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Everything posted by hoover

  1. :mad: Have any of you had this epoxy actually hold over a long period of time? I had an NV 65 put in my R7 about a week ago, and they used the quick-dry epoxy. Well, I didn't hit a ball for 6 days with it and after only 6 or 7 drives, I could hear clicking when I twisted the head. This is the third time I've had a problem with this - in three different clubs at two different shops. Its in the process of being re-done with the normal epoxy, but I just think its a bad product. Does the quick-dry nature prevent it from curing completely? The shop owner that installed the shaft said he's had "a bunch" come back with the same problem.
  2. There have been and will slways be new and differnt models unavailable to the public. The r7 is a released product. This is about whether the r7s on tour are protos or the same as the released version. I saw in another post/thread that they are coming out with a new R7 HT that has a wider, shallower face and is easier to get up in the air for average golfers. A local shop owner I know was really pi$$ed off when I told him about it. He has a rack full of new R7s that he can't sell, and now there's another model coming out. Drivers are becoming like computers - obsolete before you leave the shop.
  3. What forms of payments do you accept?