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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Getting better everyday guys . But got to tell ya am getting real homesick for the island . Just too many damn people here in Vancouver for my liking . Got over 1 month here now , still got up to 2.5 months left to go . Am actually hoping that they send me home early . It had happened before to a couple of the other guys I have met here so am keeping my fingers crossed . Andy got a qestion for you . I just noticed the clubs you are using this year . When did you redo your whole bag my friend . Just wait till next year when I start playing again . My bag will be the same as before . NO more buying of clubs for me man . I either can play really well with what I have or I play like crap . Got other things I want to buy . :tsg_smilie_money3: Like either a Harley or a Victory Motorcycle . Or maybe , just maybe a Custom Chopper done to the Tits man . :tsg_smilie_wink: :tsg_smilie_money3: :tsg_smiley_yes:
  2. Emails have been sent to the ones that care . And yes shoe sponge baths . At least for another week or so . Right now have a full time nursing service , so am enjoying my time away from home as much as possible That is my story and I am sticking to it :tsg_smiley_yes:
  3. Thanks for the best wishes guys . I really appreciate your kind words and thoughts . Am still in the Hospital but am coming along real well . I just wish I had my own computer so I could send out some emails to you guys , but it will be at least one more week before I am able to do that . I would like to ask a favor though . would one of you guys get everybodys email addy from the old gang and send them to me in a private message . Pete , shoes , andy's . lances and alcap and the like . Thanks Guys hope you all have a great golfing summer and I hope to be back real soon . Mike
  4. Yes doing very well guys . Shoe , I do have clubs just wanted to change it up a bit . I really hope to be back next year golfing as my operation looks like it could happen at anytime now . Have a full year on my beeper so am keeping my fingers crossed . Take Care Gutter Gang Guys :tsg_smiley_yes: Mike
  5. Hey guys whats up ?? Been awhile . Have been real busy the last while , doing what you ask ?? Never mind :tsg_smiley_laughatyou: Will try to stop by more often in the future but can not garuntee that it will happen . Take care guys . Fairways and Greens . Mike
  6. $3.11 a gallon thats nothing guys . How about trying over $5 bucks a gallon up here . Yes our gallon is bigger but not by that much . :tsg_smiley_yes: :tsg_smilie_money3: :tsg_smilie_sad:
  7. Gee shoe , what did you do rob a bank , win the lottery or did you raid your kid's piggy bank :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_wink: :tsg_smilie_smile: Hope you guys get to play soon , me am afraid it will be another year off :tsg_smilie_sad:
  8. Have had 2 :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_smile: :tsg_smiley_yes:
  9. Have a fun filled trip Alan . Hope you get to play mega golf and you get no rain .
  10. I don't know where you found the pick , so either I am blind or you have pulled a practical joke on us ????
  11. No not yet . Am going to pick one up when my present BBQ dies . Really no use for 2 of them for one person cooking . Plus have yet to find one here that is a good price . :-(
  12. Not up to much Andy . Taking it easy and using the BBQ . Nicde amount of points there Lance , myself almost have enough to take a trip Down Under , for a fact by the time I fully recover I should have more than enough and if it falls in the winter time here and I am able to travel , I know where I am headed to for a holiday . :tsg_smilie_money3: :tsg_smilie_smile:
  13. Gee , just think Lance with all the points from your flights you should get a free trip to Vegas out of them . To see your best bud whats his name there . :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_wink: :tsg_smilie_smile:
  14. For all you NASCAR fans out there :tsg_smilie_smile: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/talladega_...Type=videolarge
  15. Not yet Andy . It F**KING snowed yesterday and it doesn't look like it is going to leave us any time soon :tsg_smilie_sad: :tsg_smilie_wah: :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_smile:
  16. Think I will give that a pass shoe . Am tired just from looking at the web site
  17. I'll be in Vancouver on Monday , on 12th Ave . Just down from VGH . I don't know Vancouver all that well , so which one of there locations would be closest to me ?? I am on day trip over there , and would like to give the place a try . Thanks Mike
  18. Glad you liked , pass it on if you want . Feeling pretty good , had a rough last week but am better now :tsg_smilie_cool: Still not swinging the clubs though . Still not wanting too . As for my bike , it is in put away for the winter . Guess you could say I am a fair weather rider :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_wink: Good to hear your triple header turned out , have found a place up hear that sells the smoker . Will be looking into in the future . Later
  19. Heys guys whats up ?? Have been doing all right I guess , still waiting for the damn beeper to go off . Been pretty ugly hear lately lots of rain ( not a surprise ) but the wind has just been out of this world :tsg_smiley_yes: Andy , were you able to view the clip I sent you ?? Let me know Ok !!!!! Hope everyone has been well , and you are ready for some FOOTBALL :-) Later Guys . Mike
  20. Hey shoe , that is what my weather is like all winter . So now you know why we have a crop called BC Bud up here :tsg_smilie_whistle: :tsg_smilie_wink: :tsg_smilie_smile: Sorry to hear you got rained out one day Andy , I know it must be a bummer . At least there were no broken bones .
  21. Must be nice :tsg_smilie_sad: Hope you had a great time and didn't break anything skiing other than your wallet maybe :tsg_smilie_money3:
  22. Wow , thats a lot of cooking Andy . Sure you will have enough mouths to feed all that food to ??? Will check out there site ( Lowe's ) to see if they are sold on my area or not . OK no LOWE'S up here . But they are sold at Home Depot . Have one right around the corner from me . Will have to stop in and see what one would cost . Thanks Andy .
  23. WOW , that is real nice . Will have to look into one when my BBQ goes to the big place in the sky :tsg_smiley_yes: Wonder what the cost would be up here ?? At least would not have to worry about propane anymore . Am guessing you can use either wood or that other stuff :tsg_smilie_whistle: What ever it is in it . My Christmas dinner was great Andy , so don't fell sorry about it . Would rather have Chateaubriand than turkey any day of the week :tsg_smiley_yes: My AIM name Actually don't remember will look it up tonight and then give you a ring on AIM . Later .
  24. A new smoker Andy ?? As in a cuban cigar type smoker :tsg_smilie_confused: Or is it s meat smoker ?? If so what kind , do you have a link that you could send me so I could take a look at it ?? Will be having a real quiet day today . Not being able to go home is rough but am dealing with it . Not going to have a traditional dinner as am having Chateaubriand :tsg_smilie_smile: instead . Nice creamy GARLIC sauce on top the beef and the spatzle should be quite good . :tsg_smilie_cool: Take Care guys . Mike
  25. Al , what are you using for a driver now ???? Pretty soon your closet will look like mine :tsg_smilie_money3: