Everything posted by hoover
905t, 905s, 904f Demo's NEW, Cheap...Cally XTours,TourVsteel
904F 15 w/ Speeder still available? I have to sell my 980F and MOI before I buy anything else, but very interested.
WTB - Scotty Cameron Milled Bullseye Headcover
Found one - please delete. Thanks.
WTS 60* tour spin milled vokey
How much ya want? :whistle:
http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...ewtopic&t=13006 Let me know.
WTB - 58 or 60 degree Y Cutter TM wedges
Email sent
I think y cutters are already on sale.
I know of at least ONE Y-cutter (stamp on face) bought in a retail golf shop. And no, it was not used. :whistle:
Please delete
GOZER - PM sent.
Please delete
PM replied to. Thanks.
Please delete
Please delete
WTB: Bobby Grace M6.4K !!!!!!
PM sent.
- Please delete
WTB RAC FE2o3 Y cutter 60 (black finish)
I have a brand new 58.08 with a DG wedge flex shaft in it that I'm debating selling. Make me an offer if interested. Note: I am also considering keeping the wedge for myself, but will not hit it until I decide for sure. The only balls this thing has touched are short chips on my carpet. Never touched grass or dirt. I am NOT a club dealer - I just bought the wedge Friday with every intent to keep it, but I thought I'd test the B/S/T waters first.
nerves and shanks
:surprize: I know this is an old thread, but its been a slow day at work. One thing I've found that I can do to try and get myself back to a playable shot after the life-changing effect of a hosel rocket or five is to hit big hooks for while. I mean put the ball way back in your stance, aim right (right handed), hood the face, and try to hit the ball with the toe of the club. You may not knock any flags down, but at least its playable, unlike the s-word. Also, it will get you back to coming from the inside. I will slowly start drifting back to my normal shot over a couple of holes until it feels right again.
Warming up B4 a round
I alwyas try to hit some balls before I play. Half or more of the shots I hit are a wedge of some sort. You are just trying to warm your body up, so don't worry about distance or fundamentals. Find out what swing you have that day and go with it. If I hit, say, 50 balls before a round it would go something like this. Stretch out well, first. First 10 balls with 1/2 to 3/4 LW to get loose. 10-15 balls total with LW, SW, and PW full swings (3-5 each). 3 or 4 shots with every other iron, but nothing over a 4-iron unless its a shot I'll have on the first hole (ex - 2i off tee). The main thing is to establish a rhythm, so I usually avoid long irons. Then I'll hit 8-10 split between my 3w and driver. If its a particularly difficult first tee shot, I may hit the rest of the balls trying to hit that shot, otherwise, I hit 3/4 wedges to a very specific target to get myself focused right before teeing off.
Training Aids - Any that are very effective
a good tip to get your eyes in line with your shoulders and feet is to putt with a credit card in your mouth. The edge will mimic the angle of your eyes in relation to the toe line. Just line it up parallel with your toes and you know your head is in the right position.
Hitting Wedges Fat!!
Probably my own worst enemy. De-celerating through impact is the cause of most fat short shots. I tend to get long with my backswing (on all shots, but especially the wedges.). Try shortening up your backswing and firing the right side through to a full finish. Start with your hands ahead of the ball, and keep them that way. I was given a great tip to get out of % swing thoughts, and think of wedge shots in mph. I hit my lob wedge right at about 100 yards with a normal "full" swing. So, for that its a "100 mph" swing, "70 mph" for a 70 yard shot, etc. It gets you into another mode of thinking. Yes, its still yardages and %, but its a little easier to relate feel-wise. Just take your full swing yardage as the "top speed" for that club and adjust for the actual distance needed. Good luck.
NEED TO SELL Bobby Grace Amazing Grace pre Mac center shaft
Suki...PM sent. (Not sold to me - :))
Looking for a 3-wood shaft
Easy - PM sent
NEED TO SELL Bobby Grace Amazing Grace pre Mac center shaft
What do you want for it now? Sorry, I've been away for awhile.
NEED TO SELL Bobby Grace Amazing Grace pre Mac center shaft
Am interested. I have an almost new Mac MOI Center shaft, but have always liked the black head better. Does it have an insert?
Photographs of Pro's Equipment
I almost bought an old 975 D that was painted TM orange years ago, just because it was different. Also, there was a pretty good chance it was some sort of touring pro's club at some point, unless someone just had to have that ugly orange colored head.
"Tour Van" or quick dry epoxy problems
Thanks, will give that a try. BTW - I'm new to the site and have seen a lot of references to getting clubs "k'wokd". What in the world does that mean? I assume its some sort of tuning, but I've never heard the term before. Thanks.
whats in your bag?
"Tour Van" or quick dry epoxy problems
On my putter, the shaft is the factory install. There is a small bit of epoxy that is on the clubhead. How can I get it off without damaging the clubhead's finish? I have the newer one with the grey finish (vs. pre-MacGregor black) if that makes a difference. I know that its a delicate material because there's a small chip on the toe despite the fact that I ALWAYS have the headcover on it when I'm not actually using it. Thanks. Hoov
"Tour Van" or quick dry epoxy problems
I would have if he even gave me the option. I told him what I wanted done, and he called me an hour later and said it was done. If I would have known he was using it, I would have told him not to. I figured I'd give it a shot, and you all know the rest.... Thanks. Hoov :cool: