal shaft/head combination.
The easiest and most Forgive putter
No need to wonder on the long putters...just look at the number of guys on Tour now with a long putter, including those who suggested just a few short years ago that they be banned. In my case I believe I have found the ideal putter in one very ugly, rather untraditional odyssey backstryke. Gets the ball rolling almost immediately and alignment Is very simple ane easy. I also put a SuperStroke ala KJ Choi on which has completely wiped out an earlier tendency to pull short putts. That being said, I'm looking at a Scotty mallet style although can't decide which best model.
2011 CRAZy CRZ 460 IP Head Only 9.5* New in Plastic
First link to TSG is broken.
Please tell me about The Crazy 460
Crazy 460 head now available in BST.
Found me a spoon!!
Golf and weather G-ds smiling upon the northeast east last couple days so I got to take my egg out for a spin. Used it about 5 times in today's round and 4 out of 5 timed performed like a champ. A couple shots I got under a bit...didn't hit it fat, just a bit heavy and the ball still went a ton. Good purchase!
Sometimes too much information or data can mess with your head/game
goneski. pls close
Stunning wedges...had I not just bought my Chikaras
Ever seen a grown man cry??
Show of hands...how many of you would like to sell me one:):):)
Sound like a great tool. I'm psyched because my local driving range just installed trakmans in each individual bay. Have to pay a monthly fee of about $29 to use it but seems well worth it.
Ever seen a grown man cry??
Will now probably be forced to get new vs used and either a) get fitted by local fitter who has loads of Epon and other high end drivers, but sadly no Ryoma or Crazy shafts (this is the US after all!) or b) get fitted here through TSG although I get very nervous with on-line fittings vs getting on a trakman with a fitter. Orrrr....wait for the winter thaw to come about in a few months and start the whole process over again!
Suggestions for a replacement driver head
7 iron 172?? I think Tiger hits his 7 iron about 175-180 on average, so you may want to double check that one.
Ever seen a grown man cry??
Had my eyes on a Ryoma/Crazy combo that was being offered up on EBay with the auction to end tomorrow eve. Had my whole evening planned around it, but suddenly this eve, the auction was taken down, "auction ended." I'm guessing someone must have made an offer outside the auction...so freakin frustrating! I also get a kick out of people who bid up prices of eBay auction items days before an auction is to end. Do they not realize that most of the real bidding happens in the last few minutes?? And that you can buy eBay items much cheaper without running up the price way in advance?? Bidders ran up the price of this club from $1 to $890 within about 2 days of the auction...craziness.
Ryoma Fairway's? Anyone get them yet care to share reviews?
Gocchin...very unfair for you to post each time with that wildly attractive pic! For those of us US centric folks, who is that?
Found me a spoon!!
I will spend time with the combination over the next few weeks and see now It feels. I found this encouraging: http://golf wrx/forums/topic/414645-fujikura-speeder-757/
Found me a spoon!!
Ooopps....I guess I'll find out shortly. What shaft best if speeder blows out?